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Activism : SumOfUs
Bezoz -v- Amazon Stakeholders

Sijal Nasralla, May 14, 2019, 1:27 PM


Peter Burgess
Re: Amazon

Sijal Nasralla, Unsubscribe

May 14, 2019, 1:27 PM (3 days ago)

to me

Amazon’s sketchy CEO, Jeff Bezos, doesn’t know how to run the world’s richest company. It’s time to blame Bezos for Amazon’s horrific treatment of workers, immigrants, and our changing climate.

With your help we can get Bezos a boss and end his shameful reign as both CEO and Chair of the Board.



Things are going horribly wrong at Amazon… and that's bad news for us all.

Jeff Bezos is no longer the scrappy entrepreneur selling books online from his garage. He’s the menacing ringleader of a one-man show called Amazon, the richest company in the world.

From breaking workers dignity with gruelling labor at minuscule pay to plotting how to make money off of deporting and detaining children, Bezos is to blame for Amazon’s malpractice. And as CEO and chair of the board he has made sure that no one has the power to stop him.

Just one misstep: He forgot about us.

When Amazon shareholders meet at its annual general meeting later this month, they’ll vote on a SumOfUs-backed effort to finally get Bezos a boss and some much needed oversight. And thanks to your pension and mutual funds, you have a seat at the table.

Click here to use our easy tool and demand that Bezos get a boss ASAP.

Being a leader means accepting responsibility when things go horribly wrong -- which is exactly what workers expect from Mr. Bezos. That’s why New Yorkers came together to shut down Amazon’s plans for a second headquarters in Queens—a plan which would displace working-class communities while giving cash handouts to the mega-corporation.

And it’s even why Amazon employees have called out some of Bezos’ biggest missteps—from trying to sell facial recognition technology to ICE to failing to take on the threat of climate change head on. Plus, it’s just smart business: half of S&P 500 company boards have already taken on this leadership structure.

The tides are turning against King Bezos. Last year, we got 1 out of 3 of Amazon’s shareholders to vote that Bezos needs a boss. Thats huge, but we need to build even more pressure to deal a winning blow at this month’s annual general meeting.

Bezos needs a boss! Use our simple tool to contact your pension fund manager to demand accountability at the top of Amazon!


Thanks for all that you do,

Sijal, Lisa and the team at SumOfUs

More information:

Over 4,200 Amazon Workers Push for Climate Change Action, Including Cutting Some Ties to Big Oil The New York Times, April 10 2019

'We are not robots': Amazon warehouse employees push to unionize The Guardian, January 1 2019

SumOfUs is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t.

Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in $3 or become a SumOfUs core member with a regular monthly donation.

Sijal Nasralla, 8:17 AM (1 hour ago)

to me

Wednesday is Amazon’s massive annual meeting and it's time to show Jeff Bezos that the power over our lives, our economy, and our democracy is in our hands.

Vote FOR Amazon accountability now!



Jeff Bezos is the single richest person in human history. His corporate empire, Amazon, now mines, tracks, and sells our private information for profit -- controlling what we see next while undercutting small businesses and trampling over our communities.

Jeff Bezos

This can’t stand. Next Wednesday at Amazon’s massive shareholder event, Jeff Bezos is going to try to get away with his bottom line: Buy our elected officials, deny decent wages, and rig the rules so Amazon can prosper.

But he forgot one thing: Working people, neighbors and investors are furious.

Across the country, ordinary people, have launched demands that could change Amazon for good, striking fear into the hearts of corporate execs who want to vote against the people's interest. Together, we can turn up the heat on Amazon next week, vote FOR accountability, and stand with those gearing up to face down Bezos and his board.

We only have days left. Peter, will you cast your vote now to turn this boring meeting into a battle for our democracy?


Over 8 shareholder proposals calling for accountability from Amazon isn't a good look for the corporation. Last year, when SumOfUs members demanded Bezos needs a boss, 1 out of 3 independent shareholders voted against Amazon's interest.

Even Amazon employees are standing up to Bezos’ unchecked leadership. Hundreds of employees signed an open letter calling on Bezos to stop the sale of facial recognition software that could lead to “dangerous mass surveillance.” And just last month, more than 4,500 employees demanded Bezos take action in the fight against climate change.

The tides are turning against the richest man in the world. But we need your vote to deal a winning blow.

Peter, will you cast your vote for Amazon accountability now?


Thanks for all that you do,

Sijal and the team at SumOfUs

More information:

The Amazon Selling Machine, The Atlantic, 25 October 2018

Over 4,200 Amazon Workers Push for Climate Change Action, Including Cutting Some Ties to Big Oil, The New York Times, 10 April 2019
Things are going horribly wrong at Amazon… and that's bad news for us all.

Jeff Bezos is no longer the scrappy entrepreneur selling books online from his garage. He’s the menacing ringleader of a one-man show called Amazon, the richest company in the world.

From breaking workers dignity with grueling labor at minuscule pay to plotting how to make money off of deporting and detaining children, Bezos is to blame for Amazon’s malpractice. And as CEO and chair of the board he has made sure that no one has the power to stop him.

Just one misstep: He forgot about us.

When Amazon shareholders meet at its annual general meeting later this month, they’ll vote on a SumOfUs-backed effort to finally get Bezos a boss and some much needed oversight. And thanks to your pension and mutual funds, you have a seat at the table.

This should only take a few minutes. Use our tool below to select your country, find your fund, and we'll automatically email your fund manager asking them to vote for our resolution calling on Amazon to appoint an independent board chair. Bezos can't steamroll vulnerable communities to build Amazons brand -- he needs a boss.
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.