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USAID / International Health
TPB View ... a huge mistake

CII Launches Blended Finance Roadmap for Global Health

My initial read of this paper makes me very disturbed. The strategic direction that is described seems to be entirely wrong based on an ideology of development that has not and will not work. Worse, the idea that this sort of initiative will work in the health sector is, in my view misplaced. There is already a blended finance structure in the US health sector, and the outcomes from this system are among the worst in the OECD countries.
Peter Burgess
CII Launches Blended Finance Roadmap for Global Health Inbox x USAID Unsubscribe 10:19 AM (3 minutes ago) to me Learn how USAID is leveraging blended finance in the newly released roadmap USAID: From the American People Join Global Health on GH on Facebook Follow Global Health on GH on Twitter Blended Finance Roadmap for Global Health Download: Greater than the Sum of its Parts In an environment of stagnant donor funding and increasing private sector investment in low- and middle-income countries, actors in both the public and private sectors are increasingly interested in using blended finance approaches to catalyze new funding for global health and achieve health outcomes. As USAID moves towards greater engagement with the private sector, blended finance will be an important component to help achieve development objectives. To support this approach, USAID’s Center for Innovation and Impact (CII) is releasing a new report titled Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Blended Finance Roadmap for Global Health. It offers a step-by-step process for USAID teams and other stakeholders to build on their history of partnering with the private sector, and attract new financiers and resources to jointly tackle health challenges. Greater than the Sum of its Parts: Presents a blended finance roadmap as a practical resource to help USAID, other donors, and partners identify blended finance opportunities to achieve health goals Identifies different types of blended finance instruments and how USAID can support their design, development, and implementation Features country deep dives and illustrative blended finance instruments in India and Tanzania, demonstrating how this roadmap can be applied in global health across different country archetypes We invite you to review this report, test its principles, and help us learn from your experiences as we aim to leverage blended finance to develop and deliver life-saving health innovations to under-resourced settings around the world. ''
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