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Virtual Event

STRATEGIC INVESTMENT CONFERENCE MAY 11–21, 2020 ... Most Important SIC Yet! ... Economic Risks, Challenges & Opportunities in the Post-COVID-19 World


Peter Burgess
STRATEGIC INVESTMENT CONFERENCE MAY 11–21, 2020 ... Most Important SIC Yet! ... Economic Risks, Challenges & Opportunities in the Post-COVID-19 World

The COVID-19 crisis has left us in an unfamiliar landscape, searching for answers. More than 35 prominent experts in economics, finance, and politics have agreed to participate in a virtual conference to provide those answers.

Join the conversation LIVE with your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass! COST has been reduced from $775 to $375

35+ world-class presenters and panelists, including Leon Cooperman, Ian Bremmer, Peter Diamandis, Neil Howe, Doug Kass, Niall Ferguson, Matt Ridley, David McWilliams, and Jeff Saut

30+ hours of gripping presentations and virtual panel discussions: What are the economic and (geo)political challenges we’ll face in 2020, 2021, and beyond? And what profit opportunities will arise from the crisis?

You can even ask questions in real time, onscreen and via your SIC app

After the Strategic Investment Conference is over, you’ll get:

Presentations and panels in video and audio format, to watch and listen to at your leisure—over and over again

Full transcripts for each presentation

Original slide shows the faculty used for their presentations

I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that our 16th Annual Strategic Investment Conference will be the most important one I have ever hosted. —John Mauldin

Future generations may look back on the COVID-19 pandemic and its global economic impact as one of the greatest global disasters of our time.

They may also know where we went wrong, what we did right, and how we could have handled the situation better.

At the moment, we don’t have the benefit of 20/20 hindsight yet. We are still in the midst of the crisis. Confusion reigns, and the need for clarity is paramount.

That’s why we need answers from world-class experts with the knowledge to shed light on the most pressing issues:

How deep a shock is the current recession going to be, and what does the recovery look like in the near term?

What is the longer-term fallout on the economy, the markets, and society?

What profit opportunities will emerge from the rubble, and how do we seize them?

This conference is not about hunkering down... it’s about finding the bright spots and moving forward.

Order your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today and don’t miss a minute of what many attendees have called “the best investment conference in the world” —because this year, it will also be the most important one.

Watch 30+ hours of live online presentations and panel discussions from the comfort of your home and on any device... your laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

See our world-class faculty—including big names like Leon Cooperman, Niall Ferguson, Matt Ridley, Neil Howe, Jeff Saut, Barry Ritholtz, Ian Bremmer, Doug Kass, Felix Zulauf, and many more—present valuable data and analysis, in real time. (Click here for the full faculty list.)

You can even submit your most pressing questions during our Q&A sessions with the Virtual Pass holders.

And after the SIC is over, you’ll receive professionally prepared video and audio recordings with full transcripts and the complete slide shows our speakers used.

The middle of a crisis is not a comfortable place to be. Don’t miss the opportunity to get expert guidance on what to expect, how to protect your assets, and how to prosper in the months ahead.

Right now, you can attend at a fraction of the normal fee if you order today.

Get your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today!

