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Support Change in a Post-COVID-19 World ... Become a powerful force for change


Peter Burgess
Support Change in a Post-COVID-19 World ... Become a powerful force for change

Become a powerful force for change

NationofChange has made it a point not to sensationalize the COVID-19 crisis. Not because it isn’t an unprecedented threat to the world, but because, as horrible as the situation is, we face even greater threats when the crisis clears – if we don’t take this opportunity to redouble our efforts for change.

Don’t misunderstand us. The COVID-19 crisis is unlike anything we’ve seen in our lifetimes. We are facing a global economic meltdown. Our friends and neighbors are being laid off work and laid up sick. And many of us cannot afford treatment, because unlike every other major country on earth, we do not guarantee health care as a human right.

But when this crisis is over, we will still be on the brink of climate catastrophe, fear and racism will still dominate our justice system, the rich will still be getting richer while the poor get poorer, and our war-addicted nation will be one step closer to self-destruction.

And when the smoke clears after COVID-19, after business and government and communities have realized that the embedded, dysfunctional systems we have in place are not the only way, and that change is possible, the world will be in a position ripe for change. And that’s where NationofChange is focusing our energy.

Today marks the beginning of our Spring Fundraiser. We must raise $20,000 by April 1st to stay on the frontlines of progressive change.

We are doing everything we can in this difficult time to keep our staff paid and our services available. We are a small, nonprofit organization, and every word we write is paid for through the generous donations of readers like you.

So in this time, we ask that you stay healthy, heed the recommendations of the CDC and health officials, help your friends and neighbors to get through this difficult time, and support the critical work we do here to help pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Thank you for being a reader, an activist, and a decent human being.

Donna Luca
Donna Luca is the Board President of NationofChange. As an active philanthropist with over 25 years’ experience, her knowledge in educational and environmental causes fueled the idea of NationofChange. She knows how to motivate and inspire people into action.
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