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The Trump Presidency
Withdrawing from the Paris Accord

How Cities and States Reacted to Trump’s Decision to Exit the Paris Climate Deal


Peter Burgess

How Cities and States Reacted to Trump’s Decision to Exit the Paris Climate Deal

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement drew immediate reaction from elected officials, including big-city mayors and governors who vowed to pursue climate policies without the federal government.

Against exit from Paris deal Supports exit from Paris deal


Big cities tend to be led by Democrats, who all but universally condemned Mr. Trump’s move, but at least one Republican mayor, Kevin Faulconer of San Diego, also opposed it.

“#Austin will not stop fighting climate change. Worldwide, cities will lead in achieving climate treaty goals because so much of what’s required happens at the local level.” Steve Adler, mayor of Austin, Tex. D

“Milwaukee is joining with cities around the country who continue to take this issue seriously. We will continue to drive the clean energy economy.” Tom Barrett, mayor of Milwaukee D

“Going forward, our commitment to wind and solar will not yield, and we will move forward with building a more sustainable D.C.” Muriel Bowser, mayor of Washington, D.C. D

“San Diego remains as committed as ever to implementing our landmark Climate Action Plan and being a national leader in solar, renewable energy use, water purification and green job creation.” Kevin Faulconer, mayor of San Diego R

“Standing with my fellow #ClimateMayors to protect our future. #StLouis will do its part to honor the #ParisAgreement.” Lyda Krewson, mayor of St. Louis D

“As the Mayor of Pittsburgh, I can assure you that we will follow the guidelines of the Paris Agreement for our people, our economy & future.” William Peduto, mayor of Pittsburgh D

“We supported Envision Charlotte to reduce our carbon footprint by 19 percent uptown and save $26 million in utilities costs.” Jennifer Roberts, mayor of Charlotte, N.C. D

“Regardless of #Parisclimateaccord withdrawal, #SATX will remain focused on its healthy & sustainable environmental plan.” Ivy R. Taylor, mayor of San Antonio D


Jay Inslee of Washington, a Democrat, and Charlie Baker of Massachusetts, a Republican, touted their accomplishments and pledged to continue reducing emissions. John Kasich of Ohio, also a Republican, expressed disappointment.

“Massachusetts is agressively working to exceed the goals of the Paris Agreement on the state level, while growing our economy through clean energy innovation and environmental stewardship.” Charlie Baker, governor of Massachusetts R

“We have implemented a cap on carbon pollution, and we will continue working with businesses and research institutions to develop and deploy 21st century clean energy solutions.” Jay Inslee, governor of Washington D

“I know that climate change is real. It is a global issue and will need a global agreement to address. And we could have negotiated that agreement in ways that would not needlessly destroy jobs.” John R. Kasich, governor of Ohio R


Congressional Republicans largely supported the move. Many of them represent more rural districts or states, or other areas that went solidly for Mr. Trump, who had promised to “cancel” the Paris agreement.

“While we can all agree that we should continually work to minimize our impact on the environment through innovation and technology, this flawed deal is unfair to American workers and puts our country at an economic disadvantage to the benefit of countries like China, Iran and India.” Larry Bucshon, representative from Indiana R

“Climate change requires a global approach. I'm disappointed in the President's decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement.” Susan Collins, senator from Maine R

“I commend @POTUS for putting American jobs first. This is great news for the TX economy & for hardworking Americans.” Ted Cruz, senator from Texas R

“Abandoning Paris climate accord is a reckless decision that forfeits an oppty to guarantee a viable future for ND energy on the global level.” Heidi Heitkamp, senator from North Dakota D

“We should seek agreements that prioritize the protection of the American consumer as well as energy-producing states like West Virginia, while also incentivizing the development of advanced fossil energy technologies.”

Joe Manchin III, senator from West Virginia D “This administration is prioritizing the bottom line of hard-working Americans over the agendas of environmental extremists.”

James M. Inhofe, senator from Oklahoma R “There's no way to meet the CO2 levels Obama signed up for in the Paris Accord w/o drastically raising the energy costs of every US consumer.” Thomas Massie, representative from Kentucky R

“@POTUS is committed to protecting middle class families by dealing another significant blow to #Obama's #waroncoal.” Mitch McConnell, Senate majority leader from Kentucky R

“President Trump's decision defies all common sense. Withdrawing from #ParisAgreement is reckless.” Nancy Pelosi, House minority leader from California D

“Clean energy jobs are booming. #ParisAgreement would have allowed leverage to drive these jobs to places that need them -- like Youngstown.” Tim Ryan, representative from Ohio D

“Trump's decision to withdraw the US from the Paris climate agreement is an abdication of American leadership and an international disgrace.” Bernie Sanders, senator from Vermont I

“I urged @POTUS to step away from the Paris Accord. Foreign countries will not dictate energy policies to the U.S.” Roger Wicker, senator from Mississippi R

Photos: Manuel Balce Ceneta/AP, Jeff Chiu/AP, Julio Cortez/AP, Gabriella Demczuk/The New York Times, Al Drago/The New York Times, J.B. Forbes/St. Louis Post-Dispatch/AP, Zach Gibson/The New York Times, Carolyn Kaster/AP, Bebeto Matthews/AP, Win Mcnamee/Getty, Mandel Ngan/AFP, Cliff Owen/AP, Darrell Sapp/Pittsburgh Post-Gazette/AP, Jim Lo Scalzo/EPA, Sean Rayford/Getty, Joshua Roberts/Reuters, Ron Schwane/AP, Elaine Thompson/AP, Winslow Townson/AP

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