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Climate Activism
Rezwan Razani

Graduates in Your Life? Climate Crisis Congrats!


Peter Burgess
Gmail Peter Burgess

Graduates in Your Life? Climate Crisis Congrats!

Rezwan Razani Sat, Jun 8, 2019 at 11:53 AM
To: Peter

Dear Peter,

It's graduation time! Folks everywhere kicking off summer with the hottest event in town! (link is to an SNL video that totally nails the ritual.) Do you have a graduate in your life? Congratulations!

The class of 2019 has a fascinating, daunting future ahead of it. One that will be glossed over in many commencement speeches, but not this one! From Aaron Gell's 'The Climate Commencement Speech Our College Grads Deserve':
Despite...the heartfelt wishes, the stirring rhetoric about how my kid and her classmates should be true to themselves...and how they should stand up for what’s right, and honor their best selves, and become lifelong learners, and never, ever let anyone tell them they “can’t,” the plain fact is that my kid is utterly screwed, as is everyone in her class. And so, dear candidates, are you. It’s not your fault. It’s ours. Mine, your professors, your parents, your grandparents. All of us. We let you down.* And not just a little bit. We totally, and perhaps irrevocably, blew it. I’m not sure there’s an actual phrase strong enough to convey just how bad it is, the hell storm you’re about to waltz into....

Your elders inherited a pretty okay planet overall — not perfect by any means, but halfway decent. Totally workable. And a few decades later, it’s time to pass on this glorious birthright, a precious heirloom handed down century after century since time immemorial, and, um, what can I say?

You kids are in some real trouble.

A lot of you are thinking about what comes next, about how you’ll find your purpose in life. Unfortunately, that’s not going to be a problem. Your purpose is about to find you.

As I look out there at your shining faces, your bright eyes so full of innocence and hope, I wish it were otherwise. You have your whole lives ahead of you. The possibilities should be endless, as they were for me and my class a few decades ago.

Instead, you’re about to confront a set of challenges my generation couldn’t even conceive of, or more accurately, simply preferred not to. *Even the supposed environmentalists, dutifully separating our recyclables and carrying our reusable totes to the store, we didn’t really act, not in any meaningful way.
Wow! That's harsh! But wait, there's some hope for the graduates. The speech continues:
And so here’s the kicker. Even as we lay this mess at your feet, we mock you relentlessly...The truth is that we’re jealous of you and we always have been. We’re jealous of ... your ability to take good selfies...

And I suspect that one day, we will come to envy your courage. We will look on with awe as you lead the rest of us in facing up to an overwhelming challenge. We will watch with wonder as you confront the disaster we’ve helped bring about, and do it with grace, and humility, and wisdom, and empathy. And as grim as the challenge is, I think you may also find joy in it . It will bring your lives meaning of a sort most of us have never felt.
OMG. Seriously?

Here it is, in black and white. Yet another person, fretting about climate - while abdicating responsibility. 'We screwed up - and now we're going to sit back and watch you fix it. Have fun!'

With no useful guidance about how to fix it, of course. Something about blocking traffic. Striking. Climate striking without doing the climate homework. As usual. Everyone wants to graduate without doing the homework. What's up with that?

This is where humanity is at right now. Everyone delegating the solutions and avoiding the math or thinking it through. This includes the activists. Oversimplifying and calling for some glossed over something or other.

How many things in life are a choice, and how many choices do you make without fully understanding them?

If we're serious about the graduate's futures, and getting clear on the choices, what needs to 'Commence' here is...of course... a zero carbon coaching clinic. (Maybe the problem is the name. Should we call it, 'Last Chance Solution Dance'?) Whatever we call it, what's needed is a systematic, candid, collective fact finding, problem solving and decision making process.

Because we need to - RIGHT NOW - figure out this mess - to the best of our ability. Enough slacking! Or we don't graduate to the future in the real world. This is not a drill. This is our real world pass/fail final exam.

Apparently, our message is not getting through. If it was, there would be a lot less fretting, dithering & arguing; and a lot more getting down to work and problem solving.

We're working on getting the message out. There's the video (please watch and share! Set up a screening with friends, I will skype in for Q&A).

And now we're working on our FP2W 101. Something super practical and engaging for people to graduate from and actually go on to save the world. But we need your help to make it happen. As always. You are the power! You make it happen. Become a monthly member today!
Did I Mention How Super Important Your Monthly Gift Is?

Your graduate needs you! The planet needs you! There's so much confusion and solution avoidance out there! YOU CAN CLEAR IT UP! Your contributions bring on the clarity.

Contribute Now!

Dedicated Donors, those who donate on a monthly basis, make it easier for Footprint to Wings to financially plan, and fully focus on this crucial work. Can you help us reach our goal by becoming a Dedicated Donor today?

One time donations are also super cool! And we're looking for Board members. And help making the ultimate scoreboard app, and more!

It's your planet! Your future! You've got the power.

With deepest gratitude, and heartfelt congratulations.

To zero carbon and beyond,


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