Order Now for Only $795 $395

SIC 2020

The Aftermath of the Ultimate Black Swan Event A pandemic is one of the truly unpredictable trigger events for a major crisis. (Although, as you’ll see below, one man actually did predict it.) And the aftermath is no less uncertain. As Mark Grant, chief global strategist at B. Riley FBR and regular Mauldin Economics contributor, recently wrote: We are peering into the void, of the great unknown, and trying to make sense of an array of data that doesn’t fit any economic models, because we have never been here before, and we don’t know how to model for economic conditions that have never existed before, in anyone’s lifetimes. That’s why we have enlisted more than 35 world-renowned speakers who will share their research on what the future might bring and answer questions such as: What are the immediate and long-term effects of never-before-seen levels of Fed intervention in the economy and markets... and what are the implications for investors? Is what the Fed does really the equivalent of the much-maligned Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), as some financial experts say? Could it lead to rampant inflation or even hyperinflation? What will sky-high unemployment rates and small-business failures do to the US consumer economy? Are financial-sector stocks good buys right now? Have we left Kansas for good —that is, will we have to create new models for economic growth and survival? Is globalization dead? Will oil make a comeback from the abyss, or is the US and Canadian oil industry doomed? Is this a “buy the dip” or a “lose your shirt” scenario? This is just a small sampling of the burning issues our all-star faculty will discuss in five days of presentations and panels, from May 11–21, 2020. We’re still working out the final details, but we will hold five virtual panel sessions featuring foremost experts in their fields: PANEL “Monetary Policy & Debt” Panelists: Lacy Hunt, Jim Bianco, Sam Rines, Woody Brock Moderator: TBD For better or worse, the Federal Reserve and US Treasury essentially have merged, and the Fed has become the high-yield bond market. What will be the consequences, and is this the equivalent of Modern Monetary Theory? And with this quasi-bailout of Wall Street, who is minding Main Street? There is no doubt our monetary policy experts will have a lot to say about this. Global debt The US Government in Flux-Political Effects of the Crisis PANEL “The US Government in Flux—Political Effects of the Crisis” Panelists: David L. Bahnsen, Bruce Mehlman, Bruce Bartlett, Ben Hunt Moderator: Rob Arnott How is the way Congress has dealt with the COVID-19 crisis going to affect the outcome of the 2020 election? What will be the likely results? As we approach late fall, both sides of the aisle will try to control the narrative—how will this influence the five major swing states? And what policies will we see enacted after the election? The differing opinions of the political experts on our panel should make for an interesting discussion. PANEL “Re-Globalization and China’s Role in the World” Panelists: Jonathan Ward, Michael Pettis, Renè Aninao Moderator: Mark Yusko Global GDP growth sets the price for every commodity in the world. In the past decade, it has been driven by China, but it looks like that will no longer be the case. John Mauldin believes that we’ll see a “re-globalization.” So what will the new face of globalization look like, and will China still play a central role? Which countries will be the winners and losers in the new trade relationships? Re-Globalization and China';s Role in the World Europe in the Aftermath of COVID-19 PANEL “Europe in the Aftermath of COVID-19” Panelists: Charles Gave, Anatole Kaletsky, Felix Zulauf, George Friedman Moderator: Louis Gave Is COVID-19 creating a solvency crisis in Europe? At this point, interest rates are going up and smaller EU countries are coming under a great deal of crunch. The ECB has already refused to bail out Italy in a manner that would leave the country able to function. Will this be the final straw in the dissolution of the European Union? Knowing our panelists, this will be a matter of hot debate. PANEL “Returning to the New Normal” Panelists: John Mauldin Louis Gave, David L. Bahnsen Moderator: Karen Harris It is SIC tradition for John Mauldin to wrap up and sum up the conference with a group of faculty members, which are still to be determined. Topics will include: What will the pre-vaccine world look like in the next seven to eight months? And will the vaccine trials and production