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Railway Technology
Passenger MAGLEV

Video ... 👍2016 New MAGLEV Japan Magnetic Levitation Train


Peter Burgess

👍2016 New MAGLEV Japan Magnetic Levitation Train

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English (Automatic Captions) 0:04yeah 0:10yeah 0:12yeah 0:17the dream of 500 kilometer an hour super high-speed rail travel has become a 0:23reality in 20 27 the superconducting maglev will operate on a new to ocean 0:28consent line on today's program we experienced a ride on the Maglev test 0:32line and look at the big picture of Japan's next generation high-speed rail 0:35sets 0:37yeah 0:39yeah 0:42yeah 0:43welcome to Japan Railway journal 0:48today's program is all about the superconducting magnet which will 0:52operate on a neutral shinkansen line due to open in 20 27 0:56so today we're here at the Yamanashi prefectural my glove exhibition set 1:03here at the center visitors can get up close to the superconducting magnet as 1:10well as stepping inside a vehicle that was used on earlier test runs gets can 1:14learn about super conductivity through interactive devices and experience 1:19floating ride for themselves 1:21the lobby is also extremely popular because here visitors can see the 1:25superconducting magnet flash by the very very soon 1:29superconducting maglev will be passing by said 500 kilometers per hour 1:34Wow 1:37yeah 1:40cool 1:41I went into fractions 1:54ya wanna scream at someone you on you 2:01haha 2:02yes 2:05ok 2:06the engineers that simple nothing happened 2:09I think this 2:11so let's find out a little more about it 2:16the railway Technical Research Institute began working on a linear propulsion 2:22system in 1962 with the aim of connecting tokyo and osaka in just one 2:28hour development of the successor to Japan's famous bullet train had begun 2:34ten years later in nineteen seventy-two they successfully built the world's 2:41first super conducting magnet vehicle 2:45with the test line being only 480 meters long and factoring in the stopping 2:50distance is required 2:52the vehicle wasn't able to run it more than 60 km/h 2:59yeah 3:00for that reason in 1977 the Japanese national railway constructed a seven 3:06kilometer long test line in Hue City miyazaki prefecture 3:10the first test vehicle was the ml500 the 500 in the name was an indication of the 3:16developers intention to reach the 500 kilometers per hour mark the ml500 did 3:22just that in 1979 3:25when set a new world record for an unmanned run for the speed 517 come to 3:30power hour 3:34nineteen eighty inverted t-shape guideway was changed to a u-shaped 3:39guideway and the vehicle was made more box like with space for passengers 3:44the new vehicle was named ml you 0 0 1 he added you standing for the new 3:49u-shaped guideway 3:53numerous test runs were conducted with the ml you 0 0 1 and when safety had 3:59been checked and rechecked the first manned run was made in 1982 4:07then 90 4:09the ml users are one set a new world record for him and run after achieving a 4:14speed of 400 . 8 km/h 4:20in 1995 the ml you 002 n set a world record speed 411 km/h form and run 4:29however because the miyazaki test line was only seven kilometers long 4:34vehicles could only run at high speeds for around 1 minute for practical 4:38testing a longer test line was needed and so construction began on the 43 4:43comments along line in Yamanashi 4:47test runs on new yamanashi magnet test line began in nineteen ninety-seven in 4:541999 a speed of 552 km/h achieve breaking the previous world record for a 5:00man 5:01yeah 5:04then in 2013 the new l0 series the model that will actually be put into operation 5:10on the line debuted two years later in 2015 it set a new world record of 603 5:16km/h 5:19that's a big over there isn't it 5:23that's right and today we actually get to write it 5:26- I'm so excited 5:30and this superconducting maglev technology is something that Japan can 5:35be proud of a very advanced one of the engineers have had a very great effort 5:40to actually realize it and we're seeing the fruits today 5:44can't wait let's get an overview of the new shinkansen line 5:49the jewel shinkansen line will initially run from shinagawa Tokyo to Natalie 5:55passing through five pre pictures between the two cities and the Japanese 5:59out most of the 286 , - line will run through a tunnel their plans to then 6:05extend the line to osaka by 2045 although the route is yet to be 6:09finalized this means there will be two high-speed lines connecting Tokyo to 6:13Osaka but because the Tokaido Shinkansen is a major transport artery 6:17the new maglev line will provide a welcome alternative route especially in 6:21the aftermath of a major disaster 6:24in December eighteenth 2015 construction began on the most difficult section of 6:29the line 6:30the section passing through the Japanese Alps 6:33in January 2016 construction began on the terminal at Shinagawa station in 6:38Tokyo 6:39construction will cost an estimated 45 million dollars 6:43all of which will be covered by the central Japan