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People and Power
Ideas and Misinformation

What is real, what is false and how the dots can be connected in multiple different ways ... lots of communication ... but little trust

The following is a computer driver translation of some news material published in Ukraine. It is interesting and a lot more detailed than a typical news story from the 24/7 US news cycle. The translation was done by BRAUNFORT for the Ukrainian Herald and
Peter Burgess


When the Americans take to the streets, protesting and expressing their dissatisfaction with the policy of the US administration, there is some confusion about who is the source of their problems. Those 'who' are the representatives of the corporate financial oligarchy US - parasites that destroy America and feeding due to her for more than a century.

They constitute not 1% of the population. They 1% of 1%. They - a billionaire banksters. They - it is Dzhordzh Soros, Dzheyms Daymon, Lloyd Blankfein, the Rothschilds, the representatives of the Federal Reserve System, Director and Chairman of many of the largest global corporations, including big oil, pharmaceutical, agricultural companies, enterprises of the military-industrial complex, as well as the corporate media. They combine their resources created on their own initiative, institutions, research centers, working groups for the global control of mankind. Some of them work at the Brookings Institution, the International Crisis Group, Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank 'Foreign Policy Initiative', as well as the Fund for the protection of democracy.

Photo (left to right): Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, Kennet Sheno of American Express, Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America and Edward Inglin of the American Bankers Association. Here are the people who really 'COX' America. The others only perform public relations functions, redirecting public anger and pacify the masses.

Photo: James 'Jamie' Mayson from JP Morgan - the banker, received financial aid from the Federal Reserve, in fact, being one of the leaders of the Federal Reserve ( It is noteworthy that the Fed is run by private bankers, serving their commercial interests. With some support from the corporate media bankers like James Mayson on a whim to radically change US monetary policy in the pursuit of their insatiable interests.

Below you will see a list of these names, companies, corporations, institutions, evaluate their programs and learn how they interact. Perseverance person soon becomes clear that their names are repeated, and the solution of the existing problems is obvious. Many of these banks, corporations and institutions we are paying money every day. Realizing that billionaire banksters really a problem of the modern world, we no longer have to spend on them, our time, our money, our energy and our attention. This is the solution!

1. The head of the Federal Reserve System

The US Federal Reserve - is a non-elected association of private bankers dictating America, including elected representatives in Congress, the development direction of monetary policy. As a rule, they do so with minimal supervision or even without it, lie brazenly supervisory authorities to oversee their activities. They are, literally, are hatching a plot against the American people, whose goal is total control over America with the help of immense power, a significant influence and operational capabilities the Fed.

Image: a collection of mega-corporations and institutions that are represented by the current directors of the Federal Reserve System. Incestuous relationship banks, legal system, education, major oil companies and the military-industrial complex of the US government have already reached the level of corporate fascism.

A complete list of the heads of the Federal Reserve System can be found on their website ( The list contains the following global financial troublemakers: James 'Jamie' Dimon of JP Morgan, James S. Tisch of the Loews Corporation, Lee Bollinger - the president of Columbia University, Michael F. Camarda from Lockheed Martin, Thomas Barkin from McKinsey & Company, Richard Anderson of Delta Airlines, Michael A. Cook from Walmart, Patricia Yarrington of Chevron and many others.

2. The Group of Thirty

Thirty Group positions itself as 'a private, nonprofit, international organization, which was composed of influential representatives of the private and public sectors as well as academia.' The Group's objectives are: a better understanding of international financial processes; resonance monitoring in the world on the decisions taken in the public and private sectors; learning opportunities available to large business practitioners and persons having a decisive influence on the formation of policy, to promote their own commercial interests. A full list of members of the Group can be found on their website (

As you can see, part of the Group of Thirty includes many politicians, bankers and heads of the largest corporations which is currently writing a book of fate of the Western world and gradually expand its influence in the developing countries. The average citizen is completely disoriented untrue pouring from the mouths of politicians, puppets, rude and immoral entertainment falsity of political choice, most likely, never seen any of those people who are members of the Group of Thirty. That citizens did not have time to attend to the issues of its functioning, the corporate media play in front of the American public performances, diverting public attention from the activities of the Group. Americans should ignore the members of the Group of Thirty, should see the amount of power that they illegally concentrated in their hands, should be mobilized in order to debunk these self-appointed arbiters the fate of America.

