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Event: Webinar Sept 12, 2019
Management Metrics

Learn more about Impact Measurement and Management of the Impact of Investments in Community Development Investments ... Sep 12, 2019 10:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

I learned about measurement as an engineer, then about statistics as an economist and about profit management as a Chartered Accountant and working as a corporate CFO. Later in my career I did a lot of work involved with monitoring and evaluation of development projects which led me to working with to combine social impact, environmental impact and economic impact into one coherent numbering system for management and reporting.
Peter Burgess
Topic Impact Measurement and Management of Community Development Investments.


Today community development, place-based economy, and Opportunity Zones have captured the attention of investors, fund managers, policymakers, and community advocates. Proponents of Opportunity Zone anticipate that the policy will unlock billions of dollars to support vital community development projects and create economic opportunity in distressed areas. At the same time, we are also concerned that even if new private investments flow to Opportunity Zones and result in significant positive (or negative) impact for those communities, if we don’t measure it, we’ll never understand the change. If un-checked, Opportunity Zones could have the most significant potential negative impact on the neighborhoods, they intend to help.

Fortunately, we have the frameworks from IRIS+, SDG, and Impact Management Project to measure and manage the impact of Opportunity Zone investments.

The key element of all the frameworks is outcome measurement and objective monitoring. Community Impact Fund metrics should track real change, with an understanding that baselines from which the outcomes can be measured, the outcomes themselves, and any risk factors. Both quantitative and qualitative measures are valuable indicators of progress.

Join us to learn more about Impact Measurement and Management of the Impact of Investments in Community Development Investments.

Time Sep 12, 2019 10:00 AM in Pacific Time (US and Canada)

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