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US Politics
US Future

The emergence of bright young new congresswomen ... a new generation of legislators ....Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC)

It is good to challenge conclusions ... I have done it all my life. Issues around the carbon cycle are complex and it is difficult to be absolutely certain about anything. My understanding of the carbon cycle is that all the different parts of the cycle operate at very different speeds ... and it is the speed of everything we now do as people in an industrialized society that is causing most of the atmospheric carbon concentration that is the modern problem that needs to be addressed. What is most worrying to me is that the amount of warming caused by human activity is going to be large enough to cause all sorts of negative response from natural systems that will aggravate the problem even more ... an example of this is going to be the release of massive amounts of methane from previously frozen bogs under ice.
Peter Burgess
@AOC reponds to a question from Bill Nye at the SWSX conference

@AOC Corporations have taken over the Government ... democracy

@AOC vision / cynicism

@AOC on wage inequity
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