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Health ... Nutrition
Dr. Joel Fuhrman

I Love Nutritional Science: Dr. Joel Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013


Peter Burgess

I Love Nutritional Science: Dr. Joel Fuhrman at TEDxCharlottesville 2013 Published on Jan 25, 2014 Joel Fuhrman, M.D., is a board-certified family physician, NYew York Times best-selling author and nutritional researcher who specializes in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional and natural methods. He is an internationally recognized expert on nutrition and natural healing, and has appeared on hundreds of radio and television shows including The Dr. Oz Show, the Today Show, Good Morning America, and Live with Kelly. Fuhrman's own hugely successful PBS television shows, 3 Steps to Incredible Health! and Fuhrman's Immunity Solution! bring nutritional science to homes all across America. As a former world class figure skater, Fuhrman placed second in the United States National Pairs Championships in 1973 and third in the 1976 World Professional Pairs Skating Championship in Jaca, Spain. Today, he is an active participant in multiple sports and is a health and fitness enthusiast. His dedication to sports medicine, foot and body alignment, injury prevention, and human performance and longevity speaks to these lifelong interests. Along with his nutritional expertise, Fuhrman has been involved professionally with sports medical committees, advised professional and Olympic athletes, and has lectured to athletic trainers and world-class athletes for maximizing performance and preventing injury. In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDx is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. At a TEDx event, TEDTalks video and live speakers combine to spark deep discussion and connection in a small group. These local, self-organized events are branded TEDx, where x = independently organized TED event. The TED Conference provides general guidance for the TEDx program, but individual TEDx events are self-organized.* (*Subject to certain rules and regulations) 0:03of 0:14thank you I love nutritional science 0:18I had a passion and attrition since I was young 0:21I remember that my father suffered medical problems and pain 0:26conditions the medical profession could help them with any search for answers 0:31finally he changed his diet lost 50 pounds and got well 0:35and the process is seeing him suffering in searching 0:39I found excitement and develop interest in the subject 0:42people at fifty nutritional books into the home and read them all 0:46then in nineteen early nineteen seventies 0:49I was on the United States World Figure Skating team and I got hurt 0:53and I couldn't walk for over a year and I spent some time 0:58international and natural health 1:01kind of natural health retreat 1:04watching people get well to change their diet styles 1:08and I got excited but when I saw I remember it my 1:13sisters graduation party from college I'm an attractive young woman 1:18who told me she applied to go to medical school and I debated with her 1:23I said when he went to medical school for doctors mostly prescribed 1:28medications 1:29for conditions that a result at the toxic diet americans are eating 1:33it's like hitting yourself with a hammer every day and giving your hand a big 1:39smash 1:40and he gets swollen for the pain and get a doctor in the pain medications for 1:44an extra you take a big hammer and smack it again it's the toxic American 1:50lifestyle 1:51that's resulting in all these diseases driving people to doctors offices 1:55the 1:59toxic foods were eating I the hammer you don't go to a doctor 2:04if you have breathing problems and smoking cigarettes and gives you a drug 2:07to be breed better 2:08and you still continue to smoke that's what americans are doing 2:11so this young woman said to me 2:15if you are so passionate about the subject why don't you go to medical 2:18school 2:19when you change things when you help people 2:23you know I half asleep thought about that and said you know I gotta do that 2:28I quit my job as an executive in my family's chain of shoe stores 2:33I went back to the Postgraduate pre-medical program 2:37at Columbia after college I went to medical school 2:40and here to tell you about the excitement the rewarding experience 2:45and to give you a taste for the things i've seen in this 2:48and fun I've had and I wanna show you 6 2:53representative cases have people who change their life 2:57to show you the power avenue to Terry indict but before I do 3:03let me give you a maybe a two-minute 3:06on overview what a new to tearing into it is 3:10okay continue to Terry and I it is a diet style 3:14that's designed to be rich in nutrients and fall 3:17anti-oxidants and phytochemicals it's a diet style 3:24with a high nutrient per calorie density 3:28you're healthy life expectancy is what determines 3:32on the foods you choose to eat you have to get 3:35sufficient nutrients bang for each caloric book 3:39but you know when you do so 3:42when you flood your body with nutrients it needs it doesn't just make you 3:46healthy and live on prevent disease 3:48it stops food addictions and food cravings 3:51and normalizes your appetite and makes your body gravitates what's your ideal 3:55weight 3:55effortlessly it's the secret from most what ails us 3:58unitarian diet sure it's rich in nutrients 4:03with adequate amount of what we need nutrient wise but also 4:08has is very different in the style 4:12americans love eating right now americans are eating a diet 4:15that's really newt's group dramatically nutritionally deficient 4:19Americans who eating a diet with 55 percent of calories in process to be 4:24fine foods 4:25that don't contain vitamins minerals and phytochemicals 4:28and 30 percent animal products a diet with less than five percent of calories 4:34from fruits and vegetables and natural produce nutrient-rich produce 4:38aside from my potato most what we eat 4:42running about five percent of vegetation