3. President Obama's Cabinet: Past and Present

'Obama - a Muslim,' 'Obama - a Marxist,' 'Obama - Socialist!'. Neither of these statements is not true. Obama - puppet speculators on Wall Street, who can not even choose a tie for everyday wear. Even a cursory look at the names of the members of the Cabinet of President Obama gives an idea of ​​how deeply rooted in it representatives of mega Wall Street and major US corporations from the list of Fortune 100. Taking into account this fact, we can safely write off those researchers who shout 'Obama - Marxist' as negligent in his research or deliberately deceives the public following the example of the corporate media in the face of Fox News.

Members of the Cabinet Baraka Obamy from a number of representatives of the world's major corporations and banks to provide their corporate-fascist rule over the world will be encouraged to 'collectivism' to gain access to the financial resources allocated for social needs. If formed, but in many ways, of course, misguided liberals realize that Obama is the same corporate-fascist puppet, like all its predecessors, they are unlikely to continue to maintain it. Obama Rating showing today a tendency to permanent reduction indicates that the understanding is gradually coming to the people.

Image: some members of the Cabinet of President Obama (the representatives of the corporate-financial elite), using the ideas of Marx as a political ploy, consolidate America's wealth to plunder their

Here they are:

- Timoti Gaytner (Minister of Finance): Thirty Group, Council on Foreign Relations, behind the scenes the Federal Reserve System;

- Eric Holder (Minister of Justice): of Covington & Burling LLP,, lobbying for the interests of the pharmaceutical giant Merck and representing Chiquita International Brands of claims relatives of people killed by Colombian terrorists;

- Eric Shinseki (Minister of Veterans Affairs): US Army, Council on Foreign Relations, Director Honeywell's (supplier to the US Army), Director Duccomun (supplier to the US Army);

- Rahm Emanuel (ex-head of the administration of US President): Freddie the Mac;

- Uilyam Deyli (White House Chief of Staff): member of the executive committee of JP Morgan;

- Peter Orszag, (former head of the US budget presidential administration): of Citi Group is, Council on Foreign Relations;

- Pol Volker (former head of the Federal Reserve System, the chairman of the advisory board of the US President's Economic Recovery): The Council on Foreign Relations, the Group of Thirty, implicitly the Federal Reserve System;

- Ronald Kirk , the US trade representative): lobbyist involved in the transaction Goldman Sachs, Kohlberg, Kravis Roberts and Texas Pacific Group to repurchase Energy Future Holdings;

- Lourens Sammers (Director of the National Economic Council): The World Bank, the Council on Foreign Relations.

President Obama's Cabinet is most similar to the germ of the future of the corporate-fascist government of neoconservatives, however, Obama guardians carefully disguise it with the help of funds banksters billionaire George Soros. Dzhordzh Soros, in itself, is a person who has passed a long way from beginner 'socialist' or 'communist' to oligarchs - a representative of the corporate-fascist elite of the United States, leading behind him, as a shepherd a flock of sheep, the American 'left', full of good intentions . Creating his own money social movements around the world, Dzhordzh Soros is sowing the seeds of human degradation, giving it under the power of the global oligarchy, of which he himself is.

4. People, American policymakers, and corporate sponsors

They are members of your present government. They are not included in the elected administration, they penetrated into every political party, and they are responsible for almost every aspect of the way of life of ordinary Americans and Europeans. When the 'left' take over the torch of the two wars launched by the neo-conservatives and unleash another (based on all of the same lies that spread mass media, says the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq), the world which is in a terminally deep discord of consciousness, have no choice, how to realize that something is 'wrong'.

'Not so' - it is about a system that is entirely controlled by the corporate-financial oligarchy with financial, media and industrial empire, which entangled the entire globe. If we do not do with the fact that we are helplessly dependent on the corporations that control every aspect of US policy, and every element of American life, the situation will never change.

The following list, with all its Length of is not exhaustive. However, after such examples will become apparent to the general picture: the same names are repeated again and again. For the reader should be undisputed that, as the Corporation entered into people's daily lives. In addition, it should become apparent and the need to eliminate these corporations in our lives, our communities and, ultimately, of our nations, with as quickly as possible.

