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Democracry Cooperative / The Next System Project
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The latest from The Next System Project ... Nationalization: Quintessentially American ... Nationalization Is Actually Very American ... November 2019


Peter Burgess
Nationalization Is Actually Very American Inbox x Next System Project via Wed, Nov 6, 12:03 PM (12 hours ago) to me

The latest from The Next System Project Nationalization: Quintessentially American

The history of government action in the US to nationalize certain businesses or industries to advance the public interest—even when it means dramatic scenes like the one above of the CEO of retailer Montgomery Ward being carted out of the chain's headquarters by federal troops in 1944—has been underappreciated. In our new report, A History of Nationalization in the United States, 1917-2019, research director Thomas M. Hanna notes that 'this approach has often been deployed when private companies are hindering national efforts to address a crisis.' As we face a global climate crisis, the report says it is time to take a new look at our history for tools that will help us address it. Accompanying the report is an interactive timeline, a chart, and a brief video. Read the report...

In Jacobin, Thomas M. Hanna writes: 'In just the hundred years between 1909 and 2009, the federal government nationalized hundreds of businesses across a wide variety of economic sectors. ... And while nationalization is certainly no panacea, and not universally applicable, it should be destigmatized and seriously considered as the solution to a variety of social ills.'

Read the article... Public Control Of Utilities Is In (Teen) Vogue

Energy and Climate Program co-manager Johanna Bozuwa is featured in Teen Vogue—but she's not making a fashion statement, but a political one about democratizing the energy grid. In this smartly written article by Greta Moran, 'Publicly Owned Utilities Could Help Fight the Climate Crisis,' Bozuwa highlights the history of public ownership in the energy utility sector and the importance of learning from that history so that people are more effectively in control, especially as California grapples with the role that mismanagement at investor-owned utility PG&E has played in the state's wildfires. She has also recently been featured in Mother Jones, The Real News Network and the Counterspin podcast.

Read the Teen Vogue article... THE NEXT SYSTEM PODCAST Housing for People, Not for Profit

In this new edition of The Next System Podcast, we look at the potential impact of a 'homes guarantee' policy recently released by People's Action with the help of Next System Project senior researcher Peter Gowan. Hear from Gowan, Christy Respress of Pathways to Housing DC, Stephanie Bastek of Stomp Out Slumlords, Tiana Caldwell of KC Tenants and Tara Raghuveer of People’s Action. Listen to the podcast... Learn more about the basics of system change and catch up with past episodes of The Next System Podcast on our website, DONATE Share Share Tweet Tweet Forward Forward Follow us on Twitter Follow us on Twitter Like us on Facebook Like us on Facebook Visit our website Visit our website Copyright © 2019 Democracy Collaborative, All rights reserved. You are receiving this email because you signed up for updates from and the Democracy Collaborative.

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