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Amazon / Bezoz

With no one to answer to, CEO Jeff Bezos has let Amazon stomp all over worker protections, immigrant rights, and environmental commitments.


Peter Burgess
Sijal Nasralla, Unsubscribe 8:12 AM (50 minutes ago) to me With no one to answer to, CEO Jeff Bezos has let Amazon stomp all over worker protections, immigrant rights, and environmental commitments. Shareholders at Amazon’s annual general meeting can change that with a simple vote. Join our Tweetstorm telling shareholders: #BezosNeedsABoss! TWEET NOW Peter, Jeff Bezos likes making his money by mining our personal lives, undercutting our communities, and even providing technology that helps immigration authorities track families. It's simple: Being CEO and Chair of Amazon's Board has made Bezos the richest human in history, allowing him to rule with unchecked power. But shareholders could vote to reign in his out of control empire. A vote for an independent chair would finally give Bezos someone to answer to. We need your help to build pressure before shareholders gather at Amazon’s massive meeting Wednesday. Tweet to tell Amazon shareholders: #BezosNeedsABoss. SumOfUs members like you have stood up to Amazon’s worst abuses. From pitching facial recognition tech to ICE, to advertising on Breitbart, we’ve been there to hold the tech giant to task for its missteps. Even Amazon employees are standing up to Bezos’ unchecked leadership. Hundreds of employees signed an open letter calling on Bezos to stop the sale of facial recognition software that could lead to “dangerous mass surveillance.” And just last month, more than 4,500 employees demanded Bezos take action in the fight against climate change. The tides are turning against Bezos’ rule of one over the world’s largest corporation. But we need to build even more pressure to deal a winning blow at this month’s annual general meeting. That’s why we’re raising our voices across Twitter to make sure shareholders hear loud and clear: #BezosNeedsABoss. Will you add your voice now? Call on Amazon shareholders to end Jeff Bezos’ unchecked power over the world’s biggest corporation. TWEET NOW Thanks for all that you do, Sijal and the team at SumOfUs More information: 'We are not robots': Amazon warehouse employees push to unionize, The Guardian, January 1 2019. Over 4,200 Amazon Workers Push for Climate Change Action, Including Cutting Some Ties to Big Oil, New York Times, April 10, 2019. SumOfUs is a community of people from around the world committed to curbing the growing power of corporations. We want to buy from, work for and invest in companies that respect the environment, treat their workers well and respect democracy. And we’re not afraid to stand up to them when they don’t. Please help keep SumOfUs strong by chipping in $3 or become a SumOfUs core member with a regular monthly donation. SET UP A MONTHLY DONATION Chip in $3 instead This email was sent to | Unsubscribe
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