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Carbon Footprint

.... carbon footprint ... In this calculator based on the Åland Index you can insert your own amounts for all 49 industry categories, to see your environmental impact. The result will show you:

My feedback to the Aland Bank regarding this initiative:

This is a magnificent initiative and very much in line with my goal of linking every SKU to its social and environmental impact and delivering rewards and incentives to buyers based on the responsibility of their behavior. Well done. I am delighted!

This is a major first step towards a system that will have a lot of power to change behavior in a meaningful way. The key is going to be having a full profile of ALL the different products that people buy, not merely by category as in this system, but by specific SKUs. At the moment buyers selecty their purchased basd on the reality of the price, and a perception of the value. When the value of any specific SKU is profiled and the perception of value is based on a very granular fact, then behavior can be adjusted accordingly. Companies do not manage their business decisions based on aggregates but on granular data, that then changes the aggregate result. Peter Burgess ...
Peter Burgess

Calculate your carbon footprint

In this calculator based on the Åland Index you can insert your own amounts for all 49 industry categories, to see your environmental impact. The result will show you:

  • The carbon footprint in terms of grams of CO2 emissions per Euro spent by a consumer in a specific industry

  • The social cost of carbon that you can compensate, based on the energy taxation law of the selected country.

Food & Beverages Grocery Stores and Supermarkets ? Restaurants ? Bakeries ? Stores Department Stores ? Clothing ? Hardware Stores ? Pet shops, pet foods and supplies ? Electronic sales ? Book stores ? Lawn and garden supply stores ? Florist ? Barber and beauty shops ? House furnishing specialty shops ? Equipment furniture stores ? Household Appliance store ? Healthcare Drug Stores Pharmacies ? Doctors ? Transportation Fuel ? Taxicabs ? Railroads, freight ? Airlines ? Automobile parking lots and garage*** ? Automotive parts accessories stores ? Automotive services shops ? Entertainment Cigar stores and stands ? Amusement parks, carnivals, circus ? Motion Picture Theaters ? Hotel ? Bar Lounge Disco nightclub taverna - alcoholic drinks ? Gambling transactions* ? Cruise lines ? Package stores beer wine liquor ?

We have done our best to present a way to calculate your carbon foot print based on leading financial markets data in combination with the top credit card transaction categories. Our intention is to provide insight on the foot print of each transaction in order to better understand the effect as well as enable informed decision in every day life for any one that cares about our planet.


This web site is provided by the Baltic Sea Project on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis. The Baltic Sea Project has taken reasonable care to ensure that information is accurate at the time it was added to this web site. The website is intended to provide information and guidance only. The Baltic Sea Project is not liable for any incorrect or misrepresented information on this web site. The Baltic Sea Project makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the site, the information, content, materials or products, included on this web site. The Baltic Sea Project will not be liable for any damages of any kind arising from the use of this site, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive or consequential damages.


The carbon footprint calculator has been produced on a best efforts basis. The conversion factors used in the calculator come from a variety of sources including Total CO2 Emissions (in tonnes) and Total Revenue 2015 companydata collectedfrom Thomson Reuters (12.04.2016), Total CO2 Emissions (in tonnes) and Total Revenue 2014 industry data collected from Sustainalytics (13.04.2016),social cost of carbon,is based on WorldBank¹s Mitigationof ClimateChangeWorkingGroup. Source: Clarkeet al. 'Assessing Transformation Pathways,' in Climate Change 2014: Mitigation of Climate Change. World Energy Outlook, 2014. Data and analysis performed has been reviewed by KPMG. The Baltic Sea Project, has taken reasonable care to ensure the information is accurate, but cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions.


Any suggestion for offset or in other ways contributing to the environment is presented in partnership with WWF. * Industries with significant difference between Thomson Reuters and Sustainalytics data. We used the averages of both data sources to encompass information from the datasets.

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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.