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People: Chris Macrae
Mapping Multiple Ideas
Reflections on 10 years of Bangladesh, BRAC and multiple initiatives
Peter Burgess
from: christopher macrae
to: Ahmed Zasheem ,
Javeed Mirza ,
Mostofa Zaman ,
Alizee ,
Daniel Lou
cc: Peter Burgess ,
Fumiko Green ,
'H. Lee Wainwright' ,
Jayfus Doswell ,
Yves Eonnet ,
Estelle Eonnet ,
Camilo Galvis ,
Ian Ryder ,
Harpreet Chawla ,
Bob Freling ,
Lilly Evans
date: Sep 21, 2018, 9:33 AM
subject: zasheem hiiccoughs in bangladesh
zasheem i wanted to update you - apart from 2 short texts i have not heard from mostofa for nearly a week now- it sounds like a totally different ;process is needed if any leapfrog partner is ever to come to dhaka or women empowerment again
i want to reflect back to 10 years ago april 2008 probably 5 months before i met you - the day the banks died in uk
I was having coffee with yunus and he cheekily told me his next stop was downing street – he didn’t even know Gordon was Scottish until I told him The PM and Muhammad Yunus - creating a world without poverty The PM and Muhammad Yunus - creating a world without poverty
21 April 2008. Gordon Brown met with Nobel Peace Prize Winner and founder of Grameen Bank, Muhammad Yunus,
to di...
the last 10 years has taught me - expect nobody is helping yunus or sir fazle abed research whose
the next leapfrog innovation networker they may meet next- when they were younger presumably
that might have been different
people i learn most from but maybe not in yunus case
in thunder lightning or in rain- sir fazle 80th birthday
chinese youth ambassadors ask: why not let youth at brac uni hackathon or open space
elders at brac hq 100 yards down the street
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people i learn most from
people i learn from most are also the people i trust culturally most to bridge generations - do you like true me...
not one person inside brac's wall -wow where did learning organisation go
'Bangladesh's Sunshades in October -this is the only creative process worth time now if
you care a jot about women empowering economics scaling across half the worlds youth :
china & south asia
zasheem please try most of these:
1) whatever is the best possibility of glasgow forcibly presented to someone -maybe lady abed as
she is in charge of how english language impacts a developing university: i have asked many
times who heads the university but only now realise its her - this pitch of yours zasheem must
including what gordon brown wants (and does lord stern still ;listen to him- lord stern now works for
china with far more active permissions on green , africa , and new banking than he ever had when
he ran all of gordons academic stuff)
what sir tom hunter wants what students at scottish universities want- what china-scottish
friendship networks exist- scotland can get free trade with china in a way germany's eu and
trump's english language never will- tick tock 3 blind mice UNwomens - can 2 women and 5 men truly change the UN
UNwomens - can 2 women and 5 men truly change the UN
For those of us who want our children to be the sustainability generation, the most exciting 21st c network hubb...
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2) dr islam the director of education was actually undergraduate in budapest- tell him your story of
how much soros and paul farmer loved sir fazle at 20th open society laureates at soros central
university of europe- which is now being vandalised by the nationalist government - get him to
wake up for hungary even if he doesnt feel able to kick a total education council together inside
3) see if any of the people who launched journal of social business at press club or who came to
either of the 2 japan embassy remembrances of my father are still around and survey them what
was one thing world would have missed if sir fazle had not existed- and where is the source
knowledge to how that was created- can you male an online pdf collection of all the greatest
9* Sir Fazle Abed
4) if there is one person who still most talks to you in paris we need to know who that is- wise
comes to paris next in march- yunus has already been appointed as brand csar for paris olympics
2024- we must get china and tokyo to know how to connect solutions without being hijacked just by
yunus in france- we have the same mess with convergences the summit series we both attended
is there anyone at the indian embassy who might want to understand why jack ma took 20% of
bkash and wants to know what the connecting tech group of womens empowerment is in india maybe
javeed can help you find out if there is anyone
if it is true that microfinance would never have scaled without building a barefoot village health
service then that story must be written up as it really happened now -as i write this unctad is
publishing another book on microfinance was a complete sham-all part of the fame media and fake
education manifest in both the bbc coverage of microcredit and 99% of academics of microcredit
let alone clintons leading its global summits- last mile health is also the most unique practice part
of brac university -even jim kim still hasnt learnt the model -- this goes back to where glasgow and
princess anne wanted to partner bangladesh in designing the lowest cost nursing school the world
has ever seen- and the lead technologist at grameen solutions when i first visited grameen is still
working on nursing education can be 10 -100 times less costly for training last mile health servants
and the apps they need to serve rural bangladesh
the british councils youth climate champions should be reminded this remains prince charles lord
sainsbury's ashden, and bbc natiires number 1 local to global curricula- what are they doing about
it linking bangladesh and china power now
i see many more problems back in new york at a tipping point with the un spending a year searching for womens empowerment - hence we need someone appointed by sir fazle to do that
job out of new york- mostofa and amy can explain more about who mark is- dc is still the most
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f***ed up city for political leadership in the western world and us media is absolutely disgusting - it alone can start a nuclear war any time
please take hold of anything you believe in - and require people write down promises to action it ... no more chat - no more middle manager lack of accountability
parallel conversation with mark
mark can I play devils advocate- I think brac needs help – if we don’t help sir fazle now…
Its fantastic news that the new head of unga is making gender equality her theme to bridge with this years sdg financing gap but only if the real brac links inside the un’s changing parts around guterres- brac needs eg you as its minister without portfolio inside the un
Are we saying when sir fazle has gone, the best we can hope for is part of the un will take up a fifth of his knowledge, another fifth by the gates and so on I am saying that is not ok because that will result in brac hq withering away- I have already seen that happen to Grameen – ok the office is still there but the service energy is 20% than when it was yunus culture and it doesnt attract ultra women empowerment visionaries any more- it doent give youth hope locally
In bracs case there is also the university at a tipping point- youth could have been doing projects inside brac hq- they are not
If you look at all of most famous microcredit brand leaders of 1996 brac is the last one still owned by the mission- brac certainly needs reengineering so tech resonates through future work at head office but particularly given the Bangladesh government (also at a tipping point)if tech hollows people out of brac, will we have any future humanity left for youth to action learn sustainability goals around?
Bangladesh is the womens empowerment gateway to the fifth of the world that lives in south asia not to mention the corridor to asean currently blocked by Myanmar… I know for a fact that sir
danny alexander and others at Asian infrastructiure bank (and their main London research branch at the LSE) are most worried by this corridor – they can see diverely valuable maps in other directions out of china but as far as I can see they never have experienced bangladesh’s visionaries face to face and they haven’t yet found who is india’s bottom-up equivalent to what the bangladesh girl empowerment dream was when yunus and sir fazle were in their sixties not their eighties
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Tell me if I should come up to New York to discuss this with you -there are still a few people in Dhaka- the lady who redesigned sir fazle brand round his main relationships in 2010 now leads plan international’ the one brilliant tech manager that I could find in 2007 yunus ever headhunted but the left legless is still around kazi used to work with ck Prahalad and reengineering us
corporations before he thought yunus wanted him to build inside Grameen something that could keep up with grameen phone)
We also have one last chance to reunite Glasgow adam smith scholars from sir fazles alma mater and Gordon brown who has been trying to understand yunus and sir fazle for 11 years – by coincidence the day british banks died what can be done at brac if there is as yet (2.5 years after sir fazle's 80th recommending to shameran upgrading hackathons with girl empowered open space trilingual (including chinese) fusion of students in one building and brac hq 100 yards down the road) nobody there researching china?