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Thought Leader
Jake Mitchell

How to turn off the noise in your head and prevent burnout ... Using Business For Good | Podcast Host | Co-Founder at Serenity Labs


Peter Burgess

How to turn off the noise in your head and prevent burnout ... Using Business For Good | Podcast Host | Co-Founder at Serenity Labs

I have good news: you don’t need to sacrifice your health & wellbeing in order to build a successful business.

There are tradeoffs we all need to make in life, and burnout out while scaling your business is not one of them.

I want to give you a peek into my approach.

To show you how I’m scaling my business in a way that nourishes my health and vitality. How we can all integrate beliefs, habits and routines that allow you to get into peak performance and a state of calm everyday. Over the last year I’ve spoken with over a thousand entrepreneurs and investors around the world who are using business to improve society and the environment. I know many of you who are building businesses like this, and I know many of you want to do business differently – in a way where you don’t have to sacrifice your wellbeing for your business. Again, this trade-off isn’t necessary, it’s a myth. I’ve been learning from my own experimentation - and from top mentorship - to improve the quality of my life and my business together. And I’m getting great results. My wellbeing and business are both getting better everyday together … It’s a great way to live and operate ... But, I wasn’t always this way ... In 2016, I joined an early stage health/wellness tech startup as the first hire on the sales team. I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into, but I had an insatiable desire to make it rain … I bet you can relate … I jumped in head first. My first ever demo resulted in a sale. I was high on life. I continued to take massive action, made thousands of calls in a 3 month period, and faced rejection after rejection … it was tough. Also, the position was 100% commission. The pressure was on. Sometimes it felt like people on the other end of the phone didn’t care about me or what I had to say. It hurt. A couple of months into the job I nearly quit. The pain was becoming intense. After some contemplation, I realized that this challenge is exactly what I needed in order to grow into the person I wanted to become. I wanted to run a company someday, positively influence others, and speak with conviction. So I came back to the job with newfound energy. I was ready to make it RAIN! Within a couple of weeks from that moment, I started to feel the momentum. Sale after sale, yes after yes, I built more confidence and was starting to enjoy the process. I was in ‘flow’. I started to take off like a rocket ship. Within another few weeks, I began to make more sales than the founders. I soon became a manager and started training new salespeople. I started generating more income than I needed, so I became an investor in the company. The vision of being a leader in an impact space had transformed from a dream into a reality … I was flying high … Then, a few months later, something happened … I was making more money, the team was growing, but I was feeling off ... Unconsciously, I had been building up anxiety and stress overtime ... I was feeling perpetually exhausted … Perpetually stressed … Anxiety was through the roof … I was blindsided, had no idea where it came from ... Just ignore it and push through, I told myself. You’re weak, suck it up, I also told myself. I resisted the feeling, because just a couple of months ago I was crushing it! I could get back to that place easily, I told myself, just suck it up and get the work done! At the same time, more responsibilities and pressure to perform were building as the team was scaling … I began mentoring, coaching more, taking on more sales calls late into the evening. I was also starting an eco-apparel business of my own on the side. I was literally working around the clock. My brain was always on. My mind was full of noise. The stress, anxiety and overwhelm was building like a pressure cooker waiting to explode, but I continued to ignore it … But the stress finally cracked. One day in the early afternoon, I experienced a panic attack. I became nauseous, head spinning, thoughts racing, not thinking clearly. I could barely communicate. I was scared out of my mind and needed to take the rest of the day off. I remember being on my couch confused, scared, feeling like my life was out of control ... In retrospect, I now realize that long before the panic attack, I was burning out. I tried pushing through the stress and fatigue, thinking it would just go away. I realized that I needed to push reset, leave both companies and reevaluate the way that I was living and doing business ... A few months later, one of the co-founders, Arye Shabtai, who had since resigned to heal his own burnout, reached out and told me that he was starting a new venture … You see, for 6 months he had been experimenting with lifestyle design, investing countless hours into meditation - mindfulness training - with teachers around the world. He told me about his vision to live and do business differently, and invited me to join… To build a business where everyone wins... Where People, Profit, and Planet are accounted for. Where scaling actually improves the quality of our lives and the business together. And teach this way of living and doing to