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Push back from Exxon Mobil

re: Exxon ... Exxon is still after us. It’s no surprise that the fossil fuel billionaires responsible for so much destruction and climate chaos are playing some dirty games.


Peter Burgess
re: Exxon Inbox x May Boeve - <> Unsubscribe 2:49 PM (7 hours ago) to me Dear Peter, It’s clear, ExxonMobil executives are nervous. They’re trying to intimidate witnesses in a landmark New York lawsuit and are specifically targeting Can you pitch in to help us expose Exxon's decades of lies and deception? We know the truth. Since as far back as the 1970s, ExxonMobil executives have lied to the public about the devastating impacts of climate change all while making billions off the destruction of our communities and our planet. Check out my original email below, and thank you for your support. Dear Peter, Exxon is still after us. It’s no surprise that the fossil fuel billionaires responsible for so much destruction and climate chaos are playing some dirty games. As part of a climate fraud lawsuit in New York, ExxonMobil is demanding that third-party witnesses provide documentation of all communication they have had with and other important movement partners.1 They’re sticking to their strategy of delay and deception, trying to silence us from further exposing the truth about their role in the climate crisis. Pitch in $5 right now to fight back against Exxon and protect our movement. Last year, the New York Attorney General’s office officially filed a lawsuit against ExxonMobil for “allegedly defrauding investors for years by deliberately downplaying the climate risks to its business and long-term financial health.' This could be the greatest case of corporate fraud in history. Only it’s not just investors’ money at stake; it’s our planet and society. New York Attorney General Letitia James is set to take Exxon to court on October 23, just one month after the Global Climate Strikes. This lawsuit is a huge opportunity to set a precedent around the world for holding fossil fuel executives accountable and making them pay for a just transition to a 100% renewable energy economy. ExxonMobil executives know this, which is why they’re intimidating witnesses and dead set on stopping the climate movement. We won’t let this happen. We’re going to keep fighting and keep winning against the fossil fuel billionaires no matter what dirty games they try to play. Can you donate $5 to show Exxon we won’t be intimidated and we will make them pay? It’s clear, ExxonMobil executives are scared of the power of our movement and the strength of our numbers. In 2016, they attempted to silence us by subpoena for helping expose that Exxon scientists knew and lied about the climate crisis for decades. It didn’t intimidate us then, and it won’t intimidate us now. Thank you for showing up again and again to hold the fossil fuel industry accountable and strengthen this global movement. Onwards, May Executive Director 1 - Exxon Accused of Pressuring Witnesses in New York Climate Fraud Case, Karen Savage, Climate Liability News, August 6, 2019. is building a global climate movement. You can connect with us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and text 350 to 83224 to get important mobile action alerts. Become a sustaining donor to keep this movement strong and growing. Looking for other ways to get involved? Check out our map to see if there's a local 350 group or event near you. You can update your contact information, location, or language here, or if you're 100% sure you never want to hear from again you can click here to unsubscribe.
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