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Practical Community Building


This series got my attention ... starting out with 'ASK UMBRA ... Why a city block can be one of the loneliest places on earth?' see file 13421 . Over the past several weeks (May and June 2017) I have been thinking through how PLACE should be managed within the TVIA architecture and therefore how PLACE should be measured. The core idea that keeps repeating is that PEOPLE are the most important part of PLACE, followed by the NATURAL CAPITAL features or the PLACE and lastly the CREATED CAPITALS of the PLACE, many of which merely enhance the pre-existing NATURAL features. The ASK UMBRA series with links below is a very thoughtful collection of ideas about how PEOPLE can be encouraged to build COMMUNITY!
Peter Burgess

Does this sound like anyone you know?
“Dear Umbra: Since November — and really, for as long as I’ve known about the threat of climate change — I’ve been plagued by this sense of hopelessness and foreboding, and I just can’t shake it. I’ve tried it all: Late-night Facebook fights, splurging on fancy salads, retreats in the woods where I scream at a tree. Now I’m just parked on the couch watching Sex and the City reruns. Can I learn to hope again?”
Well, you’ve found the right advice columnist. I’m here to quietly change your Facebook password and not-so-quietly offer the best tools, tricks, and advice to help you fight for a planet that doesn’t burn and a future that doesn’t suck. You’ll build civic muscles, find support buddies, and better your community!
1. Make A Plan open external link
2. Meet Your Neighbors open external link
3. Social Media Makeover open external link
4. Support Local News open external link
Sponsored. Get Outside Your Own Yard open external link
5. Read Up On Justice open external link
6. Protest Like A Pro open external link
7. Give Green open external link
8. Ditch The Excuses open external link
9. Green Your Power Sources open external link
10. Fight City Hall open external link
11. Get Offline open external link
12. Drop Dirty Money open external link
13. School Food Fight! open external link
14. Vote Local open external link
15. Attack Your Meat Habit open external link
16. Bug Your Elected Rep open external link
17. Buy Less open external link
18. Push For Affordable Housing open external link
19. Talk Climate At The Bar open external link
20. Support The Arts open external link
21. Run For Office open external link
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.