business leaders around the world … to change global business culture for the better. We enjoyed working together last time around, but we were both burning ourselves out … So, we got the ball rolling on this new venture, with fresh perspective on the Lifestyle, Mindset, and Skillset needed to get the most essential goals accomplished. After doing market research with over a thousand entrepreneurs, we found overwhelming evidence that most entrepreneurs are burning themselves out and experiencing mental conditions such as chronic stress and anxiety, and don’t really know what to do about it ... So, we saw the gap in the market and took action. We started to get clients, we launched our podcast, more and more people wanted to be on our show, more and more people were curious what we were up to and wanting to get involved! We started to grow, develop our curriculum, utilize tools like compassionate communication, teach entrepreneurs meditation and breath-work to optimize peak performance, and our clients started to get results too. We even paused new sales for 3 months to really consider and mindfully approach how we were scaling the business … Because we want to make sure that as we scale, it serves our lifestyle and we can deliver great results to all of our clients while having fun with the process! Our brand identity then came to fruition, to help entrepreneurs ‘turn off’ so they can unlock new levels of focus, creativity, and vitality. We began learning from those who have achieved great results in business and life like Richard Branson. Diving deeper into developing a curriculum around Mindset, Lifestyle, and Skillset - specifically designed for impact entrepreneurs who want to scale up their ventures mindfully. This is our passion, this is what we live everyday … And simply by reading this, you are already one step closer to experiencing it too ... Growing a company doesn’t have to rob you of your health and relationships ... There is a way to build your business and wellbeing simultaneously … If you agree, give me an AMEN ... The reality is, hustle will give you results in the short run, but after enough time, it will wear you down … Did you know that entrepreneurs are 2x more likely to suffer from depression, 3x more likely to suffer from substance abuse and 50% of business leaders suffer from one mental health condition in their lifetime? I’ve talked to entrepreneurs that have come down with heart conditions in their mid 20s as a result of overwhelm and stress … I’ve seen executives brag about how little sleep they operate on as if it’s something to be celebrated ... We give you permission to prioritize your wellbeing and watch results in your business and life thrive … Today, I’m the co-founder at Serenity Labs .. we teach entrepreneurs how to turn off the noise in their head so they can turn on new levels of potential. We want to see you take great care of yourself so you don’t burnout … We want to help you become more nourished on every level, and be an example of vitality. Your wellbeing is worth it, isn’t it? It’s great to carry out your mission with a sense of ease, joy and peace-of-mind… It’s great to spend time with your family and actually be present with them … To have systems in place that actually allow you to decompress … To enjoy life without chronic stress ... Trust me, it’s a lot better on the other side … If you’re a business leader in the impact space and this resonates with you, I want you to go to our website now ( and learn more about what we’re creating for you. We have a few spaces open at our 2020 Clarity Mastermind Retreat in Tel Aviv at the end of this year … It’s going to be an amazing event to help you get crystal clear on your objectives for 2020, up-level your brand identity, and revitalize your energy … Best part is that we’ll be giving you the tools so you can revitalize your energy forever … You can find the details here: Drop a comment below saying ‘I’m interested’ and we’ll hop on a call to discuss. We are also now accepting new members to our global wellness community for entrepreneurs where we help you turn off the noise in your head and turn on new levels of potential. There is a different way of doing business … One where you can get more done over longer periods of time … Without chronic stress, overwhelm and ultimately burning yourself out … I bet you’re interested in living and doing business like this, aren’t you? That’s what we all want, isn’t it? Health, wealth, and happiness. That’s what we’re creating. Next step: just type ‘I’m interested’ in a comment below and let’s chat. Thank you, let’s change the world together. Jake Report this Published by Jake Mitchell Jake Mitchell Using Business For Good | Podcast Host | Co-Founder at Serenity Labs Published • 1mo 1 article Following HOW TO TURN OFF THE NOISE IN YOUR HEAD AND PREVENT BURNOUT Are you an entrepreneur, executive, or business leader in the impact space? Scaling up the business, yet often feeling exhausted and worn down? Is your brain constantly working, thinking, and problem solving? Maybe you’re completely overwhelmed and just want to experience CALM and PEACE while growing your business? Well, take 3 minutes to read this post because it’s going to change the way you approach life and business forever. #burnout #mindset #harmony #flow #values #leadership #authenticity #entrepreneurship #impact #culture #fullpotential #conscious
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