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Corporate Accountability

Corporate Accountability ... What will you make possible this year? Vision / Fund Raising


Peter Burgess
Forging ahead Corporate Accountability via 6:14 AM (2 hours ago) to me Corporate Accountability What will you make possible this year? Give Now Dear Peter, Every so often, we step back and take stock of where we’ve come from and where we’re going. You’ve helped make so much possible over the last six months, growing our movement to build a better world. And we’ve still got so much to do. That’s why a generous member has offered to match every donation dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000 before midnight tonight to catapult the corporate accountability movement forward. Double your impact when you give before midnight! Give now Here are just a few of the things we’re setting out to do with your support before the end of 2019:
  • Advance a two-part strategy to help address the climate crisis and hold Big Polluters accountable: Make the call to kick Big Polluters out of the climate talks in December too loud to ignore and call on state attorneys general to investigate Big Polluters like Exxon for decades of climate deception.
  • Challenge fast food giants like McDonald’s for predatory marketing of junk food in schools. Our next step: collaborating with the educators at the National Education Association (the country’s largest teachers union) to advance a resolution rejecting fast food industry fundraisers like McTeacher’s Nights.
  • Move people like you and public officials to hold water privatizing corporation Veolia accountable for the role it played in water crises in Flint, MI, and Pittsburgh, PA.
  • Challenge the corporate interference in our democracy in these trying political times. Whether corporations are lobbying to roll back critical environmental and health safeguards, or front groups are pushing legislation that will profit their industry at our expense, we’ll be there to ensure that elected officials answer to people, not corporations.
One thing is certain: we can’t accomplish any of this without you and your stalwart support. Will you help us reach our $5,000 goal by midnight tonight? When you do, a generous donor will DOUBLE your gift! Thank you for all that you’ve helped accomplish, and all that you’ll do in the coming months. Onward, The team at Corporate Accountability Give Now [ Facebook ] [ Twitter ] [ Instagram ] Corporate Accountability stops transnational corporations from devastating democracy, trampling human rights, and destroying our planet. We are building a world rooted in justice where corporations answer to people, not the other way around -- a world where every person has access to clean water, healthy food, a safe place to live, and the opportunity to reach their full human potential. You may change your email preferences or unsubscribe at any time. State Disclosures. Write to us at or call us at +1-800-688-8797 (U.S.). Corporate Accountability 10 Milk St, Suite 610, Boston, MA 02108
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