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EDF Action against Republic Senators

crucial clean air and climate protection regulations


Peter Burgess

EDAF please enable images! Take Action → Peter— This week, we achieved a stunning victory: By a narrow margin of just 49-51, the Senate voted to strike down legislation attacking crucial clean air and climate protections. But Senator Toomey stood on the wrong side. With this vote, he put the interests of the oil & gas industry above the health & safety of Americans. Don't let his mistake go by unnoticed: Take action today, and hold Senator Toomey accountable. The legislation in question intended to roll back crucial limits on the amount of methane pollution—a dangerous greenhouse gas—the oil & gas industry is allowed to vent, leak, and simply burn off (in a process called 'flaring') on America's public and tribal lands. If Senator Toomey had his way, the Department of Interior would have entirely lost the ability to reduce this pollution—leaving it solely to private industry to manage. That's not what Americans on either side of the aisle want. More than 7 out of 10 voters favor federal standards that require companies to reduce gas leaks—and nearly 2 out of 3 support laws that minimize the oil & gas industry's wasteful practices. This win was big—it was the first vote in either chamber of Congress that the Trump Administration has lost—but to keep winning, we need to make sure Senator Toomey doesn't make this mistake again. Reach out to Senator Toomey today, and tell him you expect your elected officials to defend our bedrock environmental protections—not attack them. Heather ShelbyThank you for standing with us, HeatherShelbySignature Heather Shelby Action Network Manager Share this message on Twitter, and Google+. Email this message to friends. If a friend sent this to you, sign up yourself.

I am disgusted by GOP leadership, and a big part of the banking and finance industry that puts profit ahead of everything. It is obscene. Like the majority of Americans across both parties, I strongly support BLM's Natural Gas Waste Rule to protect clean air, public health, and the wallets of American taxpayers. In the wake of the Senate's vote on the Congressional Review Act targeting this rule, I am extremely discouraged by your decision to support the Congressional Review Act attacking these crucial protections. With this vote, you have put industry's interests over those of American taxpayers. And you have disappointed the families and communities that sent you to Washington. In future votes on clean air and public health protections, please choose instead to protect our health and safety, rather than putting it at risk.

Tell the EPA: Don't Rollback Our Right to Clean Air Right now, EPA is considering rolling back crucial public health protections. Before they make that any decisions, they need to hear from you. Americans have the right to know that the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat doesn't put ourselves or our families at risk. The EPA has a legal and moral obligation to protect that right. I am writing today to ask you to keep our public health safeguards intact. Rolling back protections would only put the profits of a select few above both the health of Americans, and American ingenuity as the EPA's protections have sparked innovation that can lead us to a clean energy future. We can have a strong economy while also ensuring that the public is protected from dangerous pollution, but only with a strong EPA that enforces the crucial safeguards put into place by previous administrations. The EPA's right to protect the public was affirmed decades ago by Congress, under the Clean Air Act. But the law is only as strong as its implementation. As you consider your response to Executive Orders 13777, 13771, and 13783, I ask that you keep EPA's existing safeguards in place, and do not put American lives at risk. Sincerely, Mr. Peter Burgess [ edit ] 204 Seaham Court, New York, PA, 18324

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