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Brexit | |||||||||
Burgess COMMENTARY | |||||||||
Recommend 47 ReportPermalinkReply chris macraeJun 27th, 07:12 it seems that krugman is on holiday - not ready to offer a full report? however the note that europe looked to be in permanent stagnation before britain jumped ship is worth analysing - what should the captains of the ship have been fixing anyway before britain became the latest iceberg? and is it agreed who the captain of the good ship europe is and what she would actually measure as sustainable succeess? It bothers me a lot that youth are told (the main work of united nations) is to value 17 sustainability goals but a continent can seem to be reporting its quarterly mo0st successful in ways that seem to be at war with the future of youth's sustainability? if i am wrong, please help me map how the top of eu decision making is a win-win with futures parents want sustained for their children Recommend 28 ReportPermalinkReply chris macraeJun 27th, 05:38 Adam Smith would have failed the elder generation 1984-2016 as designing a globalisation that was never going to be: social economic sustainable Adam (1748-1776) failed to create a free market between old and new world- surley he would advise chiense youth and global youth to map how to free socialworldtrade now around replication of microfranchises geared to investment in sustainability gaols -onloy open learning platforms can help youth linkin He would have seen the Brexit june 2016 as global youth's last opportunity to back their future rights to co-create a sustainable planet and borderless open learning economy -worthy of a 21st centiry that is investing 4000 times more in Learning Communications Technology than 1946 FAMILY AS PRIMARY MICROECONOMIC INVESTMENT UNIT His youth in development imperative now would assist in making a checklist of connections youth can map and open space all over the world of November 2016, To be global youth's social movement solution to the media madnesses spun -and casted by - the leadership choice in the usa between a donald trump and a hilary clinton; in obese top-down combo with a Europe being spun against every young person's lifetime learning and action solution networks potential by bossy bureaucrats from BBB (Brussels, Berlin and Basle) Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.' November 2008 failed to redesign the subprime world. As Einstein would say : youth and their world citizen mentors would be mad not top take bavck open systems planet Novemeber 2016 The Future History of the Scots co-created 3 of youth's most curious opportunities of extraordinary value - ? the gatesway of the 21st C open learning economy 3 hi-trust economics (system design) 1748 Adam Smith 2 a nation whose majority of peoples lived as worlwide diaspora by 1848 1 and oops that most dangerous of very 20th century media : the television BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION- whatever happened to the world services's first funding of a global social business? Anyways lets take back the BBC, with SBC (Scottish-Bangladesh-China) collaboration around the best youth opportunity stories of the last of 3 generations responsbile for sustainability of species and planet. Imagine how brilliant that youth can be in uniting local free markers everywhere the half of the world aged under 30 links in. (Especially the half of youth;s world that lives on 1% of planet withing 3000 miles of Beijiong - where else could youth's sustaonability hubs reinvent exponentially sustainable growth economies and healthy societies? Why not celebreate the greatest scoop that SBC's anchor superwoman and worldwide web journalists for humanity by linking in glasgow-beijing-dhaka and a top 100 conscious pro-youth capitals. What else could the conscious market purpose of education and youth in development and media for? ENTREPRENEURIAL REVOLUTION NOW and 25 decemeber 1976 The Economi9st Bye Bye 20th C financial designs based on zero-sum thinking -dismally what elders' need to know professionals monopolised, and what Jim Kim (World bank 2012-2017) and Pope Francis asked young professionals to POP . Are You Ready to Take It On? End Poverty by 2030 Afore ye go, beyond 30, Be family happy and spread goodwill everywhere your being can; Know these are the most exciting times; open youth spaces everwhere; Search out Stories of Soros youth a 1996 to Glasgow 2016 (240 years on from the freedom and happiness of 1776) ;partbers in billanthropy from south afrca 1978 to virtual and solar planet Dhaka TEXT DC 240 316 8157 chris macrae with thanks to most brilliant under30s Recommend 30 ReportPermalinkReply chris macraein reply to chris macraeJun 27th, 06:44 soros has just posted a related commentary Recommend 34 ReportPermalinkReply chris macraein reply to chris macraeJun 27th, 06:58 Martin wolf's article reminds me - the best places for youth and everyone to propsper will have much deeper place leadership opportunities than a one nation approach- brexit according to wolf is a revolt of provinces against a globalised london of all the 'successful' national economies, is there an example where it is successful for all sorts of peoples' places and not just the biggest global connector of that place? and where will this lead to? Is there any successful country as far as currencies are concerned where the exponential increase in wealth has some kind of fairness - does anyone really think usa is the leading example of where 7.5 billion peoples future needs to go? |