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The problem of greenwashing

The problem of greenwashing ... presentation at the London Business School

The world doesn't seem to understand that most economic activity is 'self reported' by corporate organizations with very weak validation. When we look at corporate performance, and people performance from the perspectives of society and the environment rather than profit and wealth accumulation it gets to be apparent that our modern world is catastrophically unsustainable.
Peter Burgess

Donato Calace • 1st level Linkedin connection ... Director Of Innovation at Datamaran

Tonight at London Business School listening to Ioannis Ioannou, Michael Beutler, Daniel Klier, and Hege Sæbjørnsen. How to combat hashtag#greenwashing? Ask how the organization is redesigning the business model. Ask how they’re mobilizing the organization through targets and incentives. Most companies fail to integrate ESG issues in their strategy because they struggle to understand their business model, they believe they have a comprehensive inventory of risks and opportunities, but they don’t own the process behind the identification of this inventory

TPB comment
The world doesn't seem to understand that most economic activity is 'self reported' by corporate organizations with very weak validation. When we look at corporate performance, and people performance from the perspectives of society and the environment rather than profit and wealth accumulation it gets to be apparent that our modern world is catastrophically unsustainable.

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