Principles for Investment in Sustainable Fisheries
Although billions of public and private dollars are invested in fisheries every year, more often than not, sustainability is neither the driver nor the intended outcome of those investment dollars. These Principles are focused on changing that dynamic.
Principles for Investment in Sustainable Wild-Caught Fisheries
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Launched at the World Ocean Summit 2018, the Principles are designed to provide investors with certainty about the specific challenges and enabling conditions in wild-caught fisheries, while also generating confidence that building environmental and social sustainability into fisheries will yield a strong return on their investment.
The Principles cover everything from data-poor fisheries to human rights to food security. They align with IFC Performance Standards and UN Principles of Responsible Investment and are designed to advance the goals of the UN SDGs.
The Founding Adopters and Endorsers encourage you to understand, share and use these Principles. Together, we can put capital to work for more sustainable fisheries.
Our partners
David Barley and Simon Dent, Althelia Ecosphere
John Tobin, Cornell University
Fabian Huwyler, Credit Suisse
Jane Feehan, European Investment Bank
Maureen Geesey, The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation
Serge Mayaka, Impact Capitalyst
Teresa Ish, The Walton Family Foundation
Melissa Wright, Bloomberg Philanthropies
Jack Kittinger and Jan Yoshioka, Conservation International
Meg Caldwell, The David & Lucile Packard Foundation
Leah Karrer, The Global Environment Facility
Natasha Garcha, IIX
Larry Band, Pine Creek Consulting
Miguel Jorge, World Bank
Environmental Defense Fund
Encourage Capital
Rare/Meloy Fund
Contact us
Interested in learning more about the Principles or joining us as an Adopter or Endorser? Please contact us.
PAGE 11 Implementation example:
Existing seafood impact investment platforms acknowledge the importance of acquiring an accurate understanding of the conservation and stock status of fisheries from which their investees source, and improving the quality of information on environmental status wherever possible. In cases where data on conservation and stock status and environmental impact exist, investment platforms are undertaking initiatives to assemble the available information and use it to measure current environmental performance and identify shortcomings against sustainability. For example, Pescador Holdings intends to use pre-assessments against the Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC’s) sustainability standard17 for this purpose. In cases where data is lacking, investment platforms are working to fill data gaps. The Meloy Fund applies data-poor stock assessment methods in key fisheries within the areas that it impacts. Additionally, in situations where key information is lacking, Althelia Ecosphere’s Sustainable Ocean Fund will look to partner with project sponsors and other stakeholders to increase data levels as part of the investment package
A variety of approaches can be used to define a sustainable level of fishing. Perhaps the most commonly-used benchmark is Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY), which is defined as the largest catch that can be taken from a stock on an indefinite basis. Both Pescador Holdings and Althelia Ecosphere propose using MSY as a minimum threshold for determining whether overfishing is occurring in ‘datarich’ fisheries that their investee businesses source from. However, in many cases MSY may not be an appropriate tool, or the data is unavailable to permit a rigorous determination of MSY. This is often the case in multispecies fisheries or fisheries where an area-based management approach is preferred. In such instances a suite of ‘data-limited’ or ‘data-poor’ methodologies have been developed that can be used to estimate sustainable catch levels, such as EDF’s FISHE framework18 or the Fish Forever Adaptive Fisheries Assessment and Management (AFAM)
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