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Richard D. Wolff, Founder Democracy at Work

Richard D. Wolff, Founder Democracy at Work // Capitalism: All tricks, no treats


Peter Burgess

Capitalism: All tricks, no treats

Richard D. Wolff 10:50 AM (45 minutes ago) to me

Peter --

It’s a frightening time for a majority of Americans.

Kids know that Halloween masks and monsters are just a game whose real and exciting purpose is the gathering of candy. But for adults, this year’s Halloween presents some actual monsters too. Trump’s aggressive foreign trade and global military policies offer big dangers. The economy is overdue for a “correction” (euphemism for yet another capitalist downturn). It may well be severe because of the over-indebtedness of US businesses (who borrowed at interest rates lowered to near zero because of the 2008 crash). The government’s response to the #MeToo movement is a deeply aggressive Supreme Court appointment. Political and cultural polarization are heightening.

Yet, while this year’s Halloween monsters for adults are scary enough, so too is the mass recognition of deep problems with US capitalism. The US left’s retreat - under the concerted assault since 1945 on all that the New Deal represented - is now over. Occupy, Bernie, Black Lives, #MeToo, the young socialists winning office (and even this month’s pathetically incompetent screed against socialism by Trump’s Council of Economic Advisors) – all attest to the end of that retreat. A new movement is building solidly on the lessons of the past. Its vision is doing better than the declining capitalism we live in. It is something we are proud to be a part of.

This Halloween, please join us and millions of our fellow citizens in moving the project of basic social change forward. Every bit helps as we continue to educate ourselves and make understanding the American economic system a little less scary for everyone.

Richard D. Wolff
Founder Democracy at Work

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