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Stop pesticides like Roundup® from wiping out bees and butterflies: “A catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems.”


Peter Burgess
A 'catastrophic collapse of nature's ecosystems' Inbox x Friends of the Earth Action Unsubscribe 11:17 AM (8 hours ago) to me Dear Peter, Stop pesticides like Roundup® from wiping out bees and butterflies: “A catastrophic collapse of nature’s ecosystems.” That’s what scientists say could happen if we don’t act fast to stem the decline of insects like bees and butterflies. These pollinators are essential to our food system -- but they’re dying at alarming rates. A key culprit in the decline of insects is the massive overuse of toxic pesticides like glyphosate -- a.k.a. Monsanto’s Roundup® -- and bee-killing neonicotinoids. At Friends of the Earth Action, we’re working to ban these pesticides. If 75% of the people reading this email donate now, we’ll meet our fundraising goal. We need your help to save bees and butterflies! Stop pesticides like Roundup® from wiping out bees and butterflies: Donate $27 or more NOW! The numbers are staggering. California lost 86% of its monarch butterflies in the past year alone. Their numbers are dangerously low, with a mere 30,000 remaining -- a drop from almost 10 million in the 1980s. At the same time, there has been a massive increase in the use of glyphosate -- a.k.a. Monsanto’s Roundup®. This toxic pesticide wipes out milkweed, the only food young monarchs eat. It’s a simple formula: More Roundup® = less milkweed = fewer monarchs. If we don’t act fast to shift away from toxic pesticides, we could lose the iconic monarch butterfly forever. And it’s not just the butterflies -- this crisis could spiral to bug-eating birds and other species. The only way to stop this crisis from getting worse is to get toxic pesticides like Roundup® out of our food system. But we can’t do this without you. Help get toxic pesticides out of our food system: Donate today! Instead of reining in the pesticide industry, the Trump administration is ignoring the evidence that glyphosate is bad for our environment and health. Trump’s USDA and FDA aren’t even testing our food for this dangerous pesticide -- even though independent testing has found it in children’s cereals! And Trump’s Justice Department recently green-lighted the mega-merger of Bayer and Monsanto, giving the new company even more control over our food system. Together, we’re fighting back. Since the Trump administration refuses to act, we’re pushing food retailers, state and local governments, and Congress to step up. Thanks to Friends of the Earth Action members like you, we’ve already made progress in pushing food retailers to eliminate pesticides. Costco has announced that it’s taking steps to address pesticide use in the food it carries. And Kroger has committed to eliminate bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides from its garden plants. At the same time, we’re pushing for Congress and state officials to fill the gap in stopping Monsanto. With Democrats in control of the House of Representatives, we have new opportunities to push for truly progressive legislation to fight Big Ag’s control of our food system. Meanwhile, we’re organizing volunteers in cities and states from Cincinnati to Massachusetts to pass bills banning Roundup®. Together, we can save monarch butterflies from extinction. We can move to a truly sustainable, healthy, organic food system that works for people, pollinators and the planet. But we need you with us. Help fight Monsanto’s control over our food system: Donate $27 or more before time runs out! Standing with you, Tiffany Finck-Haynes, Pesticides and pollinators program manager, Friends of the Earth Action
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