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Land / Mangroce Forest
Mangrove Action Project

Mangrove Action Project ... VIDEO ... Community Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration


Peter Burgess

Mangrove Action Project ... Community Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration FUNDRAISER VIDEO

Published on Apr 12, 2014

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The video was produced as part of a fundraiser campaign for The Mangrove Action Project to help raise funds and awareness for a particular method of mangrove restoration called Community Based Ecological Mangrove Restoration.

The MAP CBEMR Method prioritizes the restoration of the natural hydrology of disturbed areas with a focus on local community participation. De-emphasizing capital and labor intensive direct hand planting, MAP applies a broader, less expensive, and more effective restorative approach.

Restoring an area's natural hydrology will, in many cases, allow 'Nature' to restore the mangroves via tidal ebbs and flows, transporting mangrove propagules (seeds) for the natural regeneration of a biodiverse and healthy forest wetland.

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English (Automatic Captions) 0:00hi my name is Samuel agent editor of the 0:03mangrove Action project bimonthly 0:05newsletter recent global headlines 0:08underscore the important role that 0:10mangroves play in our daily lives 0:11research and studies have placed 0:15mangroves among the most important 0:17ecosystems on our planet they make up a 0:20transitional zone between land and sea 0:22anchoring shorelines while buffering 0:24coastal ecosystems against hurricanes 0:26and tsunamis mangroves protect coral 0:29reefs from sedimentation sequester 0:31massive amounts of carbon to combat 0:33climate change adapter rising sea levels 0:36serve as nurseries and a vital food 0:39source for marine life while providing 0:41critical habitat for endangered species 0:44mangroves also provide invaluable green 0:48economy services for humans the future 0:51of mangroves very much depends on us and 0:54in fact our future is codependent on the 0:58survival of these critical habitats we 1:04have mangrove action projects have been 1:05conserving and restoring mangroves 1:08around the world for the past 20 years 1:09for more information about mangroves and 1:13all of the important work that we're 1:14doing 1:15please visit our website at for this 1:22particular campaign we need your help to 1:25raise funds and spread awareness for a 1:27particular type of mangrove restoration 1:29that we call community-based ecological 1:33mangrove restoration or CBE mr for short 1:37here's a short animated video that 1:40explains it further when fifty percent 1:48of global mangrove forests have been 1:50destroyed over the last 100 years mainly 1:53through lack of understanding and 1:55unsustainable human development 1:57massive efforts are now being made 1:59around tropical coast to repair the 2:01damage but mangrove restoration 2:04strategies need urgently thinking as 2:06many programs and in failure 2:09it's not about planting a single species 2:11of recovering or about planting in mud 2:14flats or seagrass meadows and mass 2:17planting days to set world records 2:19certainly won't help if the natural 2:22systems on site are not understood our 2:25model of community-based ecological 2:27mangrove restoration takes a more 2:29holistic approach considering every 2:32unique location and its place in the 2:34larger ecosystem local communities 2:37engage in every step of the process 2:38empowering them to be stewards of their 2:41environment workshops and field training 2:43days are set up to analyze the ecology 2:46and patterns of reproduction and 2:48distribution the information gathered 2:51helps to select appropriate sites for 2:53re-establishing the original hydrology 2:55which will facilitate the natural 2:57seating and regeneration this greatly 3:00increases the overall successor II and 3:02ensures restoration of an ecologically 3:05biodiverse and healthy man broke 3:07ecosystems in a long-term and economical 3:10manner 3:11this approach has led to numerous 3:12successful projects in the u.s. Thailand 3:15Indonesia India and el salvador enabling 3:19the communities to regain their 3:20livelihoods with better understanding 3:22for a more sustainable future get 3:25involved and support us to help conserve 3:27and restore mangroves and its species 3:29which are dependent on a healthy 3:31mangrove ecosystem 3:33visit www mangrove action to 3:37learn about the importance of mangroves 3:39and to download our six step guide to 3:41successful ecological mangrove 3:43restoration we really hope that you'll 3:47be able to contribute to maps efforts to 3:49conserve and restore mangroves by 3:51donating to our CBM our work in Asia and 3:55Latin America but that's not the only 3:57way that you can help please share this 4:00video with colleagues friends and family 4:02to help us attain our goal of raising 4:0510,000 office on behalf of the entire 4:08mangrove Action project team i'd like to 4:11thank you for watching and taking action 4:13so that we can continue to work at the 4:16roots of the sea

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