Railway Company themselves 6:46the fastest service between Tokyo and now we will take just 40 minutes 6:52that's 15 minutes faster than the Tokaido Shinkansen it will take an 6:57estimated one hour seven minutes to make the journey from Tokyo to Osaka the 7:01trains top operating speed will be 500 kilometers per hour 7:09each train is estimated to carry around 1,000 passengers 7:18in order to reduce air resistance the ceiling has been lowered and the cars 7:23cross sectional area has been reduced to less than that of the Tokaido Shinkansen 7:27because eighty-six percent of the line is in a tunnel 7:30the focus is clearly on speed rather than a view for the passengers 7:37there are also efforts to explore the technology to the US 7:44we release 27.3 imbalance in the u.s. to complete a study of the connection 7:53between washington d.c Baltimore using this technology and said that story will 7:59do for you 8:02the Japanese government is contributing around seven million dollars for 8:06developing possibilities for the technology in the US 8:11the first line will initially run for 60 kilometers connecting washington d.c 8:15Baltimore which will take just 15 minutes 8:19the line will then be extended 360 kilometres to New York connecting the 8:24two cities in just one hour 8:31tokura Navajo inject one on came with me today Fiona 8:38yes once the chin constant opens that will make a very on Tokyo belonging to 8:45the same metropolitan area and I will you know spark various innovations like 8:52the economic innovation or industrial innovation even cultural innovation 8:57so dr. Shapiro huge no way up our comedy convicted yet 9:04I've heard that compared to the high dose in cancer now between shindig on 9:09mokuba the price increases only going to be around six dollars some costs around 9:15one hundred dollars 9:20so once the line extends Josiah the airline industry would have probably no 9:28chance of actually continuing their service from Tokyo has happened 9:33he said cara mia homicides cheat Honest kiddo you're free body three and four 9:39and internet so using these super conducting magnets that literally lift 9:43the train off the guideway is truly amazing technology 9:46so let's find out a little more about it the system works by using these super 9:53conducting magnets installed on the vehicle and metal coils installed along 9:57the guideway together they generate a magnetic force that lifts the train 10:00about 10 centimeters about the guideway and it runs at Super Bass speeds when 10:06metal is super cooled its resistance to electricity become zero a phenomenon we 10:11call super conductivity the coils are closed and in a superconductive state so 10:17on a permanent electric current is passing through them a stable magnetic 10:20field is generated 10:23a linear motor is a conventional electric motor that you find on trains 10:27that has been done rolled into a straight line 10:31the superconducting magnet mounted onto the vehicle itself is the same as the 10:35moving rotor part of the motor 10:37while the coils installed along the guideway are equivalent to the static 10:40State apart 10:44a superconductive state is produced by using liquid helium to call a niobium 10:48titanium alloy to near absolute zero 10:51that's - 260 nine degrees Celsius to make the superconducting maglev vehicle 10:58levitate and move requires a really strong magnet 11:06the polarity of the magnet on board the train is set to North positive on the 11:12guideway the polarity in front of the vehicle is reversed to the negative or 11:16South was behind it it's set to the same north 11:20in this way the vehicle is pulled from the front by attraction and pushed from 11:24behind by repulsion 11:28with careful timing the flow of electric current is rapidly switched along the 11:32walls of the guideway accelerating the train 11:34the larger the current flowing the stronger the magnetic force becomes and 11:38the fast the train can accelerate 11:47to be able to switch the polarity in the walls of the guideway and alternating 11:52current is used that can switch its flow at 60 times a second 11:57in this way the attracting or repelling magnetic forces are created then by 12:06adjusting the frequency and the direction of the alternating current we 12:11can control the speed of the Train 12:18superconducting magnets are installed on the train itself was the levitation and 12:23guidance coil which is shaped like a figure eight are embedded in the 12:27guideway together they create the magnetic forces needed to levitate the 12:30train 12:31so how exactly to these figure eight coils make the train 12:36levitate when the superconducting magnets past these coils they induce a 12:42voltage 12:42however when the train is running on wheels the same voltage is induced in 12:47both the lower and upper portions of the coil then no electric current can flow 12:52and this means no magnetic forces are generated but when the Train reaches 13:01sufficient speed the wheels and then retracted and the training is able to 13:05float 13:06this is because the position of