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Trump's Policy Agenda
Tax Reform

Trump’s version of “tax reform”: Massive tax cuts for millionaires and corporations


Peter Burgess

Trump’s version of “tax reform”: Massive tax cuts for millionaires and corporations

Frank Clemente via 9:28 AM (2 minutes ago)
to me


This week in Missouri, Donald Trump gave a private speech to corporate leaders and donors promising to give them huge tax cuts.

He’s trying to hoodwink the American people to support this special-interest agenda by claiming that “[l]ower taxes on American business means higher wages for American workers.” But this is the same failed trickle-down argument that we’ve heard for decades.

The reality is that corporate profits are near record HIGHS and corporate taxes are near record LOWS. Some corporations―General Electric, Netflix, Xerox―pay no U.S. income taxes many years. Those that do pay, pay at just a 14% tax rate on average―less than half the official rate and lower than many in the middle-class pay.

Make no mistake, Trump and Republican leaders in Congress are proposing massive tax cuts for millionaires, billionaires and big corporations, at the expense of everyone else. Those tax giveaways will be paid for by cuts to Social Security, healthcare, education and other services that maintain living standards for working families.

Help us push back against Trump’s false claims and deceptions. We are severely outgunned with the megaphone of the White House and with conservative groups already spending millions deluging the airwaves to benefit their billionaire donors.

Donate today to counter their deep pockets and rally the American people against Trump’s tax and budget plan, which is nothing more than a $5 trillion tax giveaway paid for by cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, education and more!

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Next week, when Congress returns from its summer break, Republicans are hoping to salvage their flailing agenda. If they’re successful in passing their tax and budget plans, it will devastate services for working families to give perhaps the largest tax break in our history to the rich and powerful.

Right now, we’re galvanizing our grassroots forces to raise up the voices of the resistance movement to defeat Trump’s tax cuts for millionaires and corporations, just like we helped defeat Trumpcare. We’re coordinating national and local organizations and providing tools to activists and everyday people to help organize protests and rallies and to flood congressional offices with phone calls and letters.

Donate to Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund today to mobilize our national grassroots network in congressional districts across the country.

Trump’s version of “historic tax reform” is not tax reform at all. True tax reform would close special-interest loopholes and make corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes.

Thank you for standing with us at this critical moment as we demand an economy and a tax system that works for all of us, not just the wealthy few.


Frank Clemente Executive Director Americans for Tax Fairness Action Fund

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