The International Crisis Group

Background: Although the representatives of the International Crisis Group (ICG) expressed their 'commitment to preventing and resolving deadly conflicts', in fact they tend to offer pre-designed solutions for the problems that they are also created in order to consolidate its own corporate agenda. The best illustration of this is the events in Thailand, as well as recent events in Egypt. A member of the ICG Kenneth Adelman showed support for the Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinavare, former adviser to Carlyle Group, which is the eve of his removal from power in a military coup in 2006, he participated in the meeting of the ICG in New York. Thaksin Interfering in the internal affairs of Thailand maintained its 'counterpart' of Carlyle Group James Baker and his law firm Baker Botts, a consultant Robert Belfer Center Blekuillom of Barbour Griffith & Rogers. Now, the former prime minister supports Amsterdam & Peroff Robert Amsterdam, a large corporate member of the globalist «Chatham House» Analytical Center.

At a time when Thailand is mired in political showdowns because Shinavary Thaksin and his 'krasnorubashechnoy' color revolution, comes with ICG ready 'solutions.' These solutions, saying generalized include linking hands the Thai government in the spirit of the arguments that the suppression of subversive actions Thaksin amounts to a violation of human rights in the hope that the globalists supported the revolution breaks out and out of control.

Riots in Egypt took place under the full supervision of the United States ICG member Mohamed ElBaradei and supported by the State Department, 'youth movement April 6,' coordinated by Wael Ghonim of «Google». These disorders are presented as spontaneous, 'stimulated' occurred somewhat earlier uprising in Tunisia, El Baradei of the ICG and persecuted with their youth movement was in Egypt since 2010, collecting a 'National Front for Change' and creating the ground for rebellion January 25, 2011.

After ElBaradei successfully ousted Hosni Mubarak, Dzhordzh Soros of the MCG to finance Egyptian NGOs that engaged in rewriting the Egyptian constitution. Soros sponsored constitution and formed on its base controlled by a puppet government and is, according to the ICG believes, 'resolution' of the crisis in Egypt

ICG board members:
Dzhordzh Soros / George Soros Kenneth Adelman / Kenneth Adelman Samuel Berger / Samuel Berger Uesli Klark / Wesley Clark Mohamed ElBaradei / Mohamed ElBaradei Carla Hills / Carla Hills

ICG Advisors:
Richard Armitage / Richard Armitage Zbignev Bzhezinsky / Zbigniew Brzezinski Stenli Fisher / Stanley Fischer Shimon Peres / Shimon Peres Surin Pittsuvan / Surin Pitsuwan Fidel Ramos / Fidel V. Ramos

Corporate sponsors:
Carnegie Corporation (New York) / Carnegie Corporation of New York Foundation for alternatives Hunt / Hunt Alternatives Fund Open Society Institute / Open Society Institute Brothers Fund Rockefeller / Rockefeller Brothers Fund Morgan Stenli / Morgan Stanley Group, Deutsche Bank / Deutsche Bank Group Group Deutsche Bank / Deutsche Bank Group , Soros Fund Management LLC / Soros Fund Management LLC McKinsey and Company / McKinsey & Company , Chevron / Chevron , Shell / Shell

The Brookings institution

Reference: in the library of the Brookings Institution, you will find plans of nearly every conflict in which the West has been involved in recently. Although the public seems that all these crises like wildfire evolved spontaneously, those who watched subsidized by the Brookings Institution research and publications, know that all these crises were planned years before. Ongoing operation against Iran, crippling sanctions, US preparing the color revolution in Tehran - it all to the smallest detail is set out in the prepared Brookings Institution paper entitled 'How to follow the path to Persia?'. The latest UN Security Council resolution number 1973 on Libya eerily reminiscent of the report, Kenneth Pollack of the Brookings Institution, March 9, 2011, entitled 'Real military options in Libya.'

The members of the Board of the Brookings Institution:
Dominic Barton / Dominic Barton: McKinsey & Company, Inc. Alan R. Batkin / Alan R. Batkin: Eton Park Capital Management Richard C. Blum / Richard C. Blum: Blum Capital Partners , LP Abby Dzhozef Koen / Abby Joseph Cohen: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Suzanne Nora Johnson / Suzanne Nora Johnson: Goldman Sachs Group , Inc. Richard A. Kimball / Richard A. Kimball Jr .: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Tracy R. Volstenkroft / Tracy R. Wolstencroft: Goldman, Sachs & Co. Paul Desmarais Junior / Paul Desmarais Jr .: Power Corporation of Canada , Kenneth M. Duberstayn (Dubershteyn) / Kenneth M. Duberstein: The Duberstein Group, Inc. Benjamin R. Jacobs / Benjamin R. Jacobs: The JBG Companies Benjamin R. Jacobs / Benjamin R. Jacobs: The JBG Companies Nemir Kirdar / Nemir Kirdar: Investcorp Klaus Klaynfeld / Klaus Kleinfeld: Alcoa, Inc. Philip H. Knight / Philip H. Knight: Nike, Inc. David M. Rubenstein / David M. Rubenstein: Co-Founder of The Carlyle Group Sheryl K. Sandberg / Sheryl K. Sandberg: Facebook Larry D. Thompson / Larry D. Thompson: PepsiCo, Inc. Michael L. Tipsord / Michael L. Tipsord: State Farm Insurance Companies Andrew H. Tisch / Andrew H. Tisch: Loews Corporation

