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Company ... IBM
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Peter Burgess making contact with IBM ... June 21, 2016


Peter Burgess

I am 76 years old old and living not far from Manhattan in the Poconos of PA. In 1967 I was responsible for the installation of an IBM 1401 computer. Fast forward, we now have technology that is many million times more powerful, but society is not a million times better and there is a social malaise that seems to be getting worse, not better. I am a Cambridge trained engineer turned economist turned Chartered Accountant with both corporate experience and international development and humanitarian assistance experience, and, like Peter Drucker, a believer in managing with measurement. BUT YOU HAD BETTER MEASURE THE RIGHT THINGS. I am working to think through how we might measure everything so that we can improve decision making so that the result is a better world ... happier people, equitable society, sustainable environment, reward for everyone. I can do the idea ... but no longer at the cutting edge of technology and how to make it practical. Any chance of some sort of collaboration with IBM, ... or Watson ... or something! Peter Burgess

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