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Social Enterprise UK

Front and Centre - Putting Social Value at the Heart of Inclusive Growth


Peter Burgess
Seven years ago, Social Enterprise UK helped get the Social Value Act passed through Parliament, placing an obligation on public bodies to think about the wider social and environmental impact of the services they commission. Yesterday we launched our latest report looking at the state of social value - how it is being used by local authorities, the difference it is making and how it must be placed front and centre of how both local and central government operates. Click here to download 'Front and Centre - Putting Social Value at the Heart of Inclusive Growth. The report is based on in-depth survey responses and interviews with key stakeholders from across local government. Some of the key headline stats from the report are that: However, the research also showed that social value was also too often siloed within procurement, meaning it's full potential to reduce inequalities and deliver on inclusive growth is not being realised. We will be continuing to work hard to make the case for social value and how it must be used more strategically across how public bodies operate. Best wishes, Dr Claire Mansfield, Director of Research, Social Enterprise UK This research is supported by Brought to you by Social Enterprise UK, the national membership body for social enterprises. Unsubscribe/Update email preferences If you wish to unsubscribe, please click on the link below. Please note this is an automated operation. Powered by Adestra
Front and Centre - Putting Social Value at the Heart of Inclusive Growth Our latest research report calls for a rethink on how public bodies use social value, urging it to be placed front and centre of how local and central government works. Based on in-depth research across local government, the report paints a mixed picture – one in which real progress is being made by forward thinking local authorities but where the transformative potential of social value is not being fully realised. Almost two-thirds of local councils (63%) are shown to have a good understanding of social value with 82% believing that social value drives higher levels of growth. However, only 42% believe that using social value has reduced inequalities. The report makes the case for bridging this gap and the use of social value to drive inclusive growth. The report calls on public bodies to use social value more strategically, taking it out of the procurement silo where it is too often found and embedded across council's operations. Click here to download ... Open Social-Enterprise-UK-Front-and-Centre-Report-May-2019.pdf The report is supported by Power to Change, Cordant Group, ENGIE and the Lloyds Bank Foundation. Open public-value-framework-and-supplementary-guidance.pdf
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