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Corporate Irresponsibility
International Oil Companies

The BP Amazon scandal: How the media often miss the big environmental picture ... If a forest is destroyed and no one is there to see it, does anyone care? Investigative journalist Stephen Davis writes.

An audit helps to keep the corporate world reasonably honest about their financial performance, but there is nothing to stop corporate organizations from hiding the environmental damage they cause and the social implications of their behavior. I have never been an 'investigative reporter' but have done work in a lot of places where international companies were engaged in extraction (petroleum, minerals, gems, lumber, etc.) and it was not a pretty sight. A lot of people are hurt by this behavior, sometimes referred to as 'the resource curse', but international companies are protected not only by corruption but also by some ancient international law which essentially permits international trade in products acquired by any means whatsoever. The world deserves better!. When are we all going to wake up?
Peter Burgess
The BP Amazon scandal: How the media often miss the big environmental picture ... If a forest is destroyed and no one is there to see it, does anyone care? Investigative journalist Stephen Davis writes.

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