The experts at the Brookings Institution:
Kenneth Pollack / Kenneth Pollack Daniel L. Byman / Daniel L. Byman Martin Indyk / Martin Indyk Sezan Maloney / Suzanne Maloney Maykl E. O'Hanlon / Michael E. O'Hanlon Bruce Riedel / Bruce Riedel Shadi Hamid / Shadi Hamid

Corporate sponsors:

Organizations and governments:
the Ford Foundation Bill & Melinda Gates' Foundation of The the Rockefeller Foundation Government of the United Arab the Emirates the Carnegie Corporation of the New York the Rockefeller Brothers Fund Banks and financial institutions: Bank of America of Citi of Goldman Sachs H & the R Block Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Jacob Rothschild Nathaniel Rothschild of Standard Chartered Bank Temasek Holdings Limited via Visa Inc.

Petroleum Corporation:
B Exxon Mobil / Exxon Mobil Corporation Shevron / Chevron , Shell / Shell Oil Company

MIC and Industry: Military Industrial Complex & Industry
of Daimler of General Dynamics Corporation the Lockheed Corporation by Martin the Northrop Grumman Corporation the Siemens Corporation of The the Boeing Company

About enterprise |
of General Electric's Company About enterprise | Westinghouse Electric's Corporation Raytheon Co. Hitachi, Ltd. Toyota

Telecommunications and technology:
the AT & T the Google Corporation of Hewlett-Packard the Microsoft Corporation the Panasonic Corporation the Verizon Communications the Xerox Corporation a Skype

McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Corporation News (Fox | News)

the Consumer the Goods & Pharmaceutical
by GlaxoSmithKline the Target of PepsiCo, Inc. The Coca-Cola Company

Council on Foreign Relations

Reference: would be a more appropriate question is: who is not a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)? Almost all talkative politicians, careerists, their advisers and extras of the Management Board, Fortune 500 - are members of the CFR. Many of us read books, magazine articles and newspaper columns written by CFR members, as well as reports, similar to those created by the Brookings Institution, and dictate the laws and decisions of the legislators of the Western countries.

A good example of the most active wing of SMO can serve as a hoax last year with a mosque on the site of the World Trade Center, when members of the US CMOs both political parties staged a heated debate around the so-called 'Cordoba House' next to the three World Trade Center buildings destroyed. In reality, the 'Cordoba House' was organized by a member of CMO Feisal Abdul Rauf, who, in turn, subsidized by the financial branch of the QS, Carnegie Corporation and the various Rockefeller foundations.

Representatives of corporate support:

Banking and Finance:
Bank of America of Merrill Lynch of Goldman Sachs Group is, Inc. Chase & Co of JPMorgan American Express of Barclays Capital of Citi Morgan Stanley by Blackstone Group is the LP of Deutsche Bank AG the New York Life International,, Inc. The Financial the Prudential of Standard & Poor ''s Rothschild North America, Inc. Visa Inc. Fund Management soros of Standard Chartered Bank Bank of the New York Mellon Corporation Veritas Capital LLC Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. Investors the Service's moody is

Oil companies:
Chevron Corporation of Exxon Corporation The Mobil BP's of Shell Oil Company About enterprise | Hess Corporation of ConocoPhillips Company About enterprise | the TOTAL SA Marathon Oil Company About enterprise | Aramco Services Company About enterprise |

Military-industrial complex and the industry:
the Lockheed Corporation by Martin the Airbus Americas, Inc. Company About enterprise | boeing, DynCorp International, of General Electric's Company About enterprise | the Northrop Grumman Raytheon Company About enterprise | Hitachi, Ltd. Caterpillar of BASF Corporation of Alcoa, Inc.

