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The 350 Organization

This week, activists around the U.S. took action against the world’s largest funder of fossil fuels — JPMorgan Chase.


Peter Burgess
Standing up to JPMorgan Chase

Alec Connon - 350 Seattle <> Unsubscribe 11:53 AM (9 hours ago) to me


This week, activists around the U.S. took action against the world’s largest funder of fossil fuels — JPMorgan Chase.

JPMorgan Chase has loaned $196 billion to fossil fuel companies since the Paris Agreement was signed in late 2015 — enough money to buy 52 pipelines the size and scale of the Dakota Access Pipeline. There’s no other way to put it: JPMorgan Chase is profiting from causing climate change, and it’s the rest of us who are paying for it.

Can you call JPMorgan Chase CEO, Jamie Dimon, today to demand that he stop funding climate wrecking fossil fuel companies? We’ve got a script ready for you so you know what to say.

JPMorgan Chase is now the planet’s largest funder of Arctic drilling, deepwater oil exploration, and the largest funder of coal and tar sands in the U.S. Massive infrastructure projects like the Keystone XL Pipeline depend almost entirely on loans from major financial institutions. By cutting off the flow of cash, we can cut off the flow of oil and gas.

People have already been fighting JPMorgan Chase tooth and nail from coast to coast for over a year. On Wednesday, people took action at Chase branches in New York, San Francisco, Seattle, Denver, Chicago and cities across the nation.

You can help keep the momentum going by flooding CEO Jamie Dimon’s office with phone calls demanding that JPMorgan Chase stop bankrolling climate disaster.

Part of the strategy of driving the fossil fuel industry out of existence involves making them unwelcome at all financial institutions. By raising our voices as one, we can show JPMorgan Chase that the consequences of backing fossil fuel companies far outweigh any short term potential profits.

If JPMorgan Chase backs out of funding fossil fuels, it’ll send a powerful message to financial institutions worldwide that the time to pull out of the fossil fuel industry is now. We have the power to bring oil, coal, and gas billionaires to their knees, but only if we take action. Let’s seize the moment.

Please take a few minutes today to call JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon.


Alec Connon - 350 Seattle
Tell JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon to pull JPMorgan Chase’s funds out of fossil fuels. You can find a script below.

Call JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon Call 212-270-1111

If they don't answer, try Matthew Arnold's (Global Head of Sustainable Finance) office: 212-270-5097 OR

Mark Roach, the Executive Director of Chase's office: 713-262-1951

Hello, my name is ______. I’m calling Jamie Dimon’s office today to urge him to stop giving loans to the fossil fuel industry.

I want him to do this for the sake of people around the world and the future of our planet. As a consumer, I will refuse to bank with any company that is so out of touch that they’re still funding fossil fuels.

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