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Activism ... SumOfUs
Palm Oil supply chain

PepsiCo ... Palm oil is destroying lives, the rainforests of Indonesia, and it's worsening climate chaos ... Sign the petition to demand CEO Ramon Laguarta cuts ties with Indofood!


Peter Burgess
Re: This ONE MAN is responsible

Rebecca Falcon, SumOfUs Unsubscribe 6:19 AM (6 hours ago) to me


Palm oil is destroying lives, the rainforests of Indonesia, and it's worsening climate chaos. We really need your help, Peter.

We're SO CLOSE to getting PepsiCo to do the right thing on palm oil and get rid of conflict palm oil company Indofood. But Pepsi's CEO Ramon Laguarta is blocking everything. It's time to show him what people power looks like.

Sign the petition to demand that Pepsi puts the planet, the workers and the orangutans before its dirty palm oil profits.

This ONE MAN is responsible for Pepsi's reckless inaction on palm oil. We have to do something NOW, we owe it to the plantation workers and the endangered orangutans, tigers, and pygmy elephants.

Let’s make this personal. Sign the petition and tell Pepsi CEO Ramon Laguarta that he must take responsibility now:

SIGN THE PETITION Original email sent last week:


Pepsi’s CEO admitted to me that his business partner and conflict palm oil producer Indofood won’t even pick up the phone to him, when I challenged him to end the dirty deal at Pepsi’s biggest shareholder meeting recently.

Indofood rips off workers with illegally low wages and destroys Indonesia’s remaining orangutan territory. Now CEO Laguarta has admitted the palm oil company is ghosting him! Surely the only option left is to cut ties?

But guess what? While food giant Nestlé has cut ties with Indofood, Laguarta is still trying to do … business as usual. The CEO hasn’t been swayed by the tragedy of thousands of palm oil workers being denied their basic rights, so it’s time we make him feel the heat.

Sign the petition to demand CEO Ramon Laguarta cuts ties with Indofood!

At Pepsi’s shareholder meeting in North Carolina, I handed Laguarta over a million signatures on SumOfUs petitions challenging Pepsi to start giving a damn about the destruction it’s profiting from.

Laguarta's excuse for not cutting ties? He pretends he’s trying to engage Indofood to change its crooked behaviour. The truth is PepsiCo has tried and failed to reform Indofood for the past 3 years. If your business partner is a notorious palm oil menace that won’t change nor talk to you on the phone, the answer is you have to leave.

Indofood routinely breaks Indonesian labour law by ignoring the minimum wage and withholding health care for workers. And to earn its poverty wages, the company sets overly high quotas -- so harvesters are forced to bring their families, including children, to work.

Also, the palm oil villain slashes and burns hectares of precious rainforest. It’s so dirty it was recently given the boot by the RSPO, the world’s largest palm oil sustainability certifier. It’s time Pepsi CEO does the same.

Yes -- I’ll sign to demand that Pepsi puts the planet, the workers and the orangutans before its dirty palm oil profits.

Our campaign to curb Indofood is working. Earlier this year public pressure forced Nestlé to cut ties with the palm oil villain, and last month major bank Citigroup has pulled all funding for the exploitation plantation owner.

It’s clear that CEO Laguarta cares more about his profits than the reckless practices of his business partner, so for palm oil workers stuck in awful and dangerous conditions, and for the orangutans whose habitat is being rapidly destroyed, let’s send this clear message to CEO Laguarta:

Customers and the public see past his thin promises, and we won’t stop until we see real change for workers and rainforests in Indonesia.


Thanks for all that you do,

Rebecca, Fatah, Lisa and the team at SumOfUs

More information:

The Human Cost of Conflict Palm Oil, Rainforest Action Network, 1 June 2016

Palm Oil Giant Indofood Sanctioned Over Labor Rights Violations, Rainforest Action Network, 5 November 2018

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