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TPB Linkedin Connections
Mark Degenhart

Consultant, Accenture Development Partnerships // Impact Capital Forum


Peter Burgess
Mark Degenhart Status is reachable Mobile • 20h ago Expand your conversation with Mark Close your conversation with Mark Degenhart Mark DegenhartStatus is reachable Mark Degenhart · 1st Consultant, Accenture Development Partnerships WEDNESDAY Mark Degenhart sent the following message at 11:07 PM View Mark’s profile Mark Degenhart Mark Degenhart 11:07 PM Peter, it was great meeting you at the Impact Capital Forum event. I look forward to keeping in touch! -Mark Seen by Mark Degenhart at 1564028471993. TODAY Peter Burgess sent the following message at 4:01 PM View Peter’s profile Peter Burgess Peter Burgess 4:01 PM Mark ... good to meet you too at the Impact Capital Event. I did not realize that the Impact Capital Forum used to be the Microfinance Club of New York, an organization I joined when it first started sometime in the last century. I gave up on Microfinance quite early on ... a long story for another time. I see impact investing as important ... but I am not very tolerant of impact investing that is merely in name alone which is why I am doing my best to figure out how metrics (numbering) can be done easily, cheaply and effectively! This is what TrueValueMetrics (TVM) is all about. Triple Bottom Line numbering is essential, but not super simple. All the best ... HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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