produce 4:46it could be better designed to create a nation with 4:49full diseases like heart attacks and strokes dimension cancer 4:53had been designed by al Qaeda 5:00besides the fact what's lacking 5:04a new to Terry indict is also designed to be low in those hormones that promote 5:09cancer and aging 5:10hormones like excess amounts of insulin and access a massive my gf1 5:15thats insulin-like growth factor-1 the primary 5:19hormone that promotes cancers like prop Mike breast cancer and prostate cancer 5:24I say the whiter the bread the sooner you dead 5:28because the more few weeks suits like sugar and white flower 5:31more most mortals week in cancer 5:35and I say the more you eat green the more you get lean 5:40boxing week more greens and beans and let's meet it lowers I G f1 5:45which stopped cancerous tracks doesn't promote depression a fat on your body 5:48and cancer cell proliferation 5:53we have a unique opportunity in human history today 5:57with the exponential advances in in nutritional science 6:00but a given us the power the power of G bombs 6:04G be all M be s 6:07these foods I call our immune system Special Forces 6:12greens beans onions 6:15mushrooms berries and seeds 6:20these foods that inhibit fat storage on the body 6:24foods that prevent cancer foods that prolong the life span 6:29the details up that is not my message 6:32for the purpose of this presentation these people or 6:36let me show you the power wattage Terry and I can do 6:40here's robert I never met Robert he just work on my books 6:46Robert was in a wheelchair today he can not likely not in a wheelchair he can 6:51work all day on its feet 6:55Robert had rheumatoid arthritis Amazon for 6:59highly toxic drugs to deuces pain from rheumatoid arthritis 7:02today he is normal to have twice he's of all his 7:05toxic medications he no longer has diabetes 7:10he no longer has heart disease and high blood pressure is off those medications 7:12to 7:14the main story here is not merely the lost two hundred pounds 7:18the story is that Robert no longer has medical conditions 7:22in order has rheumatoid arthritis like 1000 like millions of americans still 7:28the point here is you don't have to be sick and be suffering 7:32and be tied to medications for the rest of your life 7:37take Heather had another person 7:41who suffered most of her life she suffered a terrible headaches 7:45horrible headaches and migraines most polite 7:49she even took pills across two hundred dollars a pill for each single 7:52individual pill 7:53and she still headaches all day long and she several course with allergies and a 7:57and insomnia 7:58and anxiety and multi-time also most medications and 8:02had a lost 75 pounds 8:05but she wrote me and she said you know she wrote me a letter 8:09email and she said you know I'm all better I know it's the greatest feeling 8:13in the world ever to suffer right never suffered headaches anymore 8:17I don't I'm not have insomnia I don't need pills for depression anxiety more 8:21I'm well I don't have menstrual pain she said when you fit 8:24the wonderful thing is when you fix the whole body everything gets taken care of 8:27simultaneously 8:32it it makes you think I've all the people that are suffering 8:36and have been told they have to be a medication the rest their life 8:39with no way out 8:44and then is Dina down from Kentucky 8:48done is like people I've stories like this I hear a hundred times a month 8:52she was in so much pain she could get outta bed 8:55or off the couch when she was diagnosed with right my alger 9:00rheumatologist older that she'd have to take these medications for pain for the 9:04rest of her life 9:08quest and Epcot well she was 62 pounds in the process 9:13she's feeling well and she took made the effort 9:16tipton take to drive from Kentucky up to new jersey was having one of my weekend 9:21immersion programs 9:22she came up specifically to meet me in to talk to me and tell me bout to thank 9:25me 9:26so rewarding when you an wonderful and warm to meet these people recover their 9:31health 9:33she said to me I was a food addict mile you know for twenty years 9:37I tried one died after another and I knew I was in a downward spiral I 9:41couldn't get out of 9:44purse doctored life was unhappy and she fell completely hopeless 9:48with it and she said 9:52she felt like she was a failure and i sat down to you weren't you were in a 9:56failure 9:57it's the information you were given failed you 10:01with the right information you have the ability to be set free 10:04to take control your life to get rid of your food addictions 10:08it's wonderful to meet these people you almost want to 10:11you know you see their happiness in their gratitude in sometimes you can 10:15almost 10:16for tears come to the eyes when you hear some that your can hear so many stories 10:23and he is running from Texas a perfect example 10:28runny had a whole money had heart disease and had bypass surgery 10:32about six years ago within four years 10:36after his bypass surgery his vessels clogged up again and got it good for you 10:40clued with 10:41plaque and then he proceeded have angioplasty 10:45within a few months after angioplasty he could develop three stenosis 10:49and that we all couldn't walk had tremendous chest pain 10:53was on multiple medications he was literally sent on to die 10:59I never met run either he read my books any communicated be 11:02with me through the website and running lost 240 pounds in one year 11:08which isn't a story the story is but his chest pains went away 11:12he's now fit healthy has no heart disease 11:15he doesn't have high cholesterol he has great cholesterol no cholesterol drugs 11:19he is normal blood pressure 11:20not three blood pressure medication used to be but no blood pressure medications 11:26his weight is normal he's feeling well he achieved 11:29these numbers to protect himself without the use of medications 11:34that's how we know now he's protected he truly reversed his keys condition 11:38and he knows he's protected for