the superconducting magnet is a little lower 13:10in the guideway and this means the voltage is induced are now different 13:13creating an electric current and more importantly magnetic force the polarity 13:20of the superconducting magnet on the train and the lower part of the figure 13:24eight coil is now the same last the upper part of the coil is the opposite 13:28this results in a pushing force from below and an attractive pulling force 13:32from above and the train floats 13:35compared to conventional wheel trains superconducting maglev system doesn't 13:41require friction to accelerate which is why it can achieve speeds over 500 13:46kilometers per hour and there are other benefits to Rio maintenance is no longer 13:51necessary 13:52and it's more eco-friendly co2 emissions being around one-third that for 13:56airplanes 13:59to reduce air resistance the bird bill shaped front of the vehicle called a 14:04double cusp and was first decided on 14:06after much trial and error however when high-speed trains travel through tunnels 14:13they create a lot of impact points to address this problem and reduce air 14:18resistance even further 14:19the present 15 meter long front was developed 14:26shadow got married the first thing we worked on was reducing the vehicles 14:31cross sectional area as much as possible with the Shinkansen which is a 14:36conventional high-speed train things like transformers and other control 14:41devices are installed under the cars but mega vehicles work differently 14:47all that is required to put the vehicle in motion are the superconducting 14:52magnets compared with the Shinkansen we lowered the height of the vehicle and 14:58reduce the cross-sectional area by twenty percent 15:04meanwhile the cross-sectional profile of the tunnel has been increased by twenty 15:10percent the front configuration and cross-sectional area of the vehicle 15:17along with the shape of tunnels significantly reduce air resistance 15:23gimme a second it is Amanda cable to banana 15:26well number one is the speed that exceeds 500 kilometers per hour 15:32now in Shanghai there is an maglev train that which is the top speed of 15:37two kph using the German technology but we can now it cannot 15:41exceed that speed next to the superconducting maglev technology 15:45already other countries using this particular superconducting maglev 15:50technology 15:51well it's in it's definitely in Japan that this technology of putting 15:57superconducting magnets award 15:59it's being developed and I think it must mean any time for us to take our ride on 16:05the superconducting maglev son are you ready - yeah 16:09railway topping on march 19 at Ueno station Tokyo the very last Cassiopeia 16:22super Express departed on its final service due to the opening of the new 16:28york idol shinkansen 16:38so much loved luxurious sleeper train has been operating between you n no taco 16:43and several hope idle for 17 years since starting in july 1999 16:50the train is retiring because the sake of tunnel which links two pans main 16:56island for soup - fake Idol requires technical changes in order to 17:01accommodate the hokkaido shinkansen 17:03yeah 17:07yeah 17:08on march 21st at our body station 17:13al-mahdi prefecture the sleeper express , nahson departed at midnight for its 17:18final trip to softball 17:24the name , nahson comes from a flower native to Ho Chi dough which is part of 17:29the rose family 17:30this service is also being retired due to the opening of the hokkaido 17:35shinkansen Thomas who entered service at the same time the sake on tunnel opened 17:42in March 1988 17:44and has been a very popular night train ever since it has also been invaluable 17:50in the winter months 17:51stepping in when flights were delayed or cancelled many rail fans gathered for a 17:57final sentimental send off as Hamas who departed and the curtain fell on 28 18:03years of history 18:07yeah 18:13here we are at the entrance to the test center and very soon the three of us and 18:18a few other lucky people will be taking arrived and what's currently the fastest 18:22train in the world 18:24Wow excited because we were reporting for the media 18:33we didn't require tickets to ride the magnet but there is a lottery system in 18:36place for people to get tickets 18:38lucky you so just like in an airport you can collect your boarding pass and going 18:42through 18:44Yamanashi my grave test line will become part of the church in can send line for 18:49our test run 18:50we began at the test center and then hard towards popular 18:56they are the vehicle stops and then we blast off towards now be a 500 19:00kilometers an hour then we turn around and have one more run and then finally 19:04we return to the test center 19:08two of the vehicle seven cars are used for the lucky participants to experience 19:12the ride a door in the side of the building magically opens Anna boarding 19:16bridge extended to connect the building to the vehicle 19:19so it's really like boarding an airplane the bridge also shields the passengers 19:24from the intense magnetic