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Elizabeth Warren on Climate Change: Where the Candidate Stands
How do the 2020 Democratic presidential hopefuls compare on their climate history and promises to solve the crisis? ICN is analyzing their records.
Elizabeth Warren. Credit: Sean Rayford/Getty Images
Sen. Elizabeth Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat running for president. Credit: Sean Rayford/Getty Images
'Before the 2008 crash, investors and the government failed to address growing risks in our financial system. We're making the same mistake with climate change today—we know it's coming, but we're not doing enough to stop it.' —Elizabeth Warren, September 2018 Been There Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who represents Massachusetts, a state with strong ties to Puerto Rico, paid attention to Hurricane Maria when it spread death and lasting destruction across Puerto Rico in 2017. Warren was already fighting for debt relief for the territory before the storm. Maria brought the island's plight into a climate focus. 'There are people who have no food, there are people who have no water, there are people who have no medicine, there are people who need our help,' she said. 'This is the responsibility of our government, the government that is supposed to work for us.' Elizabeth Warren, candidate profile Done That Warren came to political prominence in her detailed response to the financial crisis of 2008, and that has carried over into her increasingly developed position on climate change. Look at the Climate Risk Disclosure Act that she introduced in September that would require companies to disclose the risk climate change poses to their financial assets. The bill would require companies to release information on their greenhouse gas emissions, fossil fuel holdings, and how they would be impacted by both climate policies and the effects of climate change. The bill languished, but the issue has been gaining traction among fossil fuel company shareholders in recent years and appears to also be gaining traction among other candidates. Candidate profiles Getting Specific
On the campaign trail, Warren is increasingly taking a leadership role on climate issues, as when she became one of the first presidential candidates to sign the No Fossil Fuel pledge. When she released a detailed policy proposal in April to ban new oil and gas leases on federal lands, other candidates quickly followed suit. And when Joe Biden put out a big climate pledge, Warren was able to quickly trump him with an even bigger commitment of her own. By aligning herself with Inslee's climate ideas, Warren clearly is making a bid for climate voters. ------------------------------------------------------ Read Elizabeth Warren's climate platform. Read more candidate profiles. |