proceed fast enough? How high of an unemployment rate is the US going to face? How many small (and large) businesses will have disappeared for good? And how will humanity adapt to this “new normal”? We’re asking experts who think and live in the future for their take on the new tomorrow. Returning to the New Normal To many regular SIC attendees, these dynamic panels are the highlights of each conference. One caveat: Please note that all the speakers will give their presentations from a private setting, so there is a small possibility of the occasional technical issue. We are very grateful that these exceptional men and women agreed to hold this year’s SIC with us in this unusual format. Be sure to act fast so you don’t miss the opportunity to watch the Virtual SIC 2020 in real time, as it happens. Get your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today! Order Now for Only $795 $395 Get Live Expert Guidance from These Giants of Economics, Finance, and Politics When we approached our top-tier faculty with the idea to hold a virtual investment conference, the response was overwhelmingly positive. All of our presenters agreed that it was essential to carry on with the SIC and to provide investors with sound information in this time of uncertainty. Here are just a few of the SIC faculty members you’ll encounter with your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass: Speaker LEON G. COOPERMAN, CFA FOUNDER, OMEGA ADVISORS, INC. CHAIRMAN & CEO, OMEGA FAMILY OFFICE, INC. NEW YORK, NEW YORK Leon Cooperman is chairman and CEO of Omega Advisors, and one of the most successful investors of our lifetime. He is a shining example of the American dream, an active philanthropist, and a passionate defender of capitalism. He recently made the case for company bailouts in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to avoid a huge surge in unemployment... a topic he surely will tell us more about at the Virtual SIC 2020. Speaker IAN BREMMER PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, GZERO MEDIA Ian Bremmer is president and founder of GZERO Media. He hosts the weekly digital and broadcast show, GZERO World, where he explains the key global stories of the moment, sits down for an in-depth conversation with the newsmakers and thought leaders shaping our world, and takes your questions. Ian is also the president and founder of GZERO Media's parent company, Eurasia Group, the leading global political risk research and consulting firm. Speaker PETER H. DIAMANDIS, MD FOUNDER AND EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN, XPRIZE FOUNDATION EXECUTIVE FOUNDER AND DIRECTOR, SINGULARITY UNIVERSITY Peter Diamandis is an engineer, physician, and entrepreneur of outstanding ingenuity. He believes that we’ll see a complete transformation of the healthcare sector following the current crisis, with far greater roles for AI and telehealth. At the Virtual SIC 2020, he will elaborate on these visionary ideas. Speaker NEIL HOWE MANAGING DIRECTOR OF DEMOGRAPHY, HEDGEYE RISK MANAGEMENT Neil Howe is the managing director of demography at Hedgeye Risk Management, an independent financial research firm. As a historian and generational researcher, he co-authored the 1997 cult classic, The Fourth Turning, which listed a global pandemic as a possible trigger for a chain of events culminating in a major crisis. He sure will have a lot to say about the current turning and what it may lead to in the coming years. Speaker DOUG KASS PRESIDENT, SEABREEZE PARTNERS MANAGEMENT, INC. From 2001 to the present, Doug Kass has served as president of Seabreeze Partners Management, Inc.—an investment manager of Seabreeze Partners L.P. (until 2015) and currently a manager of separate accounts. From 1997 to 2001, Doug was the general partner of Kass Partners, Ltd, a private investment entity. Plus These Experts Who Will Share Their Insights at the Virtual SIC 2020 Here’s the full list of our presenters and panelists in alphabetical order (click on the images of the speakers to read their full bios): RENÈ JAVIER ANINAO MANAGING PARTNER CORBŪ LLC ROB ARNOTT FOUNDER AND CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD RESEARCH AFFILIATES DAVID L. BAHNSEN FOUNDER, MANAGING PARTNER & CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER THE BAHNSEN GROUP BRUCE BARTLETT AMERICAN HISTORIAN AND BESTSELLING AUTHOR ROSS BEATY FOUNDER AND CHAIRMAN PAN AMERICAN SILVER CORP. AND EQUINOX GOLD CORP. JAMES BIANCO PRESIDENT BIANCO RESEARCH WOODY BROCK PRESIDENT STRATEGIC ECONOMIC DECISIONS, INC. NIALL FERGUSON, MA, DPHIL