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Natural Capital
Triple Pundit articles

Links to Triple Pundit articles about natural capital and sustainability


Peter Burgess

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Nature’s Cranky Banker Has Foreclosure on Her Mind

If nature is like a bank, then we are borrowing without understanding the terms or planning a repayment schedule. In many ways, the…

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Sustainability’s Missing Stakeholders: Nature and the Future

The definition of stakeholders in materiality is broadening beyond people. Let's ask Nature or the Future whether our current sustainability challenges constitute a…


Earth, Inc. in Turnaround

The case for Earth, Inc.’s insolvency is clear: Earth regenerates its reserves of natural capital – cash inflow – slower than humanity draws…

Pioneering municipalities can use traditional financial tools to preserve natural assets.

Moving Natural Assets from the Drawing Board to the Board Room

Making an environmental case for preserving natural assets is straightforward, but explaining their value within financial and management strategies takes real innovation. A…

WWF, EU, European Union, natural capital, sustainability, Leon Kaye, clean energy, strategic investment, Jean-Claude Juncker, juncker plan

WWF to EU: Sustainability Is the €300B Investment Plan

WWF urges the European Union's economic and political leaders to put sustainability first and not delay such action in the name of economic…


Squandering Our Inheritance

Generations before us prided themselves on innovative progress, self-sufficiency and providing for the future. We squander this legacy. More than iPhones, flat screens…
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Report Reveals Startling Differences in GDP and Inclusive Wealth

Factoring human and natural capital into the GDP equation reveals dramatic differences in national economic performance and overall well-being.

Redefining Gross Domestic Product to Account for Sustainability

GDP doesn’t actually tell us much about the value of natural capital, like clean air or healthy forests. Such natural goods and services,…
plastic garbage

UNEP Report Discloses the Business Risks of Plastic Use

The total natural capital cost of plastic used in the consumer goods industry is over $75 billion a year, a report by the…

Interview: Kathy Abusow, President & CEO of Sustainable Forestry Initiative

In my first interview from last week's Fortune Brainstorm Green conference I had a chance to talk to Kathy Abusow, President & CEO…

World Bank Highlights Biodiversity’s Central Role in Alleviating Poverty

The World Bank is stepping up efforts capable of coincidentally realizing the twin goals of alleviating poverty and conserving biodiversity. Having invested over…

Learn to Feel the Planet’s Pain: Sustainability Lessons from a Medical Missionary

Influential doctor and medical missionary Paul Brand once said, 'I would gladly give up medicine tomorrow if by so doing I could have…
Dr. Neil Hawkins

Recap: Live Chat with Dr. Neil Hawkins, VP of Global EH&S and Sustainability at Dow Chemical Co.

On March 12, we spoke about the Natural Capital Hub and ecosystem services with Dr. Neil Hawkins of the Dow Chemical Company. The…

Copper, Salmon and Healthy Waters: EPA Puts a Halt to Pebble Mine Project

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) this past week invoked Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act in initiating a process “to identify…
Jochen Zeitz, Dieter Helm, Jo Confino, Monika Weber-Fahr and Julia Marton-Lefevre 100 days ago.

NatCap13: 100 Days Later

Mike Elm reflects on the 100 days since the World Forum on Natural Capital started and details exciting developments taking place across the…
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Fixing the Broken Compass: Finding Our Way to Natural Capitalism

'The real problem with our [current] economic compass is that it points in exactly the wrong direction,' writes Rocky Mountain Institute co-founder and…

Revaluing Africa By Accounting for Natural Capital

Looking past the GDP facade and toward sustainable growth in Africa.
Credit: University of Cambridge Natural Capital Leaders Platform

Cambridge, Leading Global Brands Launch Natural Capital Toolkit

The web-based E.Valu.A.Te natural capital toolkit aims to plug a gaping flaw in conventional economic thinking by internalizing environmental externalities. Eigtheen months in…
Credit: Highland Wildcat

Scotland Embraces Natural Capital

Hosting the inaugural World Forum on Natural Capital, Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond launched the Scottish Forum on Natural Capital, an all-inclusive, public-private…
world forum

What is Natural Capital? WBCSD Video Explains

The concept: The best way to save the planet is to put a price tag on it. Doing so is the only way…
Natural Capital Management

Climate Earth Announces First Online Natural Capital Management System

Earlier this month, Berkeley, Calif.-based company Climate Earth unveiled a cloud-based Natural Capital Management System to enable companies to know what natural assets…

Why Translation is a Key Tenet of Natural Capitalism

By Nigel Topping Natural capitalists and financial capitalists don’t often come face to face, but the World Forum on Natural Capital will bring these…
Image credit: Natural Capital Project

The Triple Bottom Line and the Wealth of Nations

From the local to the global, stakeholders across the public and private sectors are applying new data-driven metrics and methodologies to assess the…

Accounting for Natural Capital: How do You Actually Go About it?

Companies best positioned to compete in the future will be those that are able to decouple growth from unsustainable dependency on vulnerable natural…

Interview: Paul Simpson, CDP

CDP, formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project, provides the only global system for companies and cities to measure, disclose, manage and share vital environmental…

Where the Millennium Development Goals Fell Short: Valuing Nature

The post-2015 “Sustainable Development Goals” (SDGs) must break from failed convention by integrating environmental and social dimensions into the pursuit of economic development…

San Francisco: Issue an Impact-Rated Muni Bond in Energy Efficiency

In light of San Francisco's Board of Supervisors resolution to divest from fossil fuels, students of Presidio Graduate School call for its issuance…
Bard CEP Students at Graduation

Sustainable Careers: The World Needs You Now

It is not too late to start researching programs for next fall. Most graduate schools will consider applications for qualified candidates into late…

The Business Case for Ecosystems and Biodiversity

Singapore's the new home for the new TEEB (The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity) for Business Coalition, a pioneering group of international business,…

Merger Creates the World’s Largest Natural Capital Disclosure System

Carbon Disclosure Project and Forest Footprint Disclosure Project announce merger that covers water, carbon, and forest disclosure.
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WWF Urges Rio+20 Attendees to Measure Natural Capital

Natural capital, which incorporates social and environmental, as well as financial, dimensions into national accounts and corporate balance sheets, provides a much more…

4 Fast Steps to Put a Price Tag on Ecosystem Services

What's business if not value creation? Take something that doesn't cost very much, add value, and create a profit. It's only natural that…
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Brazil and India’s Financial Wealth Grows While Their Natural Capital Plummets

In terms of GDP per capita, Brazil and India's wealth grew 34% and 120%, respectively, from 1990-2008. According to a new, alternative Inclusive…

What Would You Ask Hunter Lovins?

As part of the Bard MBA Sustainable Business Series, I am holding a “Conversation with Hunter Lovins” next Monday night (March 5th) in New York…

Sustainability Movement is in Dire Need of Minority Outreach

The environmental movement is, and has been, well aware of the fact that it needs to work on increasing ethnic, age, and income…

Limitations of the Free Market and the Value of Natural Capital Maintenance

By: Maggie Winslow The financial crisis has made abundantly clear what many economists have been arguing for decades: the free market can not…

Don’t Buy the Clean Energy Illusion

Last week, President Obama addressed the nation. He talked about jobs, energy, education, and bipartisan necessities… All in all, it was a fantastic…

Calculating Our Natural Deficit

As the country begins to emerge from the economic downturn, we are hearing more and more discussion about our soaring national debt, which…

Cost of Deforestation is Vastly Greater than that of the Current Financial Crisis

While your 401K smolders in ruins, take a gander at this BBC article and it might give you some perspective. Unfortunately, it’s not…
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