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The Trump Presidency
Freedom of the Press

Regarding Jim Acosta of CNN ... Woodward on CNN: Remedy isn't a lawsuit, 'it's more serious reporting'


Peter Burgess

Woodward on CNN: Remedy isn't a lawsuit, 'it's more serious reporting'

Watergate reporting icon Bob Woodward argued that the remedy to President Trump’s decision to revoke Jim Acosta’s White House press credentials isn’t a lawsuit, “it’s more serious reporting about what he’s doing.”

Woodward made the remark at the Global Financial Leadership Conference in Naples, Fla.

“In the news media there has been an emotional reaction to Trump,” Woodward said, later adding, “Too many people for Trump or against Trump have become emotionally unhinged about this.”

“The remedy [isn’t a lawsuit],” he argued. “It’s more serious reporting about what he’s doing.”

NBC News's Dylan Byers first tweeted Woodward's comments.

Woodward has cautioned reporters covering the president in recent months, once telling The Atlantic that the American people “see the smugness” of some in the press and that “following the facts” without injecting feelings and opinions into reporting is one way to help regain the trust of the public.

In the lawsuit filed Tuesday morning, CNN accuses President Trump and other White House officials including White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders of violating Acosta’s First and Fifth Amendment rights.

The lawsuit marks the latest escalation of a feud between Trump and CNN that has been going on for the better part of two years, going back to the Republican’s candidacy.

Sanders in a statement Thursday morning dismissed the lawsuit as “more grandstanding” from CNN while vowing the White House will “vigorously defend” against it.

CNN says the lawsuit is necessary to defend all journalists against “a dangerous chilling effect.”

'While the suit is specific to CNN and Acosta, this could have happened to anyone,' CNN said in a statement. 'If left unchallenged, the actions of the White House would create a dangerous chilling effect for any journalist who covers our elected officials.'

Trump, who often calls the network “fake news,” has not appeared on CNN in 27 months, since he was a candidate in August 2016.

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