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Business Fights Poverty

How Can We Measure Our Social Impact?; Is Davos Signalling the End of Business as Usual?; Men as Allies Across the Value Chain and other news items


Peter Burgess
How Can We Measure Our Social Impact?; Is Davos Signalling the End of Business as Usual?; Men as Allies Across the Value Chain Inbox x Business Fights Poverty Team via Wed, Jan 29, 1:54 PM (1 day ago) to me Business Fights Poverty Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn Collaborating for Social Impact FEATURED How Can We Measure, Manage and Get the Most From Our Social Impact? Join us for a live written discussion with a panel of experts to discuss how businesses can measure, manage and get the most from their social impact. Live Panel taking place on Thursday, 27 February, 10-11am EST (3pm-4pm GMT) Live Written Discussion, Thursday, 27 February, 10-11am EST (3pm-4pm GMT) FEATURED Gender Equality is Everyone’s Business: How Can Companies Engage Men as Allies Across the value chain? Due to launch in early February, a new report will reveal how companies have a unique opportunity to positively influence gender norms at scale by engaging #MenAsAllies to advance gender equality.​ By Alice Allan, Challenge Director, Business Fights Poverty IMPACT alt_text Demystifying Impact Measurement and Management for Inclusive Business In the build up towards Business Fights Poverty's first Online Discussion of 2020, which focuses on Impact Measurement, learn more about the topic in this interview brought to you by Business Fights Poverty Content Partners iBAN and Business Call to Action. Interview with Rabayl Mirza, Impact Specialist, Business Call to Action, by Dana S. Gulley, Editor-in-Chief, Inclusive Business Action Network SDGS alt_text The Real Meaning of ‘Business with Purpose’ Genuine 'stakeholder capitalism' must be fundamentally more than a shiny new logo upon swish marketing strategy with some philanthropy thrown in​ By Amitabh Behar, Chief Executive, Oxfam India. FINANCE AND INVESTMENT alt_text Why ESG is Core to Long-Term Success in Venture Capital Venture capital (VC) is a relatively new asset class but is already having a transformative impact on large sections of the global economy. By Liz Lloyd CBE, Chief Impact Officer, CDC Group REFUGEES & MIGRATION alt_text Refugee Food Entrepreneurship: How the Business Community Can Support Sustainable Livelihoods Food entrepreneurship is a growing area of livelihood creation that has gained traction as countries search for ways to address the refugee crisis. We provide recommendations for how the business community can provide support to refugee food entrepreneurs. By Kristin Babbie Kelterborn, Willia​m Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan and Johanna Mendelson Forman, The Stimson Center SDGS alt_text The Triangle That Will Fix Capitalism It is remarkable how the agenda in this 50th edition of the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting has shifted towards calling for a move to stakeholder capitalism, as issued by Klaus Schwab in the new Davos Manifesto. The theme of the 2020 forum itself is: “Stakeholders for a Cohesive and Sustainable World”. By Peter Bakker, President & CEO, World Business Council for Sustainable Development​ ENVIRONMENT alt_text Is Davos Signalling the End of Business as Usual? As world leaders in politics and business gather in Davos, IIED director Andrew Norton considers progress on the event’s ‘business with purpose’ agenda and asks how a progressive sustainability manifesto can omit climate change. By Andrew Norton, Director, IIED SDGS alt_text The Company of the Future Must Do Well by Doing Good By Feike Sijbesma Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Managing Board, Royal DSM Colin Mayer CBE Podcast Interview with Professor Colin Mayer CBE, Saïd Business School Share your insights! Share Do you have an article that you would like to share? Get in touch with Anna Johnson, Editor, Online, Business Fights Poverty © 2020 Business Fights Poverty. The Business Fights Poverty logo is a registered trademark. Business Fights Poverty is a Founding UK BCorp.
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