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IIRC Stakeholder Survey 2019 ... TPB responses to the questionaire


Peter Burgess
IIRC Stakeholder Survey 2019 Question Title 11. To what extent is the IIRC making progress on its mission to encourage the global adoption of integrated reporting and thinking into mainstream business practice? Excellent Progress Good Progress Satisfactory Progress Poor Progress Question Title 12. How likely are you to adopt or advocate the adoption of the Framework? Very Likely Likely Neither Likely or Unlikely Unlikely Very Unlikely Question Title 13. What would it take to convince you to be a more engaged advocate of integrated reporting? I am an advocate for better metrics in all aspects of the global socio-enviro-economic system. I like IR, but in many ways it remains deeply flawed and nor yet fit for purpose in the world we no inhabit Question Title 14. What one thing would most help increase market adoption of integrated reporting over the next 12 months? Focus on outreach to investors and building the investor demand for integrated reporting Building the role of the IIRC Council as a mechanism for change in the reporting landscape Focus on driving adoption in key markets including the US, Germany, China and ASEAN Encourage regulatory support and signposting Develop guidance, training and research that supports report preparers enhance their approach to reporting Work through the Corporate Reporting Dialogue to drive a robust and effective reporting landscape Other (please specify) Massive effort to introduce numbering for social capital, natural capital and economic capital. Without relevant numbering, everything is just more talk and wasted energy! Question Title 15. How effective is the IIRC in communicating it's mission, as well as the progress it is making, its activities and events? Effective Somewhat effective Not effective Question Title 16. What could the organization do better to engage with you? Pull me in ... engage with me. I may not be easy to work with and am not affiliated with a large big name company or academic institution, but I probably have more relevant exoerience than most people interested in better metrics! Question Title 17. Do you have any other observations about integrated reporting and the current corporate reporting landscape that could help shape our thinking? Yes ... my starting point is that the basic framing of conventional financial accountancy is very powerful ... Balance Sheet at the beginning of the period, P&L account, Balance Sheet at the end of the period. Expand this idea to ALL the capitals, Social Capital, Natural Capital and Economic Capital. Expand this to all the Activities in the socio-enviro-economic system. Expand this to all the Actors in the system. Use this from all of the different perspective not simply from the corporate perspective. Make Social progress as important as financial wealth generation. Integrate the present value of future costs as rigorously as we look to calculating the present value of future profits in stock market valuations. Embrace the ideas of life cycle costs and values. Question Title * 18. Are you a Business Network participant? (a list of all companies in the Network can be found here) Yes No Prev Next Powered by SurveyMonkey See how easy it is to create a survey.
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