Public relations, lobbying and law firms: of McKinsey & Company About enterprise |, Inc. Omnicom Group Inc. BGR Group

Corporate media:
by Bloomberg the Economist Intelligence Unit News Corporation (Fox | News) by Thomson Reuters The Time The the Warner Inc. McGraw-Hill Companies

Consumer goods:
the Walmart of Nike, Inc. Company About enterprise | Cola-of Coca of PepsiCo, Inc. The HP the Toyota Motor North America, Inc. Volkswagen Group of America, Inc. De Beers

Telecommunications and IT: the AT & T the Google, Inc. Corporation the IBM the Microsoft Corporation the Sony Corporation of America the Xerox Corporation the Verizon Communications

Pharmaceutical industry: by Merck & Co., Inc. Pfizer Inc.

The Chatham House

Reference: British Chatham House (Chatham House), as well as the Brookings Institution and the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States, is responsible for coordinating and planning, management of public opinion, carrying out tasks of its corporate structure. Individual members of Chatham House are part of his 'Council of senior advisors', consisting of the founders, managers and chairmen of Chatham House. Chatham House experts mainly invited from academia, and their publication are, as a rule, for internal use, as well as an extensive list of members of the media corporations and the medical and trade journals. Access these 'experts» Chatham House in medical journals is particularly worrying given that such pharmaceutical monsters as GlaxoSmithKline and by Merck, are the corporate sponsors Chatham House.

You can not find a better example of this incredible conflict of interest than the current 'red' color revolution in Thailand, led by Amsterdam & Peroff of Chatham House with the constant support provided by such corporate members as the Economist, Telegraph and BBC. Telegraph published a 'Thai protests - the analysis of Dr. Gareth Price and Roscigno Kabrayi' which Price with Kabrayi make shameless attempts to protect the Western-backed bloody protests. Although the Telegraph and mention that both the British are analysts Chatham House, they, however, do not tell the reader that the Telegraph and he is a corporate member of Chatham House, as well as a leading lobbyist for Thai protests, Robert Amsterdam, with his lobbying firm Amsterdam & Peroff .

Large corporate members of Chatham House is:
Amsterdam is & Peroff the BBC by Bloomberg of Coca-Cola Great Britain the Economist by GlaxoSmithKline of Goldman Sachs International, of HSBC Holdings plc the Lockheed by Martin UK by Merck & Co Inc of Mitsubishi Corporation Morgan Stanley Royal Bank of Scotland Polska Saudi Petroleum Overseas Ltd of Standard Bank London Limited of Standard Chartered Bank tesco by Thomson Reuter United States of America at Embassy the Vodafone Group is

Average corporate members of Chatham House is:
, Amnesty International, of BASF the Boeing UK the CBS News the Daily Mail Address and of General Trust plc De Beers' Group is Services UK Ltd G3 Good Governance Group is the Google the Guardian Hess Ltd Lloyd's of London by McGraw-Hill Domain Companies the Prudential plc Telegraph Media Group is Times Newspapers Ltd World Bank Group

House is corporate partners of Chatham:
the British Petroleum Chevron Ltd of Deutsche Bank of Exxon Corporation The Mobil Royal Dutch of Shell 's Statoil the Toshiba Corporation of Total Holdings UK Ltd Unilever's plc


The above-mentioned organizations (International Crisis Group, the Brookings Institute, Council on Foreign Relations, Chatham House) represents the collective interests of the largest corporations on earth. They not only feed an army of political talkers and researchers, formulating them for the agenda, but also use their enormous influence in the media, industry and finance for the formation of the desired them to public opinion in the world. I think that this corporate financial oligarchy will announce their goals and handing their fate changeable electorate would be, at best, naive. They zealously continue to change the situation so that, no matter who and what country will take the post of the leader, weapons, oil wealth and power be constantly in their hands. Nothing illustrates this poorly hidden reality better than 'liberal' President Obama, Nobel Peace Prize winner, dutifully pulling for a myriad of neoconservatives, who had just started another war in Libya.

The real revolution begins when we see these rulers of today's world and begin to get rid of them, and their impact on people's daily lives. Global corporate-financial oligarchy needs us, but we do not need, and independence from them is the key to our freedom.

translation BRAUNFORT

Especially for: Ukrainian Herald and '' »

Original article «»

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