forces coming from the superconducting magnets install 19:28below the daughters finally the time has arrived and the three of us 19:32car number three 19:35it really is like boarding an airplane 19:42- beautiful vehicle unfortunately I'm always too big for these kind of things 19:46they have this line 19:53can I don't they started walking through the car you can really feel that the 20:03vehicles being built for speed 20:04it's low it's compact it's almost like a racing car 20:08see I am I saying you for you 20:12okay it's okay 20:16everywhere like a plane like a difficult for you 20:19you can't you can't get to sit around on the plane with a different 20:24at last it's time for us to depart the first leg of the test run is going to 20:29take us towards Tokyo at allegedly 285 kilometers an hour which is the same 20:35speed 20:35the Tokaido Shinkansen travels at the moment 20:38look at that when a beautiful beautiful kick or later whatever the entire robert 20:50i think around around this speed 20:54yes yeah yeah that pretty mother - 21:00wow sounds like a spaceship 21:06you can close your muscles 21:11table 21:11we have to do that 21:15let's just stand there 21:18we're coming in for landing now 21:20Oh 21:24Holly mini is exactly the airplane and 21:30it's like being so now we're arriving at the tokyo end of the test track 21:34this is like our launch pad for us to blast off in the opposite direction and 21:38experience what it feels like to travel at 500 kilometers an hour 21:43here we go here we go here we go here we go right now we're running on the wheels 21:46and soon we'll take off by five hundred kilometers an hour go go go 21:53swimming in school that is 21:56here 21:58well kinda wish you a very good luck with that 22:05yeah 22:08yeah 22:09yeah 22:21well not to 500 kilometers an hour in just two minutes 30 seconds 22:27we're going 22:28by watching developments for a model 22:30No 22:38before the final today we're putting the little children understand 22:47where they have an addict you little one 22:53speed of congo why you shouldn't 22:58we're landing speed now so wheels down 23:03oh I bet you really feeling 35 kilometers in about seven minutes 23:12shane has only just two times sounds like an hour walk up with this new the 23:18most on their toes 23:21accelerating again up towards 500 kilometers an hour 23:25also we have we on the purpose and radiant and we're climbing up in this 23:30world yeah 23:33we go the countdown begins 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 500 again 23:44yes 23:51it's not 24:02what about 24:05feeling 24:10see 24:12you got it 24:17seriously the morning 24:28so we're slowing down again and coming into hand 24:36so the score is not pretty 24:48actually actually we have the technical term calling this type of system 24:52magnetic yeah 24:56instead of instance 24:57Timothy either have made levitation system 25:02wheels and so finally our 25 minute ride on the superconducting maglev comes to 25:11him but what an unbelievable 25 minutes we were flying 25:16I was flying it was like experiencing the future 25:26Wow 25:27well it's amazing when you get off of the vehicle there's a special place to 25:37take remeron photo right in front of your body 25:55don't oppose it was doing 25:57yeah 26:00so go higher good news and they're gonna go down there 26:08my regular time it means jose of Sue grab your own speed limit and all I con 26:18then what d g got xmas on the whole day's almost 800 right there for them 26:26also kind of down the field to die behind but it's real with a little twist 26:31on it was amazing to experience what it's like to travel 500 kilometers an 26:35hour on a train right 26:37it felt like I felt like I was a kid and dreaming about the future and now it's 26:42become a reality 26:44amazing amazing and you know this technology has a possibility of selling 26:49abroad and we now have the possibility of the American contract but there might 26:56be other countries stuff that might follow and in order to make the reality 27:01of the Japanese engineers should i do the further struggle to improve the 27:06technology like further improvements to safety or further reduction in the cost 27:11of introduction were all those sorts of things 27:13so there are a lot to do 27:15the future for us to kind of aquaria you want to listen to this and then 27:23well that's all we have time for this time but i hope you enjoyed the programs 27:28from all of us here and the superconducting magnet in LA 27:38yeah 27:43yeah 27:47yeah 27:51yeah 27:56yeah Published on Apr 14, 2016 Traveling at 500km/h, the Superconducting Maglev will connect Tokyo to Nagoya in just 40 minutes and is planned to begin commercial service in 2027. To achieve such extreme speeds, magnetic levitation is used to lift the train 10cm above the guideway. See the cutting-edge technology used to safely operate ultra-high speed services, and experience the world of 500km/h rail travel as we report from the 42km-long Yamanashi Maglev Test Line. SHOW MORE COMMENTS • 107

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