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Project Syndicate

Project Syndicate News for 180211


Peter Burgess

Is the Stock Market Loaded for Bear?

Dambisa Moyo thinks the recent fall in equity prices is a harbinger of a broader economic reckoning to come.

When Will Tech Disrupt Higher Education?

Kenneth Rogoff asks why colleges and universities have been so slow to adopt new teaching models and methods.

Donald Trump Is Playing to Lose

Brad DeLong marvels at the US president's bizarre and self-defeating approach to politics and policymaking.
The Year Ahead 2018

Donald Trump and the Decline of US Soft Power

Joseph Nye cites recent opinion polls showing a sharp decline in America's attractiveness around the world.

A People's Democracy in America

Laura Tyson and Lenny Mendonca welcome the widening use of the initiative and referendum processes in US states and cities.

Will China Weaponize Social Media?

Kent Harrington examines the authorities' multi-prong long-term strategy to sway global public opinion China's way.

Volkswagen's Monkeys

Peter Singer welcomes the overwhelming repudiation of the carmaker's experiments on the effects of diesel exhaust.

Pay-or-Play Capitalism

Jim O'Neill thinks corporations should be compelled to help finance public policies that benefit their bottom line.

From PyeongChang to Peace?

Yoon Young-kwan thinks North Korea's participation in the Winter Olympics can be a path to restart denuclearization talks.

Is the Stock Market Loaded for Bear?
Dambisa Moyo thinks the recent fall in equity prices is a harbinger of a broader economic reckoning to come. When Will Tech Disrupt Higher Education?
Kenneth Rogoff asks why colleges and universities have been so slow to adopt new teaching models and methods. Donald Trump Is Playing to Lose
Brad DeLong marvels at the US president's bizarre and self-defeating approach to politics and policymaking.
The Year Ahead 2018 Donald Trump and the Decline of US Soft Power
Joseph Nye cites recent opinion polls showing a sharp decline in America's attractiveness around the world. A People's Democracy in America
Laura Tyson and Lenny Mendonca welcome the widening use of the initiative and referendum processes in US states and cities. Will China Weaponize Social Media?
Kent Harrington examines the authorities' multi-prong long-term strategy to sway global public opinion China's way. Volkswagen's Monkeys
Peter Singer welcomes the overwhelming repudiation of the carmaker's experiments on the effects of diesel exhaust. Pay-or-Play Capitalism
Jim O'Neill thinks corporations should be compelled to help finance public policies that benefit their bottom line. From PyeongChang to Peace?
Yoon Young-kwan thinks North Korea's participation in the Winter Olympics can be a path to restart denuclearization talks. Moralism and the Arts
Ian Buruma opposes judging an artist's work according to the private behavior, however reprehensible, of its creator.
Short Cut Poland's Holocaust Denial Jan Gross says Poland's ruling Law and Justice party is attempting to rewrite the history of the Holocaust.
From the Archive The Coming Bear Market? Robert Shiller presents evidence that US stock markets may not maintain their high valuations for much longer. Project Syndicate publishes and provides, on a not-for-profit basis, original commentary by the world's leading thinkers to nearly 500 media outlets in over 150 countries.

Moralism and the Arts

Ian Buruma opposes judging an artist's work according to the private behavior, however reprehensible, of its creator.
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.