his future 11:41the message here is that scientific studies show 11:46that angioplasty and bypass surgery don't enable people to live longer 11:51those who go through those procedures don't live longer than those who don't 11:55have those decisions the same degree disease 11:58they don't prevent future heart attacks 12:01they're just a temporary band-aid to make people feel better 12:05for a temporary period of time why are people told us 12:10why don't people know what is it everyone know 12:13that they don't have to have heart attacks they don't have to have strokes 12:17that these diseases are reversible rail 12:20ran relatively easily 12:25ronnie was set free 12:30and Jody from nearby here right north carolina 12:35jodie suffered with psoriasis for many years but I'm 12:38with actually she suffered from sorry attic of rightists which is like a 12:42mixture of psoriasis 12:43and rheumatoid arthritis grin involves you know the itchy 12:47rationally whole body plus joint pains but I enjoy it was fifty years old she 12:51the rash all over her 12:52a whole body including any it she rash insider years 12:56from head to toe and she was on Malta medications during pregnancy 13:00zone implacable methotrexate to try to suppress their autoimmune conditions 13:05autoimmune diseases like this affect 13:0824 million Americans the most prevalent one is 13:12psoriasis which affects more than seven and a half million Americans 13:19jody has been well for the last twelve years shouldn't have sorry I could write 13:22us 13:23anymore should have some rice see more skin is clear 13:28but I'm she first got diagnosed with psoriasis when she was a teenager 13:32soon after she got diagnosed with Lupus Shokan syndrome 13:36and eventually the joint pain up sorry I got rightists 13:41after lying after being in pain for more than 20 tribe years 13:44being a medication that hard to give her any relief she found out she could 13:47finally get well 13:48and she did I remember we have these health getaways where I take a lot of 13:53people on these vacations 13:54and be healthy in teaching about nutrition jodie came with us to you to 13:58climb the red mountain's 14:00and we took a bunch of people and we walked up this 14:03huge mountain we got to the top and was like a thrill for class to see the 14:07countryside the beautiful countryside atop this man 14:10and Jodie got to the highest point to back to peak and she put her arms up in 14:14the air like a v-for-victory 14:15and she said look at me on a medical miracle 14:21and I said to jury you know jury I'm so proud to you 14:26but it's not a medical miracle it's the inherent 14:29self repairing miraculous 14:33protective self-healing machine the human body is already 14:36when it's fed after Mali your body takes care of itself 14:41just like you cut yourself it's the health 14:44that you have always had the right to that was taken away from you 14:51and number six numbers this is the last person to talk about 14:54is John Paczkowski and I bring him up John from New Jersey 14:59is because my offices in New Jersey and he can I saw him as a patient more than 15:02twenty years ago when he was 72 years old 15:05and he too had triple vessel season his heart and had chest pain we couldn't 15:08walk without significant pain 15:11he actually had work to the cardiologists the cardiologists set him 15:14up 15:14for a stress test a cardiac catheterization and your schedule for 15:18angioplasty and stent placement 15:21and I pleaded with him I convinced him I said John 15:24give me twelve weeks if your life to show you the get back in good health 15:28again 15:29because once you put those Stenson you never gonna be the same 15:32YouTube years it's gonna be a source of information it's gonna be a bit 15:35promote more stenosis and more plaque in your heart 15:39let's get ready but here's our chance give me twelve weeks 15:44and 12 weeks time his chest pains were gone 15:48he lost 40 pounds he didn't have high blood pressure and three medications for 15:52high blood pressure that had dropped to 15:54he went back to see his cardiologists the cardiologists just him 15:58all my goodness John I've never seen anybody 16:02reverse heart disease me nutritionally Anderson anybody have it melt away like 16:06this 16:06this is amazing can you imagine 16:10according allergist who does nothing accepts see patients with heart 16:14conditions 16:15never once ever saw a patient reverse the heart is with nutrition 16:19well that's all I see is every patient get better 16:22relatively quickly 16:27you know be at the story here with john wants the story story is 16:32is now it's not now it's twenty years later turns 92 years old 16:35over the years he's gotten healthier and healthier is in the heart disease now 16:39he shops were declined and fixes roof 16:42he enjoys his wife doesn't take medications is 93 need when he was in 16:48his 60s and 70s the founder 16:50his normal blood pressure now his normal cholesterol now 16:53he's earned these things he's been well for sure by ninety years 16:57my point is that water runs off the water for 17:00and it's a rock net for twenty thousand years rock breaks into 17:04but the rock didn't age it got hit by water day after day for twenty thousand 17:09years 17:11when you develop the problems that most Americans get 17:16to get those problems because day after day you put stresses on your tissues 17:19mean the one for that we should be eating from living a diet style 17:23and a lifestyle stresses that it that impacted negatively day after day year 17:27after year 17:28these to snap a natural consequence Beijing heart attacks 17:32and strokes and dementia doesn't have to happen 17:36we don't have to have heart disease all of us could be free of that if we so 17:41choose 17:43matter fact most cardiologists can then become lawyers 17:46and electricians and plumbers 17:55nevertheless here's the point: 17:59is my message to you today is that sure 18:02nutritional sciences made

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