Gmail Peter Burgess
Interactive Google Earth Map
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Synapse Energy Economics Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 3:02 PM
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October 2016
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Updated Interactive Map of U.S. Power Plants
Get the lay of the energy landscape quickly and easily with Synapse's updated Interactive Map of U.S. Power Plants. This user-friendly Google Earth map displays information on location, fuel type, electric generation, generating capacity, ownership, and emissions for nearly 7,500 power plants across the country. Synapse developed this free-to-use interactive map using data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. The current version, updated in October 2016, contains complete data through 2015.
To download the map, please fill out the form on our website.
Employee Spotlight: Senior Associate Jenn Kallay
What regional or global energy challenge has grabbed your interest recently?
I am excited about helping states meet their energy policy goals and targets by embracing and expanding low-income energy efficiency efforts. I'm also very interested in the intersection of the increased energy requirements (fueled by recognition of energy as a basic human need) and land use change.
Do you have any prized possessions?
I like funny things so right now I'm enjoying our flannel sheets featuring snowboarding yetis (my husband keeps thinking these are the kids' sheets).
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Watch: Webinar on Envisioning Pennsylvania's Energy Future
If you missed our webinar about getting Pennsylvania to zero emissions from energy use, don't worry. Delaware Riverkeeper Network has the recording posted on their website. You can view it here.
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