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US Politics
New York Politics

Working Families Party ... AOC endorses Tiffany Cabán! for District Attorney of Queens, NY


Peter Burgess
20 of 632,011 [ENDORSEMENT] Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Tiffany Cabán Inbox x WFP Election Alert Unsubscribe 3:52 PM (1 hour ago) to me Working Families Party ... AOC endorses Tiffany Cabán! Peter Burgess: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez just endorsed WFP candidate Tiffany Cabán for District Attorney of Queens, NY! This is just AOC's second endorsement since being sworn in to office, and if you read her message below, it's not hard to see why. This isn't just any local race, Peter Burgess. DAs are some of the most powerful elected offices, and Queens alone has a population of 2.4 million people — larger than 15 states. Tiffany is running an incredible people-powered campaign against the establishment, on a platform of real reform of our criminal justice system. The Working Families Party is proud to be supporting Tiffany on the ground. If we can help power her to victory on June 25th, it won't only impact millions of people's lives directly, it could also spark national momentum toward ending mass incarceration like never before. Please read AOC's message below, then say you're in with a grassroots donation of $3 or more directly to Tiffany Cabán's campaign. (And join us this Sunday May 26th at 8pm ET/5pm PT to hear from Tiffany Cabán directly on our second WFP Assembly video call! Click here to RSVP.) In solidarity, Working Families Party EMAIL FROM TEAM AOC: Peter Burgess, Right now, there are innocent folks sitting in Rikers because they can’t afford $500 to post bail. Maybe they have a family that needs them, or miss work as they wait for their court date — our system doesn’t care. This reality emboldens the coercive power of prosecutors, who abuse poverty to convince even innocent folks to take plea bargains just to go back to their normal lives. But it also compounds an already pervasive problem with our justice system — it’s not working, and it doesn’t make people feel safe. Our criminal justice system should protect people and rehabilitate others who’ve made mistakes. But when exorbitant fines for something as simple as jumping a subway turnstile can land you in jail, it’s hard to believe in the fairness of the system. When you lose your license because you can’t afford to pay a fine, and then lose your job because you can’t make it to work, something’s wrong. When kids are being stopped on the street and questioned by police because they “looked suspicious,” something’s wrong. When members of the community are sitting behind bars for selling marijuana, but over 70% of Americans think that it should be legal, something’s wrong. The system needs to change. New Yorkers deserve a seat at the table, and a champion who will fight to realign our priorities towards equal treatment under the law. Now, we have a chance to fight for that change. Tiffany Cabàn, a career public defender with a powerful vision of a community-led justice system, is running for Queens District Attorney — and we’re incredibly proud to endorse her. Will you stand up for a champion of social, racial, and economic justice by chipping in $3 to her campaign today? Contribute » For too long, the Queens DA has stood by as mass incarceration has ravaged our communities. New York pays $143,000 every year to keep someone incarcerated — just imagine what we could do if we instead invested that money in health care, infrastructure, or education. Tiffany sees it the way we do. She’s spent years as a public defender in the city — defending some of our most vulnerable communities against a criminal justice system that just wants to throw folks behind bars. Countless people that she’s defended would tell stories about how Tiffany would walk them through issues with immigration, research job opportunities, and build a stable life for themselves. That is the model our justice system ought to aspire to. For those who make mistakes, hold them accountable, but don’t punish for punishment’s sake. Millions of people encounter the criminal justice system, but they don’t need to be forever defined by that interaction. Tiffany can’t win without you. In these local elections, entrenched power and corporate PACs are especially hard to beat — will you counteract their influence and fight for criminal justice reform with a $3 contribution today? If Tiffany wins, things are going to change. Instead of criminalizing poverty, we’re going to dedicate resources towards prosecuting abusive landlords. Instead of targeting people who use marijuana, we can go after the drug companies that took advantage of working-class folks for profit. We can end broken windows policing and rebuild the relationship between our communities, and the justice system that’s supposed to work for us. We can end cash bail, so that rich or poor, you are held equal in the eyes of the law. Already, we’ve seen the impact of progressive District Attorneys on the lives of everyday Americans. In Philadelphia, Larry Krasner declared an all-out war on mass incarceration — ending criminal prosecution for marijuana possession, cash bail for low-level misdemeanors, and spearheaded a lawsuit against major pharmaceutical companies. Across the country, others are following suit — with city-level DAs chipping away at the cash bail system, fighting for stronger rehabilitative services, working with community activists, and fundamentally shifting their local systems to focus on rehabilitation and restitution, instead of retribution and punishment. We can win a justice system that embodies social, racial, and economic justice for all. It just starts with you. Pa’lante, Team AOC Like us on FacebookFollow us on TwitterFollow us on Instagram Become a Working Families Party Sustainer! Other political groups have corporate donors. We have you. Just $10 a month supports our fight. This is a message from New York Working Families Party.
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