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Practitioner Learning Groups ...Overcoming Market Systems Development Challenges Together


Peter Burgess

SEEP Practitioner Learning Groups ...Overcoming Market Systems Development Challenges Together

Working on a market development program?

Facing an exciting challenge?

Interested in teaming up with other experts facing similar challenges?

Then, Practitioner Learning Groups are for you!

Read this page as a PDF · Apply Now · Learn More

SEEP Network and The BEAM Exchange

The number of projects using market development approaches to reduce poverty are on the rise. This means that it is very possible that someone out there is facing a challenge that you are also facing. However, time pressure, lack of resources, and other factors can force us to work in isolation when it matters the most: when we must make decisions on what to do here and now. Project teams have an important wealth of experience and knowledge but lack of communication with other teams during critical moments of the project translates into missed opportunities to: Tap into the collective wisdom of the teams Explore valuable alternative practices Broaden the team’s knowledge base and mobilize new knowledge Challenge assumptions Capitalize on theoretical, logistic and budgetary synergies Learn through contrast of contexts and strategies Build new professional connections Enhance the impacts of market facilitation programs Practitioner Learning Groups (PLGs), coordinated by The SEEP Network with support from The BEAM Exchange, are designed to help project leaders seize the aforementioned opportunities in an efficient, timely, and cost-effective way. The PLG coordinators identify fellow practitioners who are working on common issues and challenges, convene and facilitate meetings, bring in external experts when needed, document the collaboration process, and raise the profile of your achievements. This collaboration will take place through structured, time-bound, and facilitated interactions, such as Skype conferences, webinars, and in-person meetings.

We do the not-so-exciting things so you can focus on overcoming important challenges, experimenting with alternative practices, and innovating with other seasoned implementers.

Want to apply?

It's easy! Simply share with us a short description of your project and your role, the most critical challenge you are facing, where you are based, and contact details for us to get in touch.

Applications are due no later than March 10.


Learn More

Who can submit applications and participate?

You can submit an application on behalf of a project team if: Your challenge is linked to a market systems development programme that is implementing activities with market actors (no research programmes, for example) The project team (including the project manager) agree with the importance of the challenge you identify. What types of challenges are you looking for? What is the PLG process like? What is expected of me if my challenge is selected? I am a senior manager. Why should I let my team leader participate? I have more questions. Who should I contact?

Practitioner Learning Groups: Call for Applications

Overcoming Market Systems Development Challenges Together

Learn more about the Practitioner Learning Groups

Fill out the form below to apply. Applications are due no later than March 10. *This question is required.

First Name *This question is required.

Last Name *This question is required.

Job Title
Founder Ceo

Please select the position level that most closely matches your own: *This question is required. Other


Email Address *This question is required.

Region of Residence North America

Please describe the market systems development challenge you would like to address through the Practitioner Learning Group (500 words maximum). *This question is required.
Conventional money accounting only addresses a small part of what needs to be managed. True Value Accounting is being developed so that ALL the important metrics are in play and activities are measured much more rigorously with respect to impact. I am seeking to collaborate with others interesting in developing and deploying better metrics throughout the development and humanitarian ecosystem. Words used: 60 (minimum 1). Words used: 60 out of 500.

I have discussed this challenge with my project team, including my project supervisor, and they agree with the importance of addressing this issue. *This question is required.
Yes Y No

Will you need financial support to participate in the in-person meeting of the PLG?
Note: Financial support is only available to SEEP Network members. *This question is required.
Yes No N

In submitting this application, I understand that my e-mail address will be added to the SEEP Network mailing list and so receive the SEEP Network newsletter and other mailings. I understand that my e-mail address will not be shared, sold, or used for any other purpose without prior consent, and that I may opt out of SEEP Network mailings at any time. I understand that I can also contact at any time for more information, or to unsubscribe. *This question is required.
I understand Y I do not wish to subscribe to the SEEP newsletter.

Should you have any questions about this form or your subscription to the email list, please email


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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.