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The Trump Presidency
Loose words ... impossible strategies

See why Trump tweeted and then deleted this embarrassing photo (we've got the screenshots!)


Peter Burgess

See why Trump tweeted and then deleted this embarrassing photo (we've got the screenshots!)

Donald Trump wanted to show he’s a serious man who can hold serious meetings. Nothing says “I’m a serious person” like tweeting out photos of you taking a break from Fox News to attend a meeting where your fellow Republicans explain to you that your trade policies are moronic and ill-advised. That’s the scene in the image below as Donald Trump hosted an “Agriculture Roundtable” where red state senators who are worried about re-election and their farmer constituents tried to get Trump to walk back his tariffs and rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

In an attempt to prove he actually does occasionally take a break from Fox News and golfing, he sent out this now deleted tweet bragging about the meeting. Here’s a screenshot of the now missing tweet. Jump below to see why he deleted it.

Donald Trump tweet about his Agriculture Roundtable

That last picture on the bottom right? Let’s zoom in a little closer.

Kyle Griffin ✔ @kylegriffin1 13 Apr It appears that Trump has deleted this tweet—the one where, in the last image, you can see John Kelly with his head buried in his palm.

Jessica B @JessicaLynn624 I made sure to take a screenshot of JUST the photo of John Kelly!

10:02 AM - Apr 13, 2018 View image on Twitter 730 315 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy

A little closer, please.

Jessica B @JessicaLynn624 13 Apr Replying to @kylegriffin1

I made sure to take a screenshot of JUST the photo of John Kelly!

TinkerBitch @TinkerBitch68 I did too! Here’s another one, in case anybody needs it!😜

10:23 AM - Apr 13, 2018 View image on Twitter 166 73 people are talking about this Twitter Ads info and privacy

Apparently Trump’s babysitter and Chief of Staff John Kelly cannot hide his embarrassment about the entire meeting.

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