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Peter Burgess Connections Claudia

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Peter Burgess Hi Peter! I came across this Map for Good compiled by the US Chamber of Commerce. If you click on the link in the lower right corner, you can dowload the CSV file with all the data showing you what the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Consders 'good corporate deeds'. Rather pathetic but there you have it!!/ Peter...another sign that the winds of social-impact may be changing! Read on: Here is a profile on our new data analyst friend from University of Chicago. Will meet him for lunch tomorrow: I also had a fascinating time on Saturday with a friend from Zambia. He also invited a young lady named Maria Claudine MUKAMABANO ( who has a history, a present and I would argue a future! Check it out! [4/29/2015 1:18:06 PM] Claudia Freed: Claudia...Claudine maybe we are related!!! I just sawr her gorgeous pic...I guess we are not first cousins but rather sisters in spirit!! WOW!! so inspiring!!! Where did you meet her?? MIT Sloan has a sustainable training initiative as well ... see this webinar: [4/29/2015 1:20:30 PM] Peter Burgess: In the end the MIT/SB webinar is about selling the MIT course, and there is nothing at all to be learned about how to do the numbers. Deep down, I don't think they know how to do it any more than I do! I probably have to agree and your 'compassionate skeptcisim' is a fantastic sample of the 'gentle arm twisting' I will have to do with my Board when they ask me 'why can't you do it with youtube?' For EAL, to be associated with a prestigious entity has the 'halo' effect we need to move to the front of the pack. Hate to be so competitive but that's what's required. It's really more about networking and access to these big corporations than about the 'true knowledge' [4/29/2015 1:25:16 PM] Peter Burgess: I know Spencer Chiimbwe for several years since when he first came to the USA. We collaborated on something called the New York Center for Conflict Resolution. He is now trying to pay the rent doing paid work, and is currently working in political Albany. The event was a Visitors' day at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Nyack where he lives with his family. I had no idea about Claudine's history, though I was in Burundi, Uganda and Rwanda immediately before the Tutsi genocide. Did you see the YouTube of her singing at the UN about 6 years ago? Next Saturday she is talkiing at the President's prayer breakfast at the White House! [4/29/2015 1:29:16 PM] Peter Burgess: Claudine asked me about a course she wants to do at a UK university? I told her that the value might be in a piece of paper ... the certificate ... but the knowledge increment would be low. That was before I had much knowledge of her story. You are so right about the 'halo' effect and also the connections / door opening capacity of the 'name' schools. [4/29/2015 1:29:37 PM] *** Call to Claudia Freed *** [4/29/2015 1:48:16 PM] Claudia Freed: [4/29/2015 3:01:41 PM] *** Call ended, duration 1:31:53 *** [4/29/2015 6:05:05 PM] Claudia Freed: more thing... [5/13/2015 10:21:46 AM] Peter Burgess: One bit of good news ... I am going to do a webinar in mid-June for an organization in Medina, Saudi Arabia. Its called MILE and it might be interesting! [5/24/2015 2:37:15 PM] *** Call from Claudia Freed *** [5/24/2015 3:15:16 PM] Peter Burgess: (:| [5/24/2015 3:35:17 PM] Claudia Freed: [5/24/2015 4:28:05 PM] *** Call ended, duration 1:50:49 ***

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