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Webinar organized by BeWasteWise

Marine Plastic Pollution – Sources, Forces and Courses of Action


Peter Burgess
Marine Plastic Pollution – Sources, Forces and Courses of Action

WHEN: May 31, 2019 @ 11:00 am – 12:00 pm UTC Timezone
Adam Read / Libby Peake / Louise Edge

Register to join the webinar and click on the link you receive in your email.

This expert panel will reflect on the arrival of plastics in the marine environment, consider how we got here and most importantly what we can do, with insights on a number of global projects and local innovations.


Libby Peake, Senior Policy Adviser, Green Alliance
Libby Peake is senior policy adviser on resource stewardship at Green Alliance, a UK based independent charity and think tank focused on achieving ambitious leadership for the environment. There, she works closely with other NGOs, academics and businesses to promote better use of resources throughout the economy. This includes managing the Circular Economy Task Force, a forum for policy, innovation and business thinking on efficient resource use in the UK. She is an expert and trusted commentator on resources and waste topics including: plastic; ecodesign; chemicals regulation; resource efficiency; and recycling. Before joining Green Alliance, Libby spent ten years at environmental publishing house Resource Media.

Louise Edge, Environmental Campaign Coordinator, Greenpeace
Louise began working for Greenpeace in 2000. Since then she has worked in countries around the world campaigning on issues as diverse as ancient forest protection, nuclear disarmament, ending whaling, and the campaign to create a sanctuary in the Arctic. Since 2016 she has been leading the Greenpeace campaign to tackle ocean plastic pollution, which has led to a UK government ban on microbeads, introduction of a bottle deposit return scheme in Scotland and action by companies to cut their plastic footprint.


Adam Read, Director of External Affairs, SUEZ Recycling & Recovery
Adam Read is the moderator of this interaction. He is the Director of External Affairs at SUEZ Recycling & Recovery. Adam has specialized in waste management policy development, strategic decision-making, behaviour change, procurement and training for the last 19 years, first as a municipal waste management officer, then as a University based researcher, and for the last 12 years as a consultant working globally on waste services and strategies.
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