INVITE 7/11: Give People Money: A Conversation with Chris Hughes and Annie Lowrey
New America NYC via
Jun 28, 2018, 9:52 AM
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Give People Money: A Conversation with Chris Hughes and Annie Lowrey
Imagine if every month the government deposited $500 into your bank account, with nothing expected in return.
Universal basic income (UBI) –the idea of giving every citizen an annual stipend, no questions asked–has become one of the most influential and hotly debated policy ideas of our time, with futurists to libertarians, Nobel Prize-winning economists to union organizers, promoting this 'social vaccine' as a counterbalance to grinding poverty, stagnating mobility, and increasing inequality.
The idea, first championed by Thomas Paine and later Martin Luther King Jr., has been piloted in places like Canada and Finland and is revisited in the U.S in two new books, Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World by economics writer Annie Lowrey, and Fair Shot: Rethinking Inequality and How We Earn by Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes.
On July 11 join New America NYC for a conversation moderated by New America Senior Fellow Georgia Levenson Keohane that examines the specific forces that have created today's growing economic unfairness and what impact this burgeoning international policy movement could play in combating it.
Chris Hughes @chrishughes
Co-Chair, Economic Security Project
Co-Founder, Facebook
Author, Fair Shot: Rethinking Inequality and How We Earn
Georgia Levenson Keohane @GeorgiaKeohane
Senior Fellow, New America
Author, Capital and the Common Good: How Innovative Finance is Tackling the World's Most Urgent Problems
Annie Lowrey @AnnieLowrey
Contributing Editor, The Atlantic
Author, Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World
Copies of Give People Money: How a Universal Basic Income Would End Poverty, Revolutionize Work, and Remake the World and Fair Shot: Rethinking Inequality and How We Earn will be available for purchase at the event.
Give People Money: A Conversation with Chris Hughes and Annie Lowrey
Wednesday, July 11, 2018 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM EST
The Core Club, 66 East 55th Street, New York, NY 10022
Follow the conversation online using #FairShot and #GivePeopleMoney and following @NewAmericaNYC.
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