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The Dixie Chicks

Dixie Chicks flip off another Republican while out on the road, still 'Not Ready To Make Nice'


Peter Burgess

Dixie Chicks flip off another Republican while out on the road, still 'Not Ready To Make Nice'

The Dixie Chicks are back, and they’re already making trouble. The much-loved liberal bad girls of country/pop kicked off their North American tour this month with a nice big flip-off to Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump.

Unabashed in their political views, the three Grammy-winning musicians have taken the long way getting back on tour, after dissing George W. Bush in 2003 while on stage in London. The trio suffered a backlash not many artists can or will survive. Like millions around the world, they were angry at “W” for starting the Iraq War. In comparison to the racist and incredibly disrespectful remarks made publicly about President Obama on the likes of Fox News every day, the Dixie Chicks’ lead singer Natalie Maines merely said she, 'Just so you know, we're ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas.' That’s it. That’s all she said. Members of the newly forming tea party lost their minds. Radio network giants like iHeart, home of Rush Limbaugh, removed Dixie Chicks tunes from more than 600 playlists around the country. People burned/destroyed their CDs out on the streets, boycotted their concerts, and the Chicks were mocked and condemned by the likes of “pseudo-patriotic” asshat Toby Keith (no longer popular). It was one big American hate-fest and everyone was invited. But the worst came when the three women and their families began receiving death threats.

The Dixie Chicks were eventually vindicated for speaking out against the Iraq War, after the rest of the country and world caught up to them. They wrote a revenge song titled Not Ready To Make Nice and then went on to win a Grammy for Album of the Year for their album titled Taking The Long Way. But the whole ordeal caused them to take a break from touring together, and they went solo and silent as a group—for 10 years.

Dixie Chicks—Not Ready To Make Nice

In early 2016, while out on her own, Natalie Maines bashed then-Republican candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. It was very well-received by the left.

View image on Twitter View image on Twitter Follow Natalie Maines @1NatalieMaines Just so you know....I'm ashamed Ted Cruz is from America;) 10:20 PM - 23 Jan 2016 2,100 2,100 Retweets 3,806 3,806 likes

Now, the Chicks are targeting Donald Trump. It can be a pretty courageous thing to do these days. Ask Illma Gore, a visual artist who was stalked and beaten by a Trump fanatic for painting Trump with a “tiny penis.” It hasn’t stopped Illma, and that kind of intimidation is not about to stop the Dixie Chicks. During the first leg of their 2016 North American tour (the XMMXVI Tour), the trio unveiled a HUGE (no really, it’s huge!) backdrop on stage of a sinister looking Trump—complete with horns (sinister compliments of Donald). To give an idea of just how HUGE the backdrop was, check out how small the Dixie Chicks are on stage in comparison.

​Here is an image of the evil Donald Trump backdrop:

The Dixie Chicks performing in concert with a backdrop of Donald Trump with beard, mustache, and horns

Here’s a 10-second clip of the concert by Meghan Stabler, who posted it on Twitter:

Follow Meghan Stabler @MeghanStabler Did you see? The Dixie Chicks have a message for Donald Trump #dumptrump @dixiechicks #DCXMMXVI @realDonaldTrump 6:32 AM - 21 Apr 2016 15 15 Retweets 25 25 likes

The Dixie Chicks 2016 North American tour began June 1. Though we won’t be seeing them sell out on their political views, when it comes to concert sales—you will often find them “sold out,” indeed. Cheers to Natalie, Emily, and Marty. Thank you for the songs and the messages, and for displaying the courage to speak out against wrong.

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