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Sustainable Jersey City

ECO-AMBASSADOR PROGRAM ... The objective of The Eco-Ambassador program is to empower and educate the Jersey City community about topics that include resource recovery, resiliency, and how to support waste prevention and diversion.


Peter Burgess
SJC PROJECTS Scroll down to learn more about the various projects we are working on! butterfly.jpg ECO-AMBASSADOR PROGRAM The objective of The Eco-Ambassador program is to empower and educate the Jersey City community about topics that include resource recovery, resiliency, and how to support waste prevention and diversion. We will be educating and training participants on how to be environmental stewards in their community! LEARN MORE saynotoplastic.jpeg PLASTIC & MATERIALS RECYCLING SJC is launching a Community Education Initiative to help alleviate the confusion and to mobilize citizens to take action and change our habits around plastic ! LEARN MORE image12.jpg COMMUNITY COMPOSTING The objective of the SJC Composting Team is to create awareness around reducing food waste and to promote composting at home, at schools, other public institutions and commercial food establishments. We support education and coordination between community gardens and residents so that gardens, parks and other green spaces can become beneficiaries of healthy soil amendments created by recycling food waste by our community. Want to get involved? Contact us to discuss opportunities for participation! We hope that a network of community gardens & parks emerges to help in recycling neighborhood food scraps !! LEARN MORE image14.png COMMUNITY SOLAR There is a lot of opportunity for Solar installations in Jersey City. On rooftops big and small, parking lots, empty lots, sides of skyscrapers. Right now there are almost 100 buildings with solar panels in Jersey City, but that's less than 1% of what is possible - and it can be a profitable return on investment! LEARN MORE GREENER BUILDINGS & ENERGY EFFICIENCY A primary focus of this project will be to educate Neighborhood Associations and other community stakeholders about the opportunities for Green Buildings across Jersey City. These include Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Municipal, Universities / Colleges, Schools and Hospitals. There are emerging models for this right now in Jersey City and many more across the Region that we can all learn from! Check out what the US Green Building Council / NYC Chapter published just before the last Mayoral election across the Hudson - why can't we pick up this roadmap for Jersey City? LEARN MORE NJFT-Team-St.-Pauls-RG-Install-2014.jpg GREEN INFRASTRUCTURE Trees are a cornerstone strategy toward implementing more Green Infrastructure (GI) in Jersey City. Alongside rain gardens, bioswales, green roofs, and green walls, trees provide multiple environmental benefits, and are a lower cost option for defending against some of the negative impacts of climate change. A long-term, integrated, citywide GI implementation plan would be transformational for our growing river city. Here are some of the ways SJC is connecting GI to our other project initiatives and involving the community in this important conversation! LEARN MORE image19.jpg CSC – COMMUNITY SUSTAINABILITY CURRICULUM Sustainable JC would like to see a learning community evolve that includes the school district, municipal employees and other community stakeholders participating together - on both planning and implementing projects which impact the future sustainability of Jersey City neighborhoods. By prioritizing community and professional education, and collaborating with an array of education partners, we feel that we are doing our part to bring a more informed public to that effort! Our emphasis on Innovative Demonstration Projects and advocacy for a citywide Sustainability Task Force, that includes representative voices across all Wards of the City, is intended to further that effort. LEARN MORE Sust Schools.jpg SUSTAINABLE SCHOOLS Sustainable JC (SJC), Jersey City’s Community Green Team, is supporting the roll-out of the Sustainable Jersey For Schools (SJ4S) statewide certification program by partnering with JC School District Champions to plan, design and help fund demonstration projects at our schools, and in surrounding neighborhoods. If you would like to work with SJC on school district projects, please fill out our Welcome Survey and let us know more about you! This includes Teachers, Parents and others seeking to work with students to expand sustainability activities in Jersey City. LEARN MORE garden-network.jpg A Network Of SUSTAINABLE COMMUNITY GARDENS In Jersey City One of the goals of SJC's Good Food Now! initiative is to connect the people behind the emerging urban ag movement in Jersey City and to provide more opportunities to exchange know-how, seeds, success stories etc. A natural next step was to launch this project, A Network of Sustainable Community Gardens for Jersey City (NSCG), to collect important data and map activities going on at ALL JERSEY CITY GARDEN SITES. This will allow us to build a compelling overview of what's happening, what's working and not working, plus offer some meaningful metrics (attracts funding!) + inform SJC's educational outreach efforts. It will also provide a roadmap for a sustainable landscape design improvement project we have in mind, for all of these sites across Jersey City - stay tuned! LEARN MORE treespeechlogo-1.png TREE SPEECH The trees of Jersey City have taken to twitter. Environmental artist Anne Percoco launched the Twitter accounts in the summer of 2016 to Jersey City trees and recruited residents to tweet, in the first person, from the trees' perspectives. These “tree stories” started a citywide conversation about expanding and maintaining the City's deficient tree canopy. This project, produced in partnership with Sustainable Jersey City and numerous volunteers, has been a vehicle for environmental activism, education, and community engagement. The project helps to create a tree inventory using the Jersey City OpenTreeMap, an open source mapping tool to which the City subscribes. LEARN MORE image21.png GOOD FOOD NOW! SJC's Good Food Now! initiative is a Jersey City food systems networking and education project to help existing and planned urban farming efforts, community gardening projects, farmers markets, CSAs, and healthy wholesale, retail and cooperative food enterprises find synergies to work with one another toward improving access to local and healthy foods across ALL Wards of Jersey City. LEARN MORE Screen Shot 2019-02-03 at 11.13.20 PM.png MAPS WE’VE BUILT Take a look at some of the maps we've built to showcase community gardens, parks, greener buildings and solar installations, and eco-schools in Jersey City! LEARN MORE
SITE COUNT Amazing and shiny stats
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