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US Politics | |||||||||
Burgess COMMENTARY Peter Burgess | |||||||||
Why is this woman not being talked about every day on this site? Hark Community (This content is not subject to review by Daily Kos staff prior to publication.) Friday March 13, 2020 · 7:32 PM EDT Recommend 675 Share Tweet306 Comments 306 New RSS PUBLISHED TO Hark This Week in the War on Women California politics trending TAGS Recommended KatiePorter Share this article katie_porter.jpeg This isn’t much of a diary. Maybe more of a short Ode. But I just had to get it out. Rep. Katie Porter occasionally gets a mention here or there on DKos, but I think she is underrated. I can’t even count the number of times I have watched this amazing woman grill people on a variety of issues ranging from healthcare to economics. She is brilliant, prepared, dogged, fearless and relentless in the pursuit justice and equity on behalf not only of her constituents but of Americans of all stripes. Just watch her take Wells Fargo CEO Charlie Scharf to task for ripping people off to the tune of $600 Million: Or see how she corners the head of the CDC into agreeing to leverage his authority to ensure that all Americans will have access to Coronavirus testing regardless of their ability to pay: Watch her take our narcoleptic HUD Secretary to school on his own responsibilities: Over and over and over again, this woman, along with her staff, does the research, reaches out to the agencies and departments ahead of time, even gives the officials a headsup on the questions they will face, and she lays into them with such force and vigour, it’s frankly awe-inspiring. She’s a freakin national treasure. I just wanted to tip my hat to her, and to thank her for her service. She’s fighting for me, she’s fighting for you, and I really hope that I will have a chance to cast a ballot for her in the future (hint, hint). Edited: My videos were in the wrong order. Apologies Edit #2: From the comments, it appears that Rep Porter is in a tight race for re-election this fall, and several people commented that she could use some donations. I have donated and encourage you to do the same here: |