Fwd: Objectives & Meeting Notes
Jerome Peloquin
Fri, Sep 13, 4:13 PM
to Yahr, me
And so it starts ... I am engaging also with Peter Burgess, who, as you know, has a wealth of experience and I would like both of you to work to support the effort. Let's start with you keeping time and we will then convert that into either cash and/or equity ... I'm open to any suggestions you may have.
Jerome Peloquin
The Family Fish Farms Network, Inc.
717 Lawrence Street, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
cell: (410) 227-0498
(Skype) fishfarms1
LinkedIn Profile
Motto: benefacientes benefactis
We grow healthy local food ... save fresh clean water ... create decent paying jobs.
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Jerome Peloquin
Date: Fri, Sep 13, 2019 at 4:00 PM
Subject: Objectives & Meeting Notes
To: Tadesse Meskela
Ethiopian Sustainable Economic Initiative
Aquaponikus Ethiopia
(The Ethiopian Sustainable Economic Initiative)
Project Memorandum 001
Time: 1400
Date: 09/12/19
Place Sheraton Hotel, Silver Springs, MD
In Attendence:
Tadesse Masekela - Principal
Jerome Peloquin - Principal
Grace McClain - Project Staff
Purpose & Scope - The meeting between principals Mr. Peloquin and Mr. Meskela was organized for the establishment of a formal structure and a process to reanimate and launch the ESEI initiative as described in attachment #1. The initial stages of the ESEI project will focus on the creation of a viable scaleable fish and greens production facility adjacent to Lake Zwei and accessible to Addis Abbaba. A co-equal objective is to begin the ecological restoration of Lake Zwei, to completely remediate decades of pollution and restore the ecosystem to its original pristine and natural condition.
Discussion Points - Mr. Meskela explained could resource the funds necessary to initiate the project, acquire seed funding, and equipment/hardware & software, as well as fund a familiarization trip and a full-scale Feasibility Study, including engineering, environmental, and economic assessments. However, in order to accomplish the initial funding he would need a presentation package to include the following:a detailed description/analysis of costs for the minimum viable system.
Business and Organizational Structure - The first task of the team will be to set forth the formal business relationship between and among the parties. Both principals agreed that good agreements make for good partners. Accordingly, the first official document will be a memorandum of understanding. Once agreed upon a letter of intent will follow and finally a formal contractual partnership agreement prepared by respective councils. Mr. Peloquin agreed to provide a first draft to be reviewed by Mr. Maskela and then formalized as described herein. An initial draft of the MOU will be completed by EOB tomorrow, 09/14
The following points of agreement constitute a priorities list. Peloquin agreed to complete these tasks in final draft form no later than EOB, 09/20/2019
- a detailed inventory of the necessary equipment and their cost
- a detailed inventory for costs of documentation
- a detailed inventory for costs of technical training
- success stories from other locations, especially including potential profits
all of this should be limited to the scope of fish, vegetables, and lake remediation
The Family Fish Farms Network, Inc.
717 Lawrence Street, NE
Washington, DC, 20017
cell: (410) 227-0498
(Skype) fishfarms1
LinkedIn Profile
Motto: benefacientes benefactis
We grow healthy local food ... save fresh clean water ... create decent paying jobs.
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Thanks, I'll take a look.Got it.Sounds good.