MILBANK FAMILY SENIOR FELLOW, HOOVER INSTITUTION, STANFORD UNIVERSITY SENIOR FACULTY FELLOW, BELFER CENTER FOR SCIENCE AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS AT HARVARD JARED DILLIAN EDITOR THE DAILY DIRTNAP GEORGE FRIEDMAN FOUNDER & CHAIRMAN GEOPOLITICAL FUTURES LOUIS-VINCENT GAVE FOUNDING PARTNER AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER GAVEKAL RESEARCH CHARLES GAVE FOUNDING PARTNER AND CHAIRMAN GAVEKAL BARRY HABIB CEO MBS HIGHWAY KAREN HARRIS MANAGING DIRECTOR BAIN & COMPANY’S MACRO TRENDS GROUP BEN HUNT CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER AT SECOND FOUNDATION PARTNERS, AUTHOR OF EPSILON THEORY LACY HUNT EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT AND CHIEF ECONOMIST HOISINGTON INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT COMPANY ANATOLE KALETSKY FOUNDING PARTNER AND CHIEF ECONOMIST GAVEKAL LTD. MARIN KATUSA FOUNDER AND CEO KATUSA RESEARCH DAVID MCWILLIAMS TRINITY BUSINESS SCHOOL, TRINITY COLLEGE DUBLIN ADJUNCT ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF GLOBAL ECONOMICS BRUCE P. MEHLMAN FOUNDER AND CEO MEHLMAN CASTAGNETTI ROSEN & THOMAS MICHAEL PETTIS NONRESIDENT SENIOR FELLOW CARNEGIE-TSINGHUA CENTER FOR GLOBAL POLICY MATT RIDLEY AUTHOR, SPEAKER SAMUEL E. RINES DIRECTOR AND CHIEF ECONOMIST AVALON INVESTMENT & ADVISORY BARRY RITHOLTZ CO-FOUNDER, CHAIRMAN, AND CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER RITHOLTZ WEALTH MANAGEMENT LLC MICHAEL ROIZEN, M.D. CHIEF WELLNESS OFFICER THE CLEVELAND CLINIC DAVID ROSENBERG FOUNDER AND PRESIDENT ROSENBERG RESEARCH & ASSOCIATES JEFFREY SAUT CHIEF MARKET STRATEGIST AND ADVISORY BOARD MEMBER CAPITAL WEALTH PLANNING DR. JONATHAN WARD FOUNDER ATLAS ORGANIZATION GRANT WILLIAMS AUTHOR AND PUBLISHER, THINGS THAT MAKE YOU GO HMMM... CO-FOUNDER, REAL VISION CATHERINE D. WOOD CEO & CIO ARK INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT LLC MARK W. YUSKO CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND CHIEF INVESTMENT OFFICER, MORGAN CREEK CAPITAL MANAGEMENT, MANAGING PARTNER, MORGAN CREEK DIGITAL ASSETS IVY ZELMAN CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER ZELMAN & ASSOCIATES FELIX W. ZULAUF PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER ZULAUF CONSULTING TOM MILLER AUTHOR AND SENIOR ANALYST GAVEKAL RESEARCH Get your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today! Order Now for Only $795 $395 Agenda All times are in Eastern Time Zone (EDT) MONDAY MAY 11 WEDNESDAY MAY 13 FRIDAY MAY 15 TUESDAY MAY 19 THURSDAY MAY 21 11:00am – 11:10am Intro and Opening Remarks // John Mauldin 11:10am – 12:00pm David Rosenberg // Rosenberg Research 12:00pm – 12:10pm 10-Minute Break 12:10pm – 12:35pm Samuel Rines // Avalon Investment & Advisory 12:35pm – 1:00pm Lacy Hunt // Hoisington Investment Mgt, Co. 1:00pm – 1:30pm 30-Minute Lunch Break 1:30pm – 2:20pm Matt Ridley // Author, Speaker 2:20pm – 2:30pm 10-Minute Break 2:30pm – 2:55pm Bruce Bartlett // American Historian and Bestselling Author 2:55pm – 3:20pm Bruce Mehlman // Mehlman Castagnetti Rosen & Thomas 3:20pm – 3:30pm 10-Minute Break 3:30pm – 4:20pm PANEL: THE US GOVERNMENT IN FLUX—POLITICAL EFFECTS OF THE CRISIS David L. Bahnsen // Bruce Bartlett // Ben Hunt // Bruce Mehlman // Moderated by Rob Arnott 4:20pm – 4:30pm 10-Minute Break 4:30pm – 4:55pm Renè Aninao // CORBU Strategic Intelligence 4:55pm – 5:20pm Ben Hunt // Second Foundation Partners, Author of Epsilon Theory Recent Quotes from Our Blue-Ribbon Faculty 'The Fed is attempting to blow every dam that arises to stop the flow of credit. It has plenty more dynamite.' —Samuel Rines, Over My Shoulder, April 9, 2020 “Every step in the medical treatment train is being reinvented. [...] The result is a shift from sick care to healthcare —from a system that is retrospective, reactive, and generic, to one that is prospective, proactive, and personalized.” —Peter Diamandis, Medium, April 21, 2020 “But understand this —for good and for bad —the Fed’s balance sheet is headed to north of $7 trillion. That will not mean ‘actively intervening in the market.’ That will make them the market.” —David L. Bahnsen, Over My Shoulder, March 30, 2020 “I don’t think we will hit a new high anytime soon, anytime in the foreseeable future. [...] The only argument for that is the zero-interest-rate environment the Fed has created, but people have to understand that interest rates are where they are because it’s indicative of problems in the economy.” —Leon Cooperman, CNBC interview, April 13, 2020 “The developing market piece has not hit yet and is a very big problem. They don't have the health care systems; governance is more uneven than the US or Europe. You can't socially distance even if you want to. In Brazil, 25% of the population lives in slums and favelas. In India, Sub-Saharan Africa, a lot higher than that. Explosive outbreaks. Not only is the economic hit going to be worse, but also the ability to reintegrate into supply chains of the West.” —Ian Bremmer, GZERO Media, April 16, 2020 Get your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today! Order Now for Only $795 $395 Watch It All from a Safe Distance... For Just $795 $395 Ordering your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today will get you: Full, LIVE access to more than 30 hours of presentations and panels as they happen. Ask the speakers: Make your voice heard by asking the speakers questions during our live Q&A sessions. Submit a question with your SIC app and vote on the top questions from the audience. 30+ hours of video recordings: If you don’t have time to tune in live, don’t worry. You’ll receive video recordings of all the presentations that you can watch at your leisure, from the comfort of your home. MP3 audio recordings: You’ll also receive high-quality audio recordings you can listen to at any time, on any device. Presenters’ slide shows: Many of our speakers use slides to illustrate their presentations. We’ll make these available to you in easily accessible PDF format, so you can view key trends and data at your own pace. Full transcripts: Enjoy the SIC without having to take notes. The full transcripts that accompany your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass recordings allow you to skim through any presentation and revisit vital points at your convenience. The first transcripts will be posted within days after the conference ends. Please note that our SIC faculty will not be speaking from a professional studio setting but from their own homes and offices. So while we’ll do everything we can to ensure the Virtual SIC 2020 goes as smoothly as possible, please be patient if occasional technical issues arise. Because this year’s SIC is of such monumental importance, we are making your Virtual SIC 2020 Pass easy to order and as affordable as possible. If you order today, you can get your Virtual SIC 2020 for just $395—a fraction of what you would normally pay to attend. That includes the live stream (and your app) as well as all the video and audio recordings, slides, and transcripts. But don’t wait to order: In just a few weeks, this ultra-low price will expire, and the price for a Virtual SIC 2020 Pass reverts back to $795. YES, I want to order my Virtual SIC 2020 Pass today! This will be a conference for the history books! Instead of spending thousands to attend in person, I’ll only pay a fraction of the original price for a Virtual SIC 2020 Pass. Also, when I order before June 5, I’ll pay only $395 instead of the full list price of $795... another 50% savings. Shortly after I order my Virtual SIC 2020 Pass, I’ll receive a confirmation email. The actual login information and final agenda will be sent to me the day before the Strategic Investment Conference starts on May 11, 2020. My Virtual SIC 2020 Pass grants me real-time access to presentations and panels. Plus, after the Virtual SIC 2020 is over, I will receive professionally prepared video and audio recordings, full transcripts of the presentations, and the slide shows the faculty used for their presentations. Virtual SIC 2020 for $395.00 Account Access Already have an account? Log in Email Address * Email Address Please enter email to be used when accessing your subscription * Indicates Required fields Billing Information We Accept Name on Card * Name on card Card Number * Credit Card Number Expiration Month *Expiration Year *Security Code * * Indicates Required fields Billing Address Address * Address Address (continued) Country * City * City Postal Code Postal Code Phone *(required field for customer service contact) Phone * Indicates Required fields By submitting this order or request, you agree to our Terms & Conditions of Use. Questions? Need Help? Want to Order Over the Phone? Call us now at: (602) 626-3100 or (877) 631-6311 (for international callers) Mauldin Economics Copyright © 2020 Mauldin Economics, LLC. All rights reserved.
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Copyright © 2005-2021 Peter Burgess. All rights reserved. This material may only be used for limited low profit purposes: e.g. socio-enviro